• Yes, I do. 13 year olds are still children. Some of them have not even fully reached puberty at that age. I do not understand the hurry to want to rush into having sex. Sure, it seems like fun. But, sex is also a huge responsibility. It carries with it the possibility of pregnancy and serious disease. I hope kids learn to enjoy each age and stage of their lives. There is plenty of time for sex and relationships in the next few years. And remember, you're an adult for a very, VERY long time.
  • Well, I lost my virginity at 13, but now that I'm a parent, I can't imagine my kids getting involved in those kinds of activities at that age. It just seems too young. My childhood was different, though. My parent's weren't exactly the perfect example, and as a result, I did things that weren't necessarily right. I'm not sure I regret it, but certainly looking back, I can see how some people would think that it's too young.
  • In my opinion 13 years olds are still children. Children should not be having sex.
  • Yes i do i think you should wait if you are considering it
  • it is shocking that 13 year olds even entertain the idea of having intercourse.... i am glad i don't have kids
  • i think if you can try it but be careful have protection thats what i would do. and for everyone saying 13 is too young they shouldnt know about sex yet and stuff... these days 9 year olds know about sex everyone knows about it, its just a fact of knowing how to handle it
  • i am a guy, when i was 13 i thought it was a year too late. if i had kids though, especially a daughter, it is way to young. Advice to my kids about sex: "Son, there is a time and a place for's called college"..."Daughter, there is a time and a place for's called marriage"
  • Yes. It's correct 50 years ago and it will be correct 1 billion years from now.
  • The way people are raised these days, yes it is too young. Teenagers are supposed to have 'fun' and having a child at that age is not fun - which can be the end result. Back in the day when children stopped going to school before they were aged double digits and only living to the ripe old average age of 45 then that might have been the norm. Now people are living much longer and you can't even decide at the 'adult' age of 18 whether or not you can buy a beer. A teen who is 13 is in very few ways *mentally* ready for sexual related activities. I would hope the average 13 year old would not have to pray their sexual partner was not pregnant or have an STD, have to 'plan' on being a parent/adoption/etc. or have to take pills the rest of their life to deal with a disease. If a person is not ready to deal with these potential problems they are too young for sexually related activities. It's a shame many kids are not taught realistically what to expect as adults. The innocence of childhood is celebrated for too long, I think for many it's the 'ignorance' of childhood. You can be realistic without losing the wonder of the world. I'm sorry that sounds a bit cynical, but I was raised in the 'happily ever after' world and feel a bit dashed it's nowhere near how my life turned out. My new motto is 'hope for the best, plan for the worst'. :)
  • Of course it bloody is , what is happening to this World ?????????????
  • Unless your old enough to raise a child, your too young to have sex. No age limit; your choice.
  • Yes it's too young. Before you should have sex for the first time, you should be emotionally mature enough to handle it. If not, you can damage yourself emotionally (and mentally) for years to come.
  • I think 13 is definitely too young.
  • Yes I think this is correct. The only reason why a 13 yr old would even be interested in sexual related activities is cos of peer pressure. No 13 yr old would even think of doing stuff like that without being influenced. When I was 13 I was interested in dolls etc. Sex never even entered my head!!!
  • I believe it is too young! They should still be out playing outside! Not between the sheets! Plus what would they do if the girl got pregnant?!
  • I believe 13 is a very young age for sexual related activities. When someone is 13 they are still growing. Sex isn't something that they should participate in. They are way too young.
  • I don't think that 13 year olds have enough emotional maturity to deal with the flood of emotions that can accompany sex. That said, I realize that that isn't going to stop them. The best I can do is try to ensure that they play safely.
  • 13 is way too young. I doubt that Id even let my daughter date until she is older than this. Reason? At 13, its our job as parents to protect our children, not let them to dumb things that will permanantly scar or even ruin their lives. At 13, they are not old enough or mature enough to make those kinds of descisions. Sex is best left to marriage.
  • I think I will add a bit more to my answer. If the dad is spending good quality time with his daughter, the daughter will be more likely not to be looking for sex or even a relationship at this age. Little girls need the love of their daddies. If they dont get it, they will go looking for it somewhere else. When I hear of a little girl of this age having sex, i suspect more often than not that its because they didnt get the attention and love that they needed from their dad.
  • I have to say I was 14 when I first had sex, and I had no idea what was actually going on. My boyfriend at the time(he was 14) managed to convince me of it, and I really didn't know what was happening until afterwards. Thirteen is definitely way too young. Sex isn't something anyone under the age of 18 should do, but it happens all the time.
  • Thinking back to when I WAS thirteen, yes. I wasn't ready for it - I knew two girls who, by that age, had gotten abortions. There's a lot involved with making a mature decision to have sex, and I honestly don't think that anyone at that age is ready to weigh out EVERYTHING (birth control, possible STD's, contraception, foreplay) without giggling first. Then again, kids these days are a lot more mature than we give them credit. I plan on having the "talk" with my daughter long before she hits thirteen - hopefully honesty helps her make better decisions.
  • Well, I'll voice the unpopular opinion and say no. While I think a 13 year old shouldn't be having sexual intercourse, I don't think it's too young for sexual related activities. Masturbation for instance, is something that starts in toddlerhood and I don't think it's healthy to be discouraging a teen to continue to explore thier own body, I think it sends the wrong message that sexual pleasure is bad and wrong, which it is not. Also some might consider sexual education a sex related activity, after all when I was in high school we passed around all sorts of contraceptives, put condoms on Bananas and other things and had a real "hands on" education (so to speak). All of the above things I consider Sexual related activites and none I consider wrong for a 13 to participate in. I also think it's important for a 13 year old to be able to talk openly about sex and sexuality with trusted people, such as parents, and no 13 will do so if they are constantly told that sex is bad, they are too young and to leave it alone.
  • Yes its definatly too young. I made the mistake of doing it at 12 and ended up a father.
  • Yes its definatly too young. I made the mistake of doing it at 12 and ended up a father.
  • 13 is unbelievably tooo young to even think of sexual related activities!! i'm 16 and i still think i'm too young!!! it puts a huge strain on you, and your partner and at 13 you shouldnt even have someone that you are that serious with!!! be a kid, dont try to grow up to fast. i'm 16 and have many guy friends, and i love hanging out with them, but none of them nor am i mature enough for that kind of jump, neither is a 13 year old.
  • I agree with you.
  • I dont know what you mean, but regardless if I want a 13 year old to engage in sexual related activities, they do. I think kids play spin the bottle and test the sexual boundaries all the time. I can object to it all I want but turning a blind eye to it,isnt going to make it go away. I really dont know what the answer is anymore with kids. All a person can do is guide them, eduacate them and hope for the best. Of course abstinance is the answer but will it be honored anymore, I dont know.
  • Of course it's too young. At 13 you are not ready for the consequences that could follow.......children!
  • I think that 13 year olds are not emotionally mature enough to handle the flood of emotions that sex can release.
  • It depends on the child, the culture, etc. People used to be married around the age of puberty, but they were supposedly monogamous in many cultures. Nowadays, serial monogamy is the norm and kids think they're ready until they have to deal with the consequences. Granted, most of those breakups would be messy enough, but sexuality adds in biochemical components to the mix. If they're just going for "no strings attached" sexual activity, well, I don't think that most kids are old enough to know how to handle that (and whether it's wrong or right is another discussion) but you can't very well say that something's true everyone when it comes to emotions. There are laws concerning statutory rape for a reason, so the law agrees with you.
  • 13 is absolutely an age where people should not be having sex anywhere, anytime.
  • Yes, the mind is still in development, puberty has just begun. Leave the sexual demons for later in life, when you can cognitively comprehend why it is you want to sleep with this person...
  • I really think that people should wait until they are 18 and have graduated high school, once you are out of school, I think you are classified as an adult, and then you can screw up your life by having sex and getting pregnant.
  • I sure do. A 13 year old is just entering puberty and they don't have the mental, emmotinal, pyshical, finacial, or social readiness to deal with all the asspects of sex including the consequences of it. In fact they don't even understand that there are any consequences.
  • In my honest opinion, no one should have sex until they're married... <shrug> but everyone lives their own lives... At the age of 13, I don't think anyone should be having any kind of sexual relations because this is around the time when most kids are just entering puberty, and the change in thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and the physical changes, begin to more thoroughly define who we are... Besides, there are other consequences: children, premature emotional attachments, STDs... Its just not right!
  • Way too young. I was 19. I cannot imagine what my sister went through starting at 15.... she cried for days it was a mistake, she knows she was too young. My other sister started at 17 and just recently miscarried, it was extremely hard on her, not to mention the guy turned out to be a complete loser, and a pathological liar. They didn't deal well with the complications of sex at 15 and 17. They both had miscarriages before they were 18. One at six months along, the other at 3 months. It is psychologigically disparaging. Especially for someone so young. I think the complications would be nearly indemnifying for someone younger. I do know a girl who became a mother at a younger age. She was 11 when she had a baby. She wasn't doing well last I heard. CPS was threatning to take the baby, she had to quit school, she was living in a run down apartment and her boyfriend ( the child's dad) was beating her and everything. I don't think anyone should have to deal with such things. I know that as young as she was that things were harder on her than they would've been for someone older who had finished school (could work a job to support herself)and who's psychological and emotional evelopment were further along. I really think that people should wait at least until they are 18, or married. Anything earlier than 17 is just asking for it. Thirteen is way too young. It is my opinion and I derive this opinion from first hand observations.
  • Yeah that's too young! I lost my virginity when I was 23! =)
  • I have to agree. 13 is too young. What's the hurry anyway?
  • i would simply like to point out that the age of puberty is different in every case and in some girls can start at 8. now i must redeem myself. yes 13 is too young. i only started at 18 because of a bad situation that only got worse. i wish i hadnt started so soon. and im a guy, i can only imagine what girls go through when they make the decision to start.
  • I agre 1,000 percent that 13 is way to young to be even thinking about have sex. A 13 year old is still a child and children don't have sex.
  • I have a 13 year old daughter, and I would be very upset if she was having sex right now she is not responsible or mature enough right now.
  • Yes i know from personal expierience that 13 year olds shouldnt be left to make decisions about that stuff. I did when i was 13 and now im 16 and regret it dearly. but i can say that i've learned from expierence and wont jump into things like that again for a while a long, long while...
  • Your so right. The risks of STD's is scary enough and then pregnancy. A kid raising a kid? Wheres the childhood there? At 13 your life has really still just begun and to have a child to carry round the whole time is just so wrong. 14 is to young too. Your spinning yourself a very tangled web.
  • 13 is way too young to have sex, as long has you under 18 you are considered a child.
  • Are you 4 reals...13 is way to young to do any kind of "NASTY"'s not that they can't but do kids that age even know what the hell they're even doing. Yo if I knew someone this age and they were thinking about "Doing It"...I'd just make them babysit for a whole weekend!!! 13 year olds out there...stay away from sex...just think babies babies babies!!!
  • 13 year olds should be playing with Barbie dolls, G I Joes and studying hard to be a successful adult. Kids are in such a big hurry to grow up but don't have the brain maturity to make the right choices. (Neither do their parents sometimes) Like Dr. Phil says "you've got to get real!!!"
  • Of course 13 is too young to have sex or any sexualy related activities. I think that if your mature enough to deal with the consequences.... as in have the $$ and brains to raise a kid, then ok. I dont know anyone under the age of 20 with the brains of $$ to do that, so why put yourself in risk? At 13 years of age, your still a child, with little sence of consequences, little life experince, no understanding of finacial trouble, no knowledge of sexuality transmitted diseases... etc. 13 years old having sex is just plain stupid.
  • Way too young!!! I think at that age people are not yet EMOTIONALLY ready to engage in such activities.
  • Even by MEDIAEVAL law 13 is too young. Granted, by 13 puberty has hit, and these kids are about the age where they discover all those yummy new feelings that make a previously dirt-crusted boy spend 45 minutes in the shower daily... but that does not by ANY means imply they should be sharing that amongst each other. Sexuality takes time to develop. The space between 13 and adulthood (whenever that may hit) is too precious a span of time to lose -- it should be spent exploring oneself, and ones options and desires... and when adulthood has come, THEN the opportunity may arise.
  • No I do not, because we've been having sex at that age for millions of years now. And there's got to be some reason we're biologically able to reproduce at that age.
  • It's way too young. I don't condone it until bare minimum of 18 if not older.
  • i belive feel that they should grow up quickly and when they do do it they have no idea that it is easy tell convice them think that they are the special one in that manor womens life
  • 13 is definitely too young. I think the youngest you should do it is 15 or 16.
  • I don't believe someone of that age is mature enough to be responsible enough to handle sexual related activities with others. Although self exploration is not uncommon at that age.
  • It depends on the individual and when they feel ready. I was ready for sex at ten.
  • Even though children are reaching puberty earlier than previous generations, this doesn't make them mature enough or responsible enough to be engaging in sexual activities. I have a co-worker who was warned by her 13 year old's principal that many children who attend their school are having sex at this age. Both parents work, so the children are home alone after school. Needless to say, my co-worker is worried out of her mind now.
  • hell no
  • Your only a kid for few years, be a kid before you turn into an adult. Live your young life first.
  • well ithnk it is to young unfortunately 13yr old girls are growing up thinking its kool to have sex young espeically with an older man these girls dont know what it is going to happen having a baby young and diseases not jus young women but the young guys too
  • 13 year old are children and sex is an adult's not okay in my book. (though i did lose my virginity at
  • Yes in my opinion 13 is a way too young age to be having sex but I cant really say what age I think is actually the "right one". My advice is just that when you really, really want to have sex with someone (it doesn´t matter if you´re in love with the person or not just as long as you really feel like doing it and are smart enough to use a rubber) then do it. To hell with what other people think and tell you, just do what you feel like!
  • 13 is too young, most definately. I wasn't even thinking about sex when I was 13.... then again, i was a nerd :P
  • 13, Is ABSOLOUTLEY TOO YOUNG ! For any sexual related activity. At that age you dont even have a grasp of the meaning of loving someone other than your mother and father. You are mentally , emotionally , and physically too young for sex.Take the time to develop in all 3 categories and wait for the right person.It;s something you can only give away once and you'll never want to regret it. This is a descision only the individual can make parents have no control over a 13 year olds mind.Only themselves and thier peers can make that mark.Take it into serious consideration it's a scary step for a 13 year old child
  • way too young, you need to wait at least 5 or 6 years. you will be happy you waited. its a regrettable thing
  • Yes, I think that unless you are ready to be in a relationship like marriage, can raise and support a child, and have the emotional and mental maturity to cope withe what life can throw at you when all these things go wrong, you shouldn't be 'playing' with sex. It isn't an extra-curriculum of childhood. It is a very serious and sacred responsibility. I don't see kids thinking at all about responsibilities when they think sex, only personal selfish feelings. When you are ready to not think of sex as a selfish "what's in it for me" manner, then maybe you are ready to have sex.
  • Well I'm 13 yrs old and my boyfriend is 14 and we've have had sex though i know it was not the best choice for me and untill I have my children and so on I would say it's ok to, but you need to be careful about what you do.
  • That depends upon the 13 year old, and your definition of "sexual related activities". I was certainly into kissing when I was 13, and I don't think that it scarred me for life. On the other hand, I have yet to meet a 13 year old who is truly emotionally ready for oral/anal/vaginal sex.
  • i think they are WAY too young. I started having sex when i was 14 and that was crazy! young kids like that have no idea what htey are getting themselves into, and would have no way of supporting a child because they are still one. They haven't even begun to make them a future and if they have children it's going to make it even harder for them to achieve one.
  • 13 IS to young for sexual related activities. I had sex at 13 - Just to stop the teasing of being called a virgin. And that fact that I "knew it ALL" at 13 (now at 35 I don't know anything to my 12 year old Hmmm) Now, I make sure I tell my daughter that being a virgin is a GOOD thing and that the people who usually tease are virgins themselves!
  • i think it is too young because due to some minors not fully developed at that age engaging in sex could tear some areas beyond repair and cause pain.
  • i agree with you 200 trillion% lol. 13 is way too young to engage in sexual activities: 1.because a child of that age cannot handle the emotional consequences is a gift from God which should strictly be practised between married individuals of which i strongly doubt a 13 year old is 3.the physical activity involved during sex can damage a child of that age
  • ya bc nobody at that age is ready to have a child so they need to keep their legs closed
  • I would agree with that. Why, because 13 is too young to be married, or to raise children, or to deal with STD's, or to deal with the headaches that come along with sexual promiscuity. Besides, no matter who you are God has made someone who is perfect for you, so there's no need to "practice" when you're still a kid. Just focus on being a kid already!
  • I think its way too young. why? because a 13 year old is still a child...way to young to deal with the responsibility of being sexualy active. not to mention, with the absitinence based education thats being taught in our schools...people are not educated on protecting themselves...the last thing a 13 year old needs is to find herself pregnant with a raging case of chlamydiya.
  • Although I lost my virginity at 14 I think that I was wayyy to young to be having sex. My best advice is to cherish your childhood and stay young as long as possible. Growing up is not near as great as it seems when your in middle school, and a 13 year old should never have to worry if they are going to get pregnant or an STD. Just have fun flirt with your classmates but save sex for college ;)
  • At 13 you are still a child and should NOT even be thinking of have sex.
  • Yes, 13 is way too young to possibly get pregnant.
  • it up to the individual that is goin to have sex if you do it then make sure there is protection involved but if you dont want to then dont do it i lost mine at 14 now wish i didnt cause i have lost a child ova it(male by way)
  • is to early for sex but look at girls to day 13 years old can be largest as 30 years old women body same but mentality is so young, sex may 13 years old girls can do same job at 30 years old, but legally this is rung 13 years old must be 13 years old
  • Yes I do. I had sex when I was 13 and regretted it tons. Its kids having sex tbh.
  • I definately think 13 is too young. I'm 16 and I think I'm too young. I don't think at 13 you can really understand what you're doing, or make a decision that big. Anyone you'd be having sex with at that age wouldn't be someone responsible enough to trust your feelings or your body with. I hate thinking that kids have sex so young. Some of my friends were pretty young, and they either alrady regret it or I can see them regreting it in the future.
  • We believe it's your personal choice and that it's up to you, but also don't be pressured into doing something you don't want to do. Also, remember that it's against the law to have sex under the age of 16.
  • 13 is too young. when i was 13, sexual activities didn't even cross my mind. now a days, it's so god danm hard for people to just wait. wut the hell is all the rush. trust me, when u get older, u'll be sexually active, if not, i give u more props to u. but 13 is way to young. study on school work
  • No one should have sex unless they are ready and willing to have a child and in my opinion, no 13-year-old is ever going to be ready to have a child. They aren't even old enough to have a job to support the child.
  • Puberty is nature's way of letting your body know it's time to start procreating. The problem is, society has decided that just because it's the natural thing to do doesn't mean we should do it. It's really all about the individual person. No two people mature at the same rate mentally and emotionally no matter what our bodies are ready for biologically. Some people say that a person 13 years of age is still a child. I can remember when, once you were a teenager, you were considered a young adult and it was time to start learning about life. This included the sexual aspects of life. Don't forget, there was a time when, if a young woman wasn't married and having children by the age of 15 or 16, she was considered a spinster. I personally think we do your young adults a disservice by trying to keep them children forever. We drill into their heads that they are children and too young to learn about certain things until they are 18 and then we say "Okay. You're 18. You're on your own good luck. Sorry about all the things I didn't teach about because I thought you were too young to know." Here is an excellent article on the age of sexual consent that may surprise a lot of people: As far as answering your question: as I said, it's really up to the 13 year old. As long as he or she is well educated and is taught all the consequences, I say let nature take it's course.
  • yes its way to young why ? the law prohibits it and its just sick to think of to 13 years olds getting at it thats just wrong not a nice mental photograph. thats my view.
  • of course is it, at 13: for some people even 21 and 31 are too young because they are immature, irresponsible do not use their brains but breasts and penises with which to 'communicate' Your body, emotions, educational level, danger of pregnancy and STDs not to mention setting yourself or the other person up for a huge crash/let-down ought to postpone genital activity for a lot longer. Physical maturity today is faster than in then 1950, but emotional maturity is delayed much longer. Save it for the right time, right person and right moral compass to gudie your decision. " A prick has no conscience" and a presume whatever the same is for females' hormonal imbalances!
  • yes, most thirteen year olds are neither physically or mentally ready for something as indepth as sexual intercourse.
  • 13 yr. olds are not emotionally developed mentally & emotionaly enough to realize the dangers and consequences of having sex.
  • I know two things: That thirteen year olds generally don't fully understand the implications of their actions, and that something as trivial as sex is often exaggerated and made to seem somehow important or difficult to handle. Hey, if thirteen year olds want to have sex or do sexual stuff with eachother, there's nothing really wrong with that, as long as they have a physical urge to. I don't see how they wouldn't be able to handle it emotionally. Nowadays, kids can take things like that a lot easier than kids could in the past (I'm guessing, based on what I've heard from people). I think that by the time they get the physical urge to have sex, they probably can handle it emotionally just fine.
  • educate them early and they will (generally) make the right choices for themselves, if they know that there are concequences to their actions they are less likely to a child who repeatedly falls off of their bike, they eventually learn they dont like the not saying to traumatize the children but defiantly make sure thye know what can happen to them and the demands it puts on them in ALL aspects of life, given all that i dont think ANY 13 year old 15 year old or most 18 year olds could handle that.
  • WHY god's you should not have sex until you are marriage. why not-it is a sin
  • yes, i agree. 13 is to young. i was 12 when i first had sex, terrible. i don't know what would be the projected age of where it would be ok, but now that i am a parent, i hope my kids are not going to take the same path i did and hopefully not at 13. what would i have done if the girl would have gotten pregnant when i was 12??? 13 is not any better. i don't know 16 with a drivers license??? i am pretty sure no one is waiting for marriage any more.
  • In western civilization, I agree that 13 is too young for sexual related activities. Why? Because 13 year olds in this society are simply not ready for sex emotionally.
  • It depends on the individual. A lot of 13-year-olds are more mature and capable than people in their 20's and 30's. And then a lot of 13-year-olds will always be infantile and irresponsible, no matter what age they grow to be.
  • Anyone who is ready for sexual activities in every way, is ready. Does emotional maturity occur at 2:17pm on the day of your 13th birthday? No. There is no definite moment that someone "bing!" acquires maturity and responsibility. So when someone genuinely feels they are ready, and they want to, then they are ready.
  • I believe it is incorrect to label and restrict people based on a number.
  • Romeo and Juliet were 12-13 years old. If they were old enough to die for each other, are they old enough to love, care, and have an intimate relationship with each other? Also, why does your belief matter? Your life is up to you, and other people's life is up to them. Would you ever in a million years place your private, personal belief onto somebody else?
  • yes it is to be having sexual relationships and activities and some people are just fast and thats the way they are
  • Yes, 13 year olds arent emotionally or physically mature enough to handle sex. What if they get pregnant? Life after that is very difficult. Children shouldnt be having sex. I dont blame schools or parents by themselves. I blame the media and our country itself. Look at the people kids see everyday on MTV, in Seventeen, or even just on commercials and bildings. Sex sells. And we as a society have been introduycing it to children at younger ages each year. I'm 24, I think back and realize I knew about sex when i was in 5th or 6th grade. Thats wayyyyy too young. I couldnt even drive yet or cook my own food and I knew what sex was.

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