• This is a very hard question to answer, because there is no proof or evidence of their connection with Jesus, and this can be considered pseudo-history. But I will answer your question with the historic facts first and then the theories. What I can say for sure is that the Merovingian Kings ruled parts of the areas occupied today by Germany and France from the 5th to the 8th century (around 300 years). It is also historically correct that most of the European monarchs from the middle ages until today are somewhat descendants of Merovingian lineage. What is only a mith or ancient heresy, is the theory that says that they were direct descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. It is also said that they were the protectors of the Holy Grail and also that the Roman Church killed all the remnants of their dinasty. But all these are just esoteric miths that one way or another are connected with the creation and foundation of most of the important secret sociaties known to date.
  • Unfortunately, at this time, there can be no solid answer for your question. However, there has been much debate over the years. Theoretically, IF Jesus married Mary Magdelane and had children, the Merovingians probably would have been descendants. I'm sorry I can't give you a better answer. I can add that if you want some additional information on the subject two of the best sources I know of are: 1. Gabriel Knight III Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned I know it's only a computer game, but it goes into a lot of the (theoretical) history and is quite interesting. 2. Holy Blood, Holy Grail This book is all theory, but goes into detail about the Holy Grail legends, Merovingian lineage, and French countryside. The French phrase "san greal" means holy grail, but if you move one letter, you get "sang real" which means royal blood. And thus a huge debate began over whether the vessel of Christ was a cup or his descendants. So, to sum up: If you believe all the theories, then yes, the Merovingians are descended from Christ. If you want some kind of scientific proof (DNA or whatever) you're probably not gonna get it. Hope this helps some :D
  • How could they be descendants of Jesus? The Merovingians were kings of the Franks, a pagan German tribe living outside of the Roman Empire, thousands of miles away from the Middle East. The first mention of the Franks is in the third century AD, 250 years after Jesus. They were pagans until the fifth century. The first Merovingian king to be baptised a Christian was Clovis (reigned 481 - 511). The idea that they could be descended from Jesus is absurd.
  • From a theological point of view the idea of Jesus and Mary Magdelane is completely absurd. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Jesus had any descendants. The idea is blasphemous as well as ludicrous. Jesus was the Savior, the Messiah, without sin, Holy, Perfect, pure and without temptation. He was not a carnal, natural man, but the Creator, the Son of God and therefore was without fleshy desires (if He was just a "lusty" man who liked women, then what’s all the fuss about?). The Merovingians are thought to have been a tribe of Germanic/French people who rose to notoriety around 450-987 AD (give or take a couple of hundred years) after defeating the Gaul, certainly not Jewish and definitely not the sons of God. They are touted by many (coo coo for cocoa puffs?) to be the descendants of Atlantis, secret protectors of the holy grail (Indiana Jones "last crusade"?), the descendants of the Knights Templar, creators of the lock Ness Monster (through evil and dark secret spells no doubt), progenitors of the coming "anti-christ", the lost Jewish tribe of Dan, future rulers of the World, the ancestors of "Vlad the Impaler" (Count Dracula), "sorcerer kings" or "thaumaturge", the right hand of Satan’s Red Dragon Society, the first warlocks and witches, the fathers of Nazi Germany’s secret plans for domination, maybe even space aliens who knows. All because Leonardo Da Vinci painted a Woman in his version of the Last supper.
  • I answered the question the other day in another section "Did Jesus ever have sex?" I am copying part of that answer here, because it is relevant: The nature of His existence and His mission on earth would seem to preclude marriage or family for Him. He Himself made the case that marriage was appropriate for some and not for others, according to the gift and calling of God. Children born to Him would have been problematic, He being a true God-man (Yes, I believe that one of Mary's eggs was fertilized supernaturally by the Spirit of God. No, there's nothing salacious about that.). Children would have also compromised His position of the last king of the lineage of David. Surely He knew sexual temptation, among all the others He overcame, but the occasion of it is never revealed. There's just no good reason to imagine Jesus as anything but celibate, other than to write sensationalistic best-sellers and take swipes at His Divine nature.
  • This is not to refute correct answers, merely to discredit the notion that simply because Clovis was the first Christian king of the Merovingians that a Jew could not have been one of their ancestors. Yes, Jesus was a Jew, for those of you unfamiliar with his history. Also, just because a person's parents were Christian does not mean they would accept the faith. St. Augustine of Hippo was not originally a Christian, having had several mistresses during his lifetime, even having a son with one of them, but he had a christian mother. While some may say, "True, but he converted later," Yes, this is true, but he also had a bastard son. the likelyhood of this son becoming a Christian is low. So, Christian's need not necessarily have Christian children.
  • Jesus had a baby with mary magdelane named sarah and the prory of sion (a secret society) kept descendents of jesus real and the reason no documents existed is because the catholic church didnt not like that jesus left the starting of the church and the cathloics went on crusades and burned all documents. the documents were acutally used to make the bible yet they edited them to there likings.
  • Jesue said it himself. My Kingdom is not of this world. If it were I would have had my disciples fight and deliver me from the hands of the Jews. So why would he consumate a devine dynasty of Kings on earth? This theory is for the godless and faithless. Those who await the Kingdom of God on earth find this concept idiotic.
  • History Channel had a show regarding the relationship of the Merovingian Dinasty and Jesus because of the " Da Vinci Code" brouhaha. He went all the way to Israel to meet up with and Israel tribe that supposed to be Jesus' Tribe. He took some of their DNA and compared it with the DNA extracted from the bones of one of the Merovingian kings. The DNA samples were tested by one of the most prestigious DNA laboratories ( Universities?)in Belgium. The result was: There is NO, repeat NO middle Eastern's DNA in the Merovingian king's DNA. The Merovingians have PURE EUROPEAN DNA. Not a smitten Middle Eastern's DNA at all!! CASE CLOSED.
  • I know this thread is over a year old, but does anyone realize that when they quote the new testament, they are basically quoting the Pauline church...founded by Paul... who didn't even know Jesus! There was a second church in Jerusalem carried on by relatives of Jesus, but after Rome got in the mix, they discarded them and had them killed. Rome used "christianity" as a tool to control. Not because they were firm believers of Jesus being the Son of God. They have altered the text, which is only obvious by it being written "Jesus of Nazareth" when Nazareth wasn't even a town in the days of Jesus. For it to be correct, it would be read "Jesus THE NAZARENE" The nazarenes being a sect of the Essenes. Seriously people, if you're going to use the bible as your only argument, its going to be proven wrong over and over again. The Roman church wants Jesus to be portrayed as God, when he was a rabbi, an essene, and fully human. If you're going to believe he was GOD...Then you are very gullible. How can man be God? And look into all the other "saviors" in "religious history" Krishna of India, Mithra of Persia, Esus of the Celtic Druids, Thammuz of Syria, just to name a few. Jesus' story was not his alone. Its a god story told over and over, before Jesus even existed. Do your research. And when it comes to being Merovingians.. its completely possible, if you look at Jesus being human, not God. He was a jewish rabbi, which law would make him have to be married. Having children is fundamental to jewish life. And if you research the benjamite tribe, and the merovingians, that gives another possible explanation.
  • For someone whom heretics claim didn't exist or wasn't God if he did, Jesus sure is popular. Even interbreeding royalty, after trashing him, and Rome, after killing him, have claimed him as one of their own.

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