• I agree with you totally there. I have even been accused of being rude and out of order because I have insisted on complaining. I don't get upset I just firmly state my complaint and I persist until I do get to someone who will help me.
  • I agree with you totally there. I have even been accused of being rude and out of order because I have insisted on complaining. I don't get upset I just firmly state my complaint and I persist until I do get to someone who will help me.
  • ... far too many complaint departments make you feel like this ... .
  • There's ways to complain constructively and intelligently, then there's downright whining and nitpicking. Also, I think everyone complains enough, but not to the right people. We're all good at bitching about our jobs and what we don't like with one another, but nobody goes and talks to the boss about it. :/ Well yeah, it's a given that even with a decent complain aimed maturely, a lot won't be listened to and ridiculed by people who just can't be bothered to do their job, but also let's face it, a lot of stuff people complain about is a wuss imperative. Depends what context and what you're specifically complaining about, but despite social futility and lack of power to do much of anything even for the just cause, I do find it annoying and frustrating that for the most part, all people can do IS complain, especially those who's complaints deserve to be heard and dealt with.
  • I try never to complain unless I have a potential solution to my problem. At that point I try to reason with the person in authority over my problem. I am keenly aware, though, that those in sufficient authority to help actively seek to insulate themselves from complainers.

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