I hate to say it but i seen tv shows and thats like alien stuff. they were watching you or whatever. i dunno. wikipedia alien abduction and go from there. good luck.
Creepy....what happened?
If I told you I've seen more than a white light would you believe me? Well ... I have, not joking either.
well i don't know about aliens but i'd be kinda freaked to go to bed better bring the dog with you again lol, might be a ghost encounter i believe that more than aliens, i suggest asking it what it wants if it happens again and for from there good luck
A mummy
Most likely one of three things. 1) Severe dream (any tramatic events recently?) 2) Sleep paralysis (have you had feelings of visitations or out of body experiences in the past?) 3) There was something there that can not be explained. I don't think you are joking, but you mentioned freezing up, and not able to scream while seeing something. These are VERY common with sleep paralysis. It's a state where the mind is semi aware of what is around the person, but you are unable to react to anything around you. I have a friend that has had this since childhood, and now that he understands it, he's able to cope with it. It's also very common to have a feeling of being out of body, as well as being abducted or moved against your will.
I've had those sort of dreams. I used to have the "falling" dreams as a kid. Very creepy feeling.
If it were to happen more than once, I think you should have your eyes checked. I saw flashing lights, like lightening, for a day...called the doctor's office and was told to get there immediately..within an hour I had laser surgery done to my left eye. Seeing bright lights could be an indication of something serious going on with your eyes. :)
Ask your grandma about her experience perhaps to shed light on yours.
either sleep paralysis or something unexplainable yet. is it just a light? do you see any figures? has it happened more than once?
not sure what that would be, maybe its lightning
A classic episode of sleep paralysis perhaps?
i have no idea
it might be coming from outside
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