• She needs to leave him and go to see a lawyer. If she has access to the bank account, have her start draining the cash into some other account that her hubby doesn't know about. Tell her to liquidate everything she can and put it into her own account. Then once her war chest is full, she walks out on Mr. Control Freak and calls a lawyer to sue for the rest of it.
  • The laws in Mexico are very different in some areas than they are over here. Maybe do some research online? Sorry I could not be more helpful but I have a co-worker who went through it and she had to come here to obtain her divorce.
  • If they were married in The US, the laws of Mexico do not apply. Well except fot the one that says you cannot marry another individual wihtout being divorced. And yes US marriages count over there. If married in Mexico, she needs to call the Mexcian consulate to help guide her with the next step on how to obtain a divorce. Usually this will involve hiring a lawyer over there.

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