Not that much after all the big Guns are gone.
I think there are! I watch professional boxing sometimes though I have mixed views.Imran Khan is very popular in England at the moment and is doing well,so I watch his progress quite a lot.
I am. I think I could kick ASS if I got into shape....and learned to punch properly...and had the time....
Not even a little. I used to love it. The corruption and alphabet soup of organizations/titles drove me away. I'd rather watch a show about boxing history, Jack Johnson, Jack Dempsey, Marciano, Robinson, Louis, Ali, etc. than watch a championship bout these days.
Not much anymore, but at one time I was a huge fan in my youth. I boxed in a local club in my teens.
I never was. Watching two people beat the crap out of each other is not my idea of entertainment.
My friend is and his friend is and he's 3rd in the world thats high school level though
Hate to admit it, but yes. I do like to watch the boxing
It lost all its thunder when Dick Lane quit announcing the fights on Channel 5 in Los Angeles.
i love it its my second favoroute sport (my fav being rugby) but i preefer the older classics to the newer boxers but it still love the fights i was in tears wen ricky hatton got beat lol dont like havin to pay 15 bar on the box office to watch it tho
I have started watching Ultimate Fighting instead. Now those guys are Crazy.
Boxing is a science that is invisible to most It is more than the twitching of fibers greater than flesh being beat until you've stepped into the ring and felt the butterflies, there is only romance
I am very interested in Boxing and have been for the last 27 years ( and before that too).
Yes I love professional boxing. In fact I like Amateur boxing too.
Boxing in my opinion is the best sport in the world. It saddens me everytime I hear someone say that they used to be boxing fans but not anymore because there are so many good fighters with so much potential out there right now. If they had the same chances and opportunities to shine like some of the older fighters had I believe boxing would be back on the map
The issue is corruption in boxing, which is what is driving fans away from the sport, just last year alone how many of the big matches were staged and robberies, it's sad.
I will always be a boxing fan. It's down a little bit, but I blame promoters more than I do fighters. There are a lot of fights out there that need to happen, soon. I think that's why the UFC has surpassed it.
Not after seeing Rocky half retarded in the movie lol.
Yep Always have been always will
If ESPN or another non-pay per view channel broadcast more fights, I would watch. I thought the USA Network's Tuesday Night Fights back int he 1990's were great. Now I don't know who the top fighters are, ESPN shows some lower level fights on ESPN2 and the news rarely shows any fight highlights.
i still love boxing hate mma
I am, I still watch it, though there are few fighters grabbing my attention at the moment.
how can i become a boxer
I am, I am, I am! (shouted with gusto) All hail Nicolay Valuev. go get em you huge boxing thing you. I like to watch any of the heavy weights, oh hell i just love boxing.
It is popular all over the world. UFC is popular mainly in the USa but not much in the rest of the world.
probably but im not one of them
It is much more interesting to me than professional wrestling or UFC.
We need some more "colorful" boxers like Ali and Sugar Ray to perk up the sport and interest.
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