• Every excuse in the world has been given for a rear-end auto crash. the basic traffic law in every state, says that if you rear-end a vehicle, in an auto crash, its your fault. there are exceptions: chain reaction crashes, ice on the road, and if the vehicle in front backs into you auto. you are responsible for having your vehicle under control at all times. also, careless driving is now being applied to drivers using a cell phone, while driving, if they violate the law. end
  • I guess if automobiles did not come equipped with sun visors and sunglasses had not been invented, then yes, maybe the sun shining in ones eyes would be a defense in a rear end collision.
  • Ice is an excuse because it is the city's job to make sure the streets are ice-free or that signs are posted warning you. If signs are posted, or your city has an ordinance saying you must have snow and ice tires - even ice isn't an excuse. You are responsible for controlling your car at all times, as stated before. If you can't do that, it will only make them think you shouldn't be driving. Where was your visor? Why didn't you slow down when you realized you couldn't see? Your idea for defense won't stand up in court.
  • If the sunlight was so bright tht you could not safely drive, then doing anything but pulling over would constitute reckless driving. A gentleman here in Florida just killed a firefighter because the sun was in his eyes; think he'll get his case dismissed? If you can't see, don't drive.
  • Ignorance or excuses are not a defense... IF you had sun in your eye the JP may argue that you should have slowed down... you are responsible for your own safety... There are other defences that will work for careless driving though. Rebecca Johnson
  • It is your responsibility to make all necessary precautions to ensure safety. However there are other alternatives that you can do. Richard
  • Sorry, the sun will not be a defense for you in court. This is why so many pairs of sunglasses are made. This is why we have a hand to block the sun from our eyes. Careless driving can be anything, in which you could have done, but did not, that caused personal injury or property damage in an auto accident.
  • I would give it your sincerest shot in court, whatta got to loose.
  • I can't see how the sun shining would a defense for not leaving enough room between you and the car in front of you. In the event of a sudden stop, you must have breaking room between you and the front car. IF that is what actually happened, you might mention it to the judge, but I would be totally shocked if your judgment was reduced.
  • Not much - should have taken care of the glare!

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