This is an interesting question; definitely thought-provoking. Certainly God could have caused Mary to contribute all 46 chromosomes, but when God mainfested Himself in flesh as Jesus Christ, considering that He created mankind, He also most certainly could have "created" an ideal 23 chromosomes to match up with Mary's. The latter is far more preferred in my opinion. It takes 23 chromosomes from two people to "conceive", hence it seems more probable that God Himself supplied 23 chromosomes, specifically that His Word (the Logos) became the 23 chromosomes required to cause a conception, to match up with Mary's 23 chromosomes, which properly establishes her as His mother. This gives interesting light and explanation to the words "only begotten", which in the Greek is the word "monogenes". "Mono" means "unique" or "only", and "genes" means "origin" or "becoming". It is also the root of our modern words gene and genetics. If we accept the idea that God knew how language would develop, and understands the science, then it does no disservice to consider that monogenes may be understood as signifying "unique genes." Jesus Christ is unique. He alone originated by the combination of the 23 chromosomes of a human seed with 23 chromosomes which was the Logos become flesh. Thank you for this question. There is a dynamic behind this that is refreshing and exciting.
No answer to this hypothetical question can be proven to the satisfaction of everybody - people just disagree too much on what words in the Bible mean and how the Author intended us to understand them. I like TulsaDavid's answer, but I think there is the additional possibility that Jesus carried none of his mother's DNA and that all the genetic material was divinely provided. I don't doubt some would prefer to think that Jesus' earthly body was wholly different from ours and may not have been based on DNA at all - but I think that would be a very difficult position to defend. Besides: how could we ever "prove" the relic really was of Jesus and not a mistake, hoax or something else.
Mr. (Ron) Wyatt removed a sample of Christ's blood from the crack in the ceiling of the cave and paid a lab in Israel to do an analysis of the blood. They put the dark dried-out substance in saline solution for 72 hours. Mr. Wyatt asked them to do a chromosome test, but they informed him that he was wasting his money since you can't do a chromosome test on dead white blood cells. They proceeded with the analysis and said, "It's your money." As they began viewing the cells under the electron microscope, they saw cells dividing before their eyes! The blood was alive! They couldn't believe what they were seeing! They continued with their tests and found the blood to be unique from any other blood! Each cell contains only 24 chromosomes compared to the normal count of 46 that you and I have. Christ received 23 chromosomes from Mary, and one "y" chromosome from His heavenly Father to designate a male child. Others in the lab were asked to come see for themselves. With tears in their eyes they asked whose blood this was, and Mr. Wyatt replied, "It is the blood of your Messiah." Then they asked who the Messiah was. No other male human being has ever had this same chromosome count! Christ's blood is alive and unique to prove His divinity to the world before He returns to this earth. When these tests are repeated for all the world to see, everyone will learn that Jesus was more than a preacher, He was and is the Son of God! *findings takin from Ron Wyatts website.....and I believe it.
the Virgen Mary appeared to me in late march of 2009 in los angeles; she was floating about 6 feet above the ground on the side of a church. there were 4 other witnesses who saw her in fascinated horror. she gave me a message: that i would receive something that was precious belonging to her Holy Son. i was completely baffled but listened to the message. about one week later, when a triple AAA mechanic came to fix a flat, he found a cotton with aged Blood with the spare. this was a lie, as a friend and i checked to see if there was a spare and indeed there was - but no such Bloody cotton existed. i believe that the mechanic (david) brought it with him. today is halloween oct. 31 and i have had the Blood already to be tested if it is real. IT IS REAL and on monday i'm going to another doctor for further DNA testing. i could compare this Blood the first doctor said to the Blood on the Shroud of Turin. keeping my fingers CROSSed.
the Virgen Mary appeared to me in late march of 2009 in los angeles; she was floating about 6 feet above the ground on the side of a church. there were 4 other witnesses who saw her in fascinated horror. she gave me a message: that i would receive something that was precious belonging to her Holy Son. i was completely baffled but listened to the message. about one week later, when a triple AAA mechanic came to fix a flat, he found a cotton with aged Blood with the spare. this was a lie, as a friend and i checked to see if there was a spare and indeed there was - but no such Bloody cotton existed. i believe that the mechanic (david) brought it with him. today is halloween oct. 31 and i have had the Blood already to be tested if it is real. IT IS REAL and on monday i'm going to another doctor for further DNA testing. i could compare this Blood the first doctor said to the Blood on the Shroud of Turin. keeping my fingers CROSSed.
No, it would also show a man's DNA: the absent father which I believe Jesus had.
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