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Since masturbation is not inherently damaging, the only way any amount of masturbation could be deemed 'excessive' is if it starts causing or creating problems. If someone gets so addicted to masturbation that they begin to ignore their social life or it interfers with them meeting their social or professional obligations, then it would be excessive. Or if they masterbated so much that it affected their physical health in any way it could be considered excessive. Otherwise, remember that masturbation is a natural and normal means of release, especially for younger males.
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I think it is too much when you ignore your girl friend (If you have one) and use your hand more than her for pleasure. This is coming from someone who has a bf that uses his hand more than having sex with me. It hurts a relationship cause it makes the girl feel unattractive and unwanted.
There ain't no such thing as 'excessive masturbation'. Your body will tell you when to stop, if you need to, then it will tell you when to start. Do whatever it says. Why are people so worried about this topic???
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