• 1) "What do peregrine falcons eat/How do they get their food? Peregrines eat birds and other things that fly. A peregrine will typically fly above its prey, then fold its wings and dive or stoop at the other bird and strike it with a half-closed foot. The falcon then retrieves the stunned or dead bird in midair. Peregrines are also swift fliers that can simply fly up behind their prey and grab it in mid-flight." Source: 2) "First, birds do die in the air, but almost always due to some external cause, such as a flying predator, an airplane,, or flying into an object such as a window. The vast majority of birds die of natural causes, such as illness, injury, or a predator (and an ill or injured animal is more likely to fall to a predator). A bird who is injured or ill is less likely to be able to fly effectively, and thus will die on the ground, not in the air." Source:
  • It has been seen to happen, but of course is extremely rare and is even more rarely seen.
  • If they're sick and close to death, it's not likely they will be flying around. I suppose they could die in midair if they're flying through something that releases toxic gases..
  • On the hottest day ever recorded in Death Valley, it is reported that birds were dying in midair because of the 130ΒΊ+ weather.

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