• Usually arrogance is another side of low self-esteem. Confident guy is calm and quiet.
  • the confident one never brags, the one with arrogance always does.
  • I think so. Confidence is just confidence, but when you boast your confidence and make others feel smaller, it's arrogance. Agree?
  • Confidence is knowing that you're doing a good job. Arrogance is expecting everyone else to do it the exact same way.
  • A confident person knows that people come with both strengths and weaknesses, and therefore is humble. (Arrogant person will not admin to his/her weaknesses) Also, this shows that the arrogant person is insecure with themselves while the confident person shows self acceptance. Cheers ;)
  • Arrogance is ego based, confidence is self image based. The first one is based on false superiority and the second self assuredness from inner knowledge.
  • I think it's a thin line that separates the two. If you lack confidence and try to compensate for it by seeming confident, it can be perceived as being arrogant, when in fact you feel less confident that the person who thinks you are being arrogant. Or it can be a cultural thing, like the West Indian heritage, where the majority come-off as arrogant, when they really are feeling inferior to everyone else, but will never admit it.
  • The arrogent person has less confidence than the simply confident person in all actuality. In fact, they may come off to be more superior at first glance because they put themselves out there to be more than what they really are in order to maintain that sence of self assurance. The confident person does not need praise to maintain self assurance.
  • true humility is not thinking less of yourself it is thinking of yourself less..Jesus was confident in what He did and in His abilities..but He was not arrogant.. because what He did was to help others not only Himself..the religous people of His time were what they did they only thought of themselves..when they noticed that the people were following Jesus they said.."we can't have this soon everyone will follow him and noone will follow us"..they wanted the power for themselves no matter how much good Jesus was doing..Jesus wanted to share His power with all

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