Hell is the Christian concept of a place that a soul would go to if it has sinned enormously throughout its lifetime. Another reason the soul may reside in hell is if it had not been completely faithful to god or christ. For all of those who say that "Hell isn't for sinners -it's for those who choose life w/o God", well then, how exactly do you propose we get there? As I'm sure most non-believers would agree, you can't go to a place you don't believe exists. I say this because hell is a CONCEPT! Hell is not a place that everyone KNOWS exists, humans can believe that hell exsists, but that doesn't make it true. Some person may go around believing "the world is flat", but that doesn't make it true. If you don't believe me, then go and find a non-believer for yourself, and ask them if they think hell exsists. Don't be surprised if they say no. So, I leave you by saying that hell is a concept, and some may choose to believe that it does indeed exsist, or they may not. It's all up to them.
Catholic teachings...but not scriptural and not accurate. Hell / Hades is man;s grave...(Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6) For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going. -
Rick Myres
Just because you don't believe it exists does not mean you will not wind up there. You go there because you gave away all opportunities to know Him and die without Jesus. -
Hi Rick... I believe what the bible states...when dead, nothing happens...including being punished... (Revelation 1:18) and the living one, and I became dead, but look! I am living forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of the Grave. Jesus is doing away with death....and in most early bibles, the scripture states death and Hades ....So no more ' hades' and no more death -
Simple answer, that is what false religion teaches them. The religious clergymen of Christendom have created an image of what they understand to be “hell” or “inferno” in the minds of their church people. It is a terrible image. Bible translators have not been uniform in rendering that word Sheol into their languages. For instance, the English Bible authorized by King James I translates Sheol thirty-one times as hell, thirty-one times as “the grave,” and three times as “the pit.” Any reasonable person will therefore have to admit that in the inspired Hebrew Scriptures the words “hell,” “the grave,” and “the pit” mean one and the same thing. And there is no connection of it at all with fire, brimstone and eternal torment. God, did not say to Adam that, in whatever day he ate of the forbidden fruit, he would go to a “hell” to suffer consciously forever in fiery torments. He warned Adam that he would die the death for disobedience.
Hell is a place in islamic context that if u disobeyed the God ,his prophet Muhammad and Book the holy Quran and all other teaching of islam you will be sent to hell.. but whose who do not say kaleema( the holy words which are "there is not body to worship in the whole world except Allah and Muhamad is the messenger of Allah") they will be in hell forever and those who pronounce the kaleema from the bottom of his heart but not completely act upon all the teaching of islam he we be send to hell temporarily and after sacking his or her punishement will be send to heaven(a place that can not be summerized in words and this is beyond the human thinking how beautiful it is it has the stream of honey,milk ,wine and all kind of fruits and how beautiful women ...hi and beautiful palaces of gold and silver and what ever the human want The God will present him... he just like a guest of God......)
hell is a place of darkness torment and pain. all who deny Christ and his Salvation are doomed to an eternity there. in hell the pain is unimaginable suffering that a person will NEVER be able toget use to
according to the Jewish belief, There are differing opinions as to what hell really is. However all agree that in Hell there is no fire, s with pitchforks, boiling lava, or anything similar to that. The only "pain" the soul experiences is the pain of regret and longing. He is shown the greatness of a good deed and all the missed opportunities he had on earth. Imagen if you were told that right outside your house were countless diamonds and all you had to do was go outside and take them. However you were too busy with petty things and missed your opportunity for great wealth. That is the pain of the soul. He looks back on his life with regret, realizing now how accessible "good deeds,and a connection to G-d" were on this earth. When a person dies he takes nothing with him. All his wealth, cars, jewelry remains on earth. His only possessions in heaven are his good deeds and the positive effect he had on people. The more a person sins during his lifetime the longer he is withheld from heaven , and the more regret and longing he experiences.
Sometimes Hell can be right here on earth, or at least seem that way
I'm not sure,...I dont know if I think that the dicription of Hell from the Bible is accurate,... I think it's just a place where your soul is forever tormented. Either way,...I'm trying not to find out.
This is where the idea of a hot place comes from...and it does not involve people...But Satan. (Revelation 20:10) And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur, where both the wild beast and the false prophet already were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. -
This is where the idea of a hot place comes from...and it does not involve people...But Satan. (Revelation 20:10) And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur, where both the wild beast and the false prophet already were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. -
I'd like to share this scripture with you from the KJV Ezekiel 18:20 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him." I hope this helps to put your mind at ease, your soul will not be tormented when the Bible says that the "soul" will die. Here is a link to a article/tract Would like to know the truth? One of the point's is covers is the question, What Happens to Us When We Die? I hope it will help to answer some of your questions.
Hell and the lake of fire is/are a feiry place of eternal torment and eternal seperation from God (spiritual death; the second death) as punishment for our sin. Christ paid our penalty for us on the cross of Calvary so that we could be saved from this awful place, all we have to do is accept Him as our Saviour. I hope that this helps. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
It is having to hear Dr.Laura
In the so called "Holy Bible" translations four words are translated as 'hell'. The Hebrew word Sheol in the so called "Old Testament" is equivalent to the Greek word Hades and is simply in reference to the common grave. In the Septuagint; and in the so called "New Testament" you will find Hades, Gehenna and Tartarus translated as 'hell'. Please see my web site for more indepth information on what the word translated as 'hell' truely means
As a christian turned agnostic, I've always believed hell to be the place to be feared. I was taught as a child that hell was where people went when they lived a life of wrong-doing and evil. In this place, people were tortured and suffered painfully for all eternity. However, now I do not believe such a place exists. My argument being that if god loved us all, and forgave us all, he could not let us be in torturous agony for all eternity. It would be utterly hypocritical. So, I believe that hell is merely a concept, as is heaven, to show the difference between doing what's right and what's wrong.
All your answer shows is a disdain to apply your MIND to matters of Truth. You apply your emotion and are thereby misled. How can it be hypocritical is we know God wants all saved and offers the effective help?
Its that little spot on the map that is bordered by ky wv in pa and mi..ohhellno (ohio)
Hell is the grave. That's all. It is the same as Hades and Sheol. Its the place that all dead people go. Jesus went to Hades, Job was in Sheol. It is not a place of torment. When you die you pay the price of being a sinner. The wages of sin is death. After death you no longer have to pay the price. Being tortured forever would make you paying twice. That is not justice and not what a loving God would do.
Non-existant. In Heaven you can do everything that your heart desires, eat all the ice-cream you like, have as much sex as you like, play football as often as you like. How much ice-cream can you eat before you get bored of it? How much sex can you have before you get tired of it? How much football can you play when you've gotten perfect at it? After long enough the things you like become boring and tedious, leaving nothing but misery. After eternity Heaven starts to become Hell. In Hell they will give you exatly what you lve the most until you start to hate it. They will feed you ice-cream so that you feel sick. They'll force you to have sex so that your genitals burn. They'll make you play football by the whip so that your muscles ache. Both Heaven and Hell end up as Hell in the end, which means in reality there is only Hell. Everything has an opposite or it doesn't exist. If there is no Heaven then there is no Hell!
a hang nail
No one really knows what hell is like. It has been described by people who have not been there as everything from flames to a frozen lake (Dante). Hell is the state of complete and final self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed, reserved for those who refuse by their own free choice to believe and be converted from sin, even to the end of their lives I like to think of it this way. The only way a person will go to hell is if they want to. God in His (or Her) unlimited love has given us free will to choose. Our most important choice is to freely decide to accept or reject God's constant offer of spending eternity with Him in heaven. God will respect the choice to reject Him. For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 1033-1037: With love in Christ.
It is one of those rare things that unites believers and non-believers as neither would like to be in it living or dead.
Being a NY Yankees fan and watching them blow a 3 games to nothing lead in the 2004 american league championship series to the hated Boston Red Sox lol
yahoo answers!
Trying to put on my bra after a shower.
Cigarettes and no matches. Pot and no papers. Lemonade and no ice.
planet earth
Hell is in Putnam, Michigan. It is to the east of Detroit, south of Flint, and south-west of Lansing.
Hell is a place where a person is continually interrupted by clients and ringing phones...wait a minute...That sounds like work!
As described in Dr Who hell could be nothing. Absolutely nothing. No up down, no back no forward, no time, no space, etc. Imagine being trapped there...unable to go anywhere because there was no where to go...unable to grow old...forever frozen in a moment... That seems a frightening description of hell as any to me
Hell is a place in historic Israel where they burned the corpses of criminals and 'bad' people. This eventually got faticized into a threat- this is what will happen when you die if you are bad. Greatly popularized by the faticized 'hell' in Chirstianity. Hence 'Burn in Hell'.
Come here, I'll show you...
think of the worse day you have ever had. the most annoying person you can remember. you know the one you can never forget the name of. your mother when you were a child and shes asked you5 time to clean your room and shes on her last nerve with you and about to lose it now put that all togeather and thats where you would spend eternity after death over and over
Hell is eternal separation from God. It is where sinners are cast into eternal fire on judgement day
Losing a child or a spouse.
its 4 letters H E L L had another letter and you get a greeting HELLO how are you one mans hell is another mans heaven.
The place that all the Arab Suicide Bombers are going to meet their 72 virgins.
Hell is a four letter word containing one vowel and three consonants. It is also a place where evil people will go when they die, that is, according to the Holy Bible and Satan is their keeper.
The most theologically sound answer is that it is absolute, eternal separation from God after an absolute instant of being in communion with him. All the hogwash about flames and pitchforks is rather ridiculous (at least, more so than the idea of an afterlife, period.)
hell according to the bible is not a place of torment. those that think it is have been grossly misinformed by their religious leaders. sad that most of these leaders consider themselves christian.
misery on earth.
Running out of buds, beers and bitches. oh and cash money too.
Losing someone you really love.
If anyone wants to argue that hell is a place of conscious fiery torment, then he must argue, too, that Christ Jesus, the Son of God, this one born of the virgin Mary, also went to a place of soul torment to take the place of sinful mankind. Speaking of Jesus’ resurrection, the apostle Peter said: “For David saith concerning him: . . . Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell: nor suffer thy Holy One to see corruption. . . . he spoke of the resurrection of Christ. For neither was he left in hell: neither did his flesh see corruption.” (Acts 2:25-31, Dy) The Scriptural hell in which Jesus was for parts of three days is mankind’s common grave, and it was from this grave that his heavenly Father raised him on the third day. In proof of this Mgr. Knox’s translation of Acts 2:27, 31 does not use the word “hell” as the Douay Version does, but reads: “Thou wilt not leave my soul in the place of death, or allow thy faithful servant to see corruption. It was of the Christ he said, foreseeing his resurrection, that he was not left in the place of death, and that his body did not see corruption,”the Holy Scriptures speak of the dead as being asleep, not as consciously suffering torment. The dead could not be tormented by going to the Scriptural “hell”, because that word is translated into English from the Hebrew word she•ol´ in the Old Scriptures and from the Greek word ha´des in the New Scriptures. Out of 65 times that the Hebrew word she•ol´ occurs, the Douay Version translates it 63 times “hell” and once “pit” and once “death”. (Job 17:16; Osee 13:14, Dy) But at Job 14:13, quoted above (10), Mgr. Knox translates she•ol´ “grave” instead of “hell”, and he translates it “grave” instead of “hell” at other places also. (Gen. 37:35; 42:38, Knox) Thus Catholic scholarship recognizes that the Scriptural “hell” is the common grave of mankind.
Enjoy! John DOCTRINE OF HADES OR SHEOL A. Definition and Etymology. 1. The Hebrew word SHEOL originally meant in post-Biblical Hebrew the deep parts of the sea. But both Sheol and the Greek word Hades are used to refer to anything that is subterranean and large. Therefore, they are used for the vast subterranean place of the departed dead of the human race and the abode of certain fallen angels. 2. Both Sheol and Hades are mistranslated "hell" which adds to the confusion. 3. HADES is used from classical times and before for the underworld and the realm of the dead. 4. Sheol is sometimes used for the grave, as in Gen 37:35, 42:38; 1 Sam 2:6 and other passages. 5. The dying are said to go to Sheol, which is not the grave, but to the underpart of the earth. This is a reference to the soul, Num 16:30; Ezek 31:15, 17. 6. Prior to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, all human dead went to Sheol or Hades where two compartments were designed to receive them. Old Testament believers went to Paradise or Abraham's Bosom. Unbelievers went to Torments. 7. Those who are believers in the Old Testament are said to be delivered into the power of Sheol, Hos 13:14; Ps 49:16. 8. However, since the resurrection of Christ, Old Testament believers have all been transferred to the third heaven as a part of the triumphal procession. THE HADES CHART _____________________________________________________________ | PARADISE | |(for Old Testament believers only; empty since the resurrection of Christ)| |_____________________________________________________________ | A GREAT GULF FIXED | |_____________________________________________________________ | TORMENTS | | All unbelievers who await the Great White Throne judgment, then are cast | | into the lake of fire. It is a place of fire. Unbelievers resurrected | | from here in the second resurrection. | |____________________________________________________________ | TARTARUS | | The prison for the fallen angels of Gen 6, 1 Pet 3 and Jude 6. | |_____________________________________________________________ THE ABYSS | | Criminal angels are held here until the middle of the Tribulation. | | Abaddon, the toughest of all fallen angels next to Satan, is here. | |__________________________________________________________ B. The Resurrection of the Soul of Jesus Christ from Hades. 1. In the resurrection of Jesus Christ, two categories of divine power were used. a. The omnipotence of God the Father sent His human spirit in heaven back to His body in the grave. Thus the Father became an agent in the resurrection, Acts 2:24; Rom 6:4; Eph 1:20; Col 2:12; 1 Thes 1:10; 1 Pet 1:21. b. The omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit sent His soul from Hades back to His body in the grave. Thus the Holy Spirit became an agent in the resurrection, Rom 1:4, 8:11; 1 Pet 3:16. 2. The principle is that the power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is now available to every Church Age believer as a member of the royal family of God. Eph 1:19-20, "And what is the surpassing greatness of His power to us who have believed for the working of His superior power, which [superior power] He [God the Father] put into operation [made operational] by means of Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His own right hand in heavenly places." 3. The same omnipotence of God will raise the Church Age believer at the Rapture of the Church. 1 Cor 6:14, "Now God has not only raised the Lord, but He will also raise us through His power." a. If our soul and spirit are already in heaven, God the Father will provide our resurrection body. b. If we are alive as a part of the Rapture generation on earth, God the Holy Spirit will provide our resurrection body. C. Scriptural Documentation for Sheol or Hades. 1. Eph 4:9, "(Now this doctrine that ascended, what does it imply, except that He also went down into the lower regions [Sheol or Hades] of the earth?" 2. Job 11:7, "Can you discover the depths of God? Can you discover the limits of the Almighty? It is as high as the heavens; what can you do? Deeper than Sheol; what can you know?" In other words, Sheol is used here for the location of all Old Testament believers. 3. Isa 14:9, "Sheol from beneath is excited over you to meet you when you come." 4. 1 Sam 2:6, "The Lord kills; the Lord makes alive. He brings down to Sheol and He raises up." D. The Four Compartments of Sheol or Hades. 1. Paradise is where the Old Testament believers resided after death before the resurrection of our Lord. 2. Torments is where all unbelievers reside, Lk 16:23. 3. Tartarus is where certain fallen angels, called BENI HA ELOHIM in Gen 6, reside. 4. The Abyss contains demons who transgress the boundaries of the human race. a. The Abyss is the location of the demon king, Satan's right hand man, called Abaddon. He will have quite a future in the Tribulation. Abaddon is mentioned once in the New Testament and nine times in the Old Testament. In Rev 9, he breaks out of this jail with the help of Satan who has now been cast out of heaven and can never return there again. b. Demons who indwelt a man asked our Lord not to send them to the Abyss. E. Paradise or Abraham's Bosom. 1. Paradise or Abraham's Bosom is a part of Sheol or Hades where all the Old Testament believers went immediately after death. Once departed from the body, their soul and spirit went to Paradise. 2. David wrote a thanksgiving psalm regarding his deliverance from death. In Ps 116, he states that had he died, his soul would have gone to Sheol. a. Ps 116:1, "I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my supplications." God in His grace spared David, who should have died. b. Ps 116:2, "Because He has turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live." This states briefly that his prayer has been answered. He is grateful that he is still alive. c. Ps 116:3, "The cords of death entangled me, and the terrors of Sheol came upon me. I found distress and sorrow." He was dying miserably. d. Ps 116:4, "Then I called on the name of the Lord, `O Lord, I beseech You, deliver my soul.'" e. Ps 116:5, "The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion." 3. In David's prophecy of Ps 16:10, he said, "You will not abandon my soul to Sheol, neither will You permit Your Holy One to undergo decay." a. Notice that David makes a distinction between the grave where the body is located and Paradise or Abraham's Bosom where the soul is located. b. David is not speaking about himself, for his body has undergone decay. His soul went to Paradise after he died. David was prophesying about the soul of the humanity of Jesus Christ in Hades after His physical death. c. No Old Testament believer could go to the third heaven until Jesus Christ had been judged for his sins on the cross. At that point, the Old Testament believers were all transferred in a triumphal procession into the presence of God in heaven. d. Today, after the cross, when any believer dies, his soul and spirit is absent from the body and face to face with the Lord in heaven. 4. We know Ps 16:10 does not refer to David but is a prophecy referring to Jesus Christ because it is quoted by Peter in Acts 2:27. "Because you will not abandon My soul to Hades, nor allow Your Holy One to undergo decay." This verse is then interpreted in Acts 2:31. "He [David] looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of Christ, that He was neither abandoned to Hades nor did His flesh have time to suffer decay." Our Lord only spent three days in Hades. 5. Paul also interprets Ps 16:10 in the same way in Acts 13:35. "Therefore, He also says in another place [Ps 16:10], `You will not allow Your Holy One to undergo decay.'" Paul explained what that meant in Acts 13:36-37. "For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, died, and he was buried among his ancestors and he did undergo decay. But He whom God raised did not undergo decay." This is a reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, with emphasis on the fact that His human soul returned to His body in the grave by the power of the Holy Spirit before His body could decay. 6. 1 Pet 3:18, "For Christ also died once and for all, the righteous as a substitute for the unrighteous, in order that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh but made alive by means of the Spirit." 7. Where in Hades did the soul of our Lord go? The answer is found in Lk 23:39-43. "And one of the criminals who was hanging there hurled insults at our Lord, saying, `Are you not the Messiah? Deliver yourself and us!' But the other criminal answered and rebuked him, saying, `Do you not respect God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we have received what we deserve for our deeds; but He has done nothing wrong.' Then he kept repeating to Jesus, `Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.' And He replied to him, `Today, you will be with Me in Paradise.'" a. Even all the criminals knew the message that our Lord Jesus Christ was the Messiah and the Savior. b. Again, Paradise is the first compartment of Hades. 8. Eph 4:9, "(Now this doctrine that He ascended, what does it imply, except that He also descended into the lower regions of the earth?)" a. This refers to our Lord's human soul which went to Paradise after His physical death. b. The soul of our Lord in physical death joined the souls of all the Old Testament believers already there, i.e., all believers who had died during the Old Testament plus all who had died during the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union, which would include Lazarus and John the Baptist. c. In resurrection, the soul of Jesus Christ was returned to His body in the grave by the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit. 9. The resurrection of Jesus Christ resulted in transferring all the believers in Paradise into the third heaven. Eph 4:8, "Therefore, it [Ps 68:18] says, `When He ascended into heaven, He led a host of captives [Old Testament believers] in a triumphal procession from a state of captivity, and He gave gifts to men." a. No believer resided in heaven until Jesus Christ was judged for our sins and was resurrected. That is analogous or tantamount to the triumphal procession. b. The explanation of this is given in Matt 27:51-53. "And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, and the earth shook, and the rocks were split, and the tombs were open, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were resuscitated. And coming out of the tombs, they entered into the holy city and appeared to many." c. This passage tells us the time when all believers who had died were transferred from Paradise in Hades to the third heaven or "New Paradise." To show this transfer was occurring, some were permitted to come out of their tombs, take their former bodies in resuscitation, and announced it in the city. 10. Paul visited the third heaven after he was stoned to death, and he saw these believers there, 2 Cor 11:25ff. a. On the occasion when Paul was stoned to death, he was permitted to visit the third heaven or new Paradise before he was resuscitated and returned to the earth. b. Paul describes his experience in heaven in 2 Cor 12:2-4. "I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago -- whether in the body, I do not know, or out of the body, I do not know; God knows -- such a person was caught up into the third heaven. I knew such a man -- whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know; God knows -- how he was caught up into Paradise, and he heard inexpressible doctrines which a person is not permitted to speak." (1) Fourteen years previous would have been around 57 A.D. when Paul was in Lystra. (2) Paul's experience here was to show that in the Church Age, we do not go to Paradise in Sheol after our death, but all believers since the resurrection of Jesus Christ go directly to heaven at the point of physical death, with the exception of the Rapture generation. F. Torments. 1. Torments is the residence of all unbelievers since the beginning of time. 2. Ps 9:17, "The unbelievers will turn to Sheol just as nations who forgot God." 3. Why is anyone in Torments, destined to be judged at the Last Judgment? Jn 3:18, "He who believes in Me is not judged; but He who does not believe has been judged already because he has not believed in the uniquely-born Son of God." The only reason a person goes to Torments, later to be condemned to the Lake of Fire, is because he has rejected Jesus Christ as Savior. 4. The first resurrection is for believers only and is formed of four companies. a. Alpha company is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. b. Bravo company is the resurrection of the Church at the Rapture. Since rank has its privileges, the royal family is next in resurrection. c. Charlie company is the resurrection of all Old Testament saints and Tribulational martyrs at the end of the Tribulation. d. Delta company is the resurrection of all millennial saints at the end of the Millennium. 5. The second resurrection is for unbelievers only and occurs after the Gog and Magog Revolution at the end of the Millennium. At that point, "Hades will deliver up its dead." Those dead are located in Torments. They will stand before our Lord seated on the Great White Throne. a. The unbelievers will not be judged on the basis of their sins, because their sins were already judged on the cross, and the law of double jeopardy applies. b. Rev 20:11-15 makes very clear the basis for their indictment. Two sets of books are opened. (1) The Book of Life contains the names of believers only. Anyone who dies without believing in Jesus Christ has his name blotted out of this book. (2) The Book of Works lists all an unbeliever's good works. Yet in their totality, they all add up to -R (relative righteousness). -R cannot have fellowship with +R (perfect divine righteousness), so they are condemned to the Lake of Fire forever. c. The Lake of Fire was designed for the fallen angels. Man was created to resolve the angelic conflict. Those people who go the way of fallen angels, rejecting Jesus Christ, will share the Lake of Fire with fallen angels forever. 6. Lk 16:19-31 is not a parable, but is a true story. Parables never mention proper names. Furthermore, parables are always identified or explained as parables. The narrative in Lk 16:19-31 is a true story, entitled "Dead Men Tell Tales." This true story describes the first and second compartments of Sheol or Hades during the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union. a. Three perspectives are given in this passage. (1) The perspective of life, verses 19-21. (2) The perspective of death, verse 22. (3) The perspective of Sheol or Hades after death, verses 23-31. b. Verse 19 introduces a wealthy unbeliever. "Now there was a certain rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen, and he lived in luxury every day." (1) There is nothing immoral, wrong, or sinful about being rich. That is an evil philosophy which has extended into communism. There are certain problem solving devices connected with being rich and having an abundance of possessions, just as there are certain problem solving devices connected with being poor. In other words, there are no set of circumstances in life that are free from problem solving devices. (2) There is no excuse for the rich lording it over those less fortunate, and there is no excuse for the poor envying the rich. (3) When a nation has rich people, it means that nation follows the principles of free enterprise, which are a part of the laws of divine establishment. Therefore, having wealth in a nation is a good and healthy sign that the nation is doing well and right, rather than poorly. The idea of redistribution of wealth is an evil that enslaves the masses, as illustrated by those under the domination of the Russian experiment since 1917. (4) One of the great problem solving devices of being rich is to ignore the fact that there is life after death. Many become self-indulgent, and forget Mk 8:36-37, "What shall it profit a person if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what shall a person give in exchange for his soul?" So they give no thought to eternity and life after death. Yet time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. (5) Hence, the tendency of the wealthy person is to ignore the fact that only through personal faith in Jesus Christ can an individual have eternal life. "What shall a person give in exchange for his soul?" In other words, there is no way you can buy your way into heaven. Jesus Christ purchased our salvation on the cross, as taught by the doctrine of redemption. (6) Like anything else in life, money has it problem solving devices and money has its benefits. Money often creates illusions, e.g., money means happiness or security, or that money can buy anything. That is not true. Money cannot buy eternal life, happiness, love, or virtue. It is not true that you are happy because you have money or miserable because you are poor. Happiness and misery are not based upon one's economic status. People with very little can be extremely happy; people with very much can be very miserable, and visa versa. (7) Those who lust for money become a slave to money. But those who acquire wealth through the grace of God have discovered how to make money their slave. But the person who regards money as his #1 priority in life becomes a slave to money. Apply the priority principle. You concentrate on whatever is your #1 priority. Then you organize your life around priority #1. Therefore, you organize your thinking around priority #1. This determines the outcome of your life. (8) The rich man in verse 19 spent all his concentration, time, and life on self-indulgence. Therefore, the Mk 8:36-37 says to him, "What shall it profit a person if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what shall a person give in exchange for his soul?" (9) Some of the most important things in life cannot be purchased with money, such as eternal life, +H or sharing the happiness of God, love and virtue. Again, those who lust for money become slaves to money, and it's one of the worst categories of slavery in the world. This principle applies to power as well. Those who lust for power are slaves to power, but those who acquire power through the grace of God can enjoy it without abusing it or stepping beyond their capacity for it. (10) Matt 6:24 says "No one can serve two masters. For he will either hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon [the god of riches]." (11) Mk 10:25, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle [small gate in the main gate through which only a man could pass] than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Rich people and poor people are saved exactly the same way, by faith in Jesus Christ. So why is this true? Because the rich man tends to be preoccupied with himself and his life on this earth to the extent that he has forgotten about eternity. He is not interested in Jesus Christ. (12) This man is described as dressing well and living in the lap of luxury. There is nothing wrong with dressing well and there is nothing wrong with luxury as such. There are problem solving devices with wrong emphasis on status symbols of life, money, power, success, approbation, pleasure, material things, luxury, social life, sex, health; i.e., anything that takes precedence over Bible doctrine. (13) The wealthy unbeliever enjoys life so much that he forgets about death and eternity. He forgets Heb 9:27, which says "It is destined for mankind to die once, but after this the judgment." (14) So this rich man lusted for wealth and became the slave to wealth. As a slave to money and pleasure, he had no time for the Gospel until it was too late, i.e., after he died. c. Verse 20 introduces a suffering believer. "And a certain poor man named Lazarus who had been thrown down at his gate, covered with sores [cancerous ulcers]," (1) Lazarus had been thrown or cast at the rich man's gate, and he would lie there until he died. When our Lord gave this message, Lazarus was already dead. If Lazarus were still alive at the gate of the rich man, the perfect tense of BALLO would have used. But the pluperfect tense indicates that he eventually died there. The perfect tense looks back on the past from the standpoint of the present. The pluperfect tense looks back on the past from the standpoint of the past. (2) The passive voice of BALLO indicates that Lazarus was acted upon by a cruel mob: they just tossed him away there. Lazarus was helpless and couldn't move from that spot. We see the great cruelty of man toward helpless man. (3) The verb BALLO in the passive voice is intransitive, meaning that it makes a complete affirmation in itself and does not require a direct object to complete its meaning. The passive voice means Lazarus didn't produce or participate in the action; he was a victim of the action. Hence, this was cruel and unnecessary treatment. It was violence against the weak and helpless. (4) The mob didn't like Lazarus, and the mob didn't like the rich man. Evil men do not discriminate; they despise the rich, the poor and the helpless. (5) The dramatic perfect tense of the verb ELKOO, translated "covered," is used to bring a past event vividly and dramatically into the present. The Narrator describes the past event in such a way that his readers are led to think for a moment that they are present and witnessing this terrible treatment of Lazarus and his body covered with ulcers. (6) The passive voice means Lazarus didn't deliberately acquire these sores; it was something that happened to him. (7) There is a definite parallelism between Lazarus and Job. Both were mature believers facing evidence testing, but with different results. (a) Job lost and regained in time; Lazarus lost and regained in eternity. (b) Both were covered with sores and ulcers. Hence, both Job and Lazarus had loss of health and were maltreated by people because they were repulsive to the eyes of the beholder. (c) Both Job and Lazarus had loss of health, but there was a difference. Job recovered his health and lived a long time. Hence, Job emphasizes living grace in evidence testing. Lazarus never recovered his health and eventually died. Hence, Lazarus emphasizes dying grace related to evidence testing. d. Lk 16:21, "And he kept desiring to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table; besides, even the dogs were coming and licking his sores." (1) In other words, Lazarus was normal; he still had normal desires. When he was hungry, he desired food. He was so terribly hungry that he simply desired the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. Because he was starving, Lazarus was normal and had an intense desire for foods. Even crumbs from the table would have been wonderful. (2) The only friends Lazarus had were dogs who had much more compassion than the rich man and his friends or the mob and their cruelty. (3) Remember that Lazarus was suffering for blessing, a suffering which glorified God to the maximum; a suffering that makes Lazarus one of the great all-time believers, recognized as such by our Lord. (4) Lazarus was totally isolated from any form of human companionship or human compassion. Therefore, it was so important for him to use problem solving devices, such as doctrinal orientation, grace orientation, personal love for God, impersonal love for all mankind who treated him so cruelly, +H (sharing the happiness of God), a personal sense of destiny, and occupation with the person of Christ. (5) The intensity of his suffering is noted in the phrase "he kept on desiring to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table." The fact that he was in great pain did not in any way slow down his appetite. (6) Note the total suffering of Lazarus under evidence testing. (a) Lack of basic necessities of life: he had no food, no shelter, and virtually no clothing so that his skin was exposed for all to see. (b) Lazarus had none of the things the rich man had. No one even cared for him except dogs. It's amazing how dogs can be so compassionate and sympathetic toward people who are suffering, whereas rational people, in the cruelty and vile evil of their old sin nature, have absolutely no compassion. (c) Lazarus had loss of health, and real pain. (7) Lazarus was cut off from any form of love, friendship, or compassion. In fact, he experienced only cruelty from people. People ostracized him, rejected him, and ridiculed him. Though he was totally helpless and weak, they pushed him around and threw him around, and finally tossed him at the rich man's gate. Lazarus' only compassion came from dogs. (8) But Lazarus was a mature believer and realized the importance of his suffering. He would demonstrate to both mankind and angels the importance of eternity compared to time. In contrast, the rich man was demonstrating daily that to him, only time was important; eternity didn't matter. (9) We apply to Lazarus 1 Cor 10:13, "No testing has overtaken to you but such as is common to mankind. But God is faithful, who will not permit you to be tested beyond what you are able to bear, but with the testing, He will also provide a solution, a way of escape, so that you may be able to endure it." Therefore, Lazarus did not complain or fall apart, even though he had normal desires. (10) Solomon was a believer who had everything in life, and yet he was very miserable. Lazarus was a believer who had nothing, but he was very happy with +H. Lazarus demonstrates the principle of being happy without having anything at all. For while Lazarus had nothing, he had the problem solving devices, like +H, and used them. (11) If Lazarus had been depressed, he would have had no appetite. The very fact that he had an appetite indicates he was functioning under the ten problem solving devices. Lazarus was a normal person under extreme and intense suffering for blessing. Therefore, he was not depressed or unhappy. His desire for even crumbs from the rich man's table indicated how normal he was, having an appetite in spite of suffering. Most people in such situations become depressed and have no appetite at all. The fact that Lazarus was hungry not only indicated that he was normal, but that he was handling his situation through the use of the problem solving devices. (12) Lazarus suffered to demonstrate the importance of eternity compared to time. Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity, according to Jas 4:14. Time is the only opportunity to have eternal life. 2 Cor 6:2, "Now is the time to accept Christ; now is the day of salvation." It takes only one second in time to believe in Jesus Christ, yet the rich man didn't even take that one second to do so; Lazarus did. We do not know the original status quo of Lazarus; we only know what he faced before he died and entered Paradise. (13) Time is the special opportunity for the believer to glorify God, and to demonstrate to the angels the greatness of God's justice, wisdom, and grace policy. Phil 4:11, "Not that I speak on the basis of want, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances may be." (14) Time is the mechanics for resolving the angelic conflict. Lazarus was one of the greatest testimonies to angelic creatures as to what is important in life. (15) For the believer, time is the opportunity to glorify God, and to demonstrate to angels the greatness of God's justice and wisdom. (16) Lazarus and the rich man have now been dead for over 2000 years. If we could interview them in their eternal state this is what they would say. (a) Question: "Lazarus, how do you feel about your suffering at the rich man's gate and the abuse you took prior to that?" Answer: "It was nothing. Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. Now I have billions and billions of years to enjoy the most indescribable and fantastic blessings of the eternal state." (b) Question: "Rich man, how do you feel about your lifetime of wealth, influence, power, and pleasure on earth?" Answer: "I regret every second of my prosperity and power, for it blinded me to my need of eternal salvation, a relationship with God, which I could have had both in time and eternity. And yet I must take the responsibility for my own decisions and my own perspective." (c) From this, we can distill the soliloquy of the rich man in Hades. "I would do anything to change places with Lazarus. For over 2000 years, I have been tormented in the flames of Hades. I curse the good times that blinded me to the importance of eternity. The horrors of my eternal state have erased all the pleasures of my lifetime, and the worst is yet to come. I understand that I will be resurrected, stand before a Great White Throne, face Jesus Christ whom I rejected, and be judged and cast into the Lake of Fire. It is unbearably hot here in Hades, but it will be a billion times worse when I am cast into the Lake of Fire. "Why, oh why didn't I listen to the Gospel when I had the chance? Why didn't I even stop once at my own gate and speak with that terribly and horribly abused man, Lazarus? Why didn't I stop and talk to him? If I had, he would have given to me the Gospel, and perhaps I would have responded and then I would not be in this horrible place. I did hear the message of both Jesus and John the Baptist, His herald. But I paid no attention; I laughed it off and went on my way. "Woe is me forever and ever and ever and ever." e. Verse 22 gives the perspective of death. "Now it came to pass that the poor man died, and he was carried by angels into Abraham's Bosom [Paradise]; then [some time later] the rich man also died and was buried." (1) Lazarus was a believer in the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union. He was a mature believer, and therefore he departed from his body under the principle of dying grace. (2) Note, however, that there was no burial of Lazarus. His body was not even taken to a potter's field. That would bother the superficial Christian. Yet what happens to your body after you leave it is of absolutely no consequence. You will never occupy that body again. Perhaps Lazarus' body was discovered dead several days after he was already in Paradise. Perhaps they simply threw his body in the garbage cart. So what? What happens to the body is of no consequence. (3) It was the custom of the ancient world to gather the bodies of the poor and either dump them in the garbage or burn them, or bury them in a potter's field. When the bodies were repulsive, they didn't make it to a potter's field, but were usually dumped in the garbage heap outside the town. The garbage heap outside of Jerusalem was called Gehenna, a large area where garbage was burned. Gehenna became one of the synonyms for hell. (4) But the soul and spirit of Lazarus are absent from the body and, as it were, "face to face with the Lord." Lazarus was probably carried by the pursuivant angels to Abraham's Bosom. These were special angelic officers in the angelic college of heralds. (5) Being very wealthy and prominent as a personality, the rich man probably had a very unusual and ostentatious funeral with a beautiful coffin and mausoleum, attended by numerous mourners, including five brothers who were also unbelievers and who inherited his money. But the rich man's soul was sent to Torments, the second compartment of Hades. f. Verses 23-26 is the rich man's dialogue and call for help. Verse 23, "And in Hades, he [rich man] lifted up his eyes, being in Torments, and he saw Abraham far away and Lazarus [in his bosom] at the place of honor." (1) In Torments means there is already a prelude of suffering before the Lake of Fire. (2) The noun KOLPOS means chest, bosom, or breast. However, it is actually used for a place of honor at a meal. So this doesn't mean Lazarus was actually lying on Abraham's bosom, but was in a place of honor. This indicates that Lazarus died as an invisible hero. (3) So Lazarus was carried into a place of honor, called Abraham's Bosom, the place of Jewish believers who attained spiritual maturity. Abraham is the father of the new racial species called the Jew. Therefore, Abraham is designated as the place of honor. Jesus Christ is called the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who are the regenerate descendants of the new racial species. (4) Jesus said to the dying Gentile thief, "Today, you will be with Me in Paradise," Lk 23:43. Therefore, both Gentile and Jewish believers entered into the compartment of Hades called Paradise after their death. However, one section was a place of honor for the Jewish believers who attained spiritual maturity. Lazarus was one of the great heroes of Israel of all time. g. Verse 24, "And he [rich man] screamed and said, `Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame.'" (1) The rich man was also a Jew, but he was a Jewish unbeliever. Abraham is the father of the entire Jewish race, and in that sense the rich man was right in calling him "Father Abraham." (2) "Have mercy on me" was something Lazarus never said at the gate of the rich man. As a mature believer, he accepted the events of his life as being exactly what God wanted. He demonstrated that to be totally impoverished, in maximum pain, and rejected by everyone so that only dogs have any compassion as a part of evidence testing is the ultimate honor to one of the greatest believers of Old Testament times! (3) Apparently there is no water in Torments, for there is no necessity for water there. But the rich man still can only think in terms of life. Even after his death, he cannot think in terms of eternity. (4) Unbelievers after death can experience and feel the pain of fire and everything associated with it. They will feel that pain of burning for all eternity because they reject Jesus Christ as their Savior. And it never stops hurting. (5) Though he understands he is suffering in fire, all he wants is water. Yet the answer to his suffering could only be found in time, through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Notice that this is a real flame and real fire, and it never stops hurting. (6) Why is the rich man asking for this relief, instead of asking what can be done to get him out of there? Because the rich man heard John the Baptist and Jesus Christ and others give the Gospel. He knew when he rejected Christ what to expect; now it's all come to pass. (7) While Lazarus suffered at his gate wanting only water and food yet using the problem solving devices, the rich man had all the food and water he could want and walked by Lazarus without compassion. It is amazing how uncompassionate evil people are always the first to want mercy though have no mercy for others, but are totally indifferent toward them. (8) The bodies of Lazarus and the rich man both lie in graves, and their souls reside in Sheol or Hades. Lazarus as a Jewish believer resides in the place of honor in Paradise called Abraham's Bosom. The rich man as a Jewish unbeliever resides in the second compartment of Hades, called Torments, waiting for the second resurrection when he will be transferred to the permanent Lake of Fire. (9) Note that the soul never sleeps; only the body sleeps in the grave. Note that the soul can see and recognize people after death without the use of the body. The rich man had no problem recognizing Lazarus who was flung at his gate. This teaches the important principle that the soul has the ability to see and recognize others beyond the grave. Furthermore, the soul can think and communicate after death. From this we might conclude there is an interim body after death. (10) Death does not end it all. Physical death merely transfers homo sapiens from time into eternity. From this passage, we note that dead men tell tales. (11) The cry for mercy must come in time; in eternity it is too late. 2 Cor 6:2, "Now is the time of acceptance; now is the day of salvation." Now is the moment to be prepared for eternity by personal faith in Jesus Christ. Live your life in the light of eternity. (12) Furthermore, the call for mercy must be directed toward the One who can save. Abraham can do nothing. It is only Jesus Christ who can save. Neither Abraham nor Lazarus can help the unbeliever in the eternal state. Both Abraham and Lazarus are simply sinners saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. The only chance for eternal life is while one is alive on earth. (13) Hades or Sheol is the temporary residence of all unbelievers until human history is completed. From Hades, all unbelievers will be transferred to Gehenna or the Lake of Fire after the Great White Throne Judgment. Actually, the Lake of Fire was prepared for the devil and his angels, according to Matt 25:41. (14) Both Hades and the final Lake of Fire are only for unbelievers. Jn 3:18, "He who believes in Him [Jesus Christ] is not judged, but he who does not believe has been judged already because he has not believed in the name of the uniquely-born Son of God." (15) God does not desire that any person in the human race go to Torments in Hades and then the Lake of Fire. 2 Pet 3:9, "He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to a change of attitude toward Christ." Therefore, life is often extended so that every chance is given for everyone to believe in Christ. No one will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire who hasn't had multifarious opportunities to personally believe in Jesus Christ. (16) Both Torments in Hades and the Lake of Fire are vividly described in Matt 9:48, "where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched." Everyone should hear the screams of those who die burning in total agony, so that they will understand the importance of believing in Jesus Christ! In eternity, the screams never stop; they go on forever and ever and ever, simply because they refused the so-great salvation provided by Jesus Christ. h. Now Abraham is allowed to reply to the rich man in verse 25. This dialogue was permitted not only to answer this one man's question, but to settle the issue for all who were listening who had the same problem solving devices and wanted the same relief from Lazarus. Verse 25, "But Abraham said, `Child, remember that during your life you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now [in eternity] he is comforted here.'" (1) An adult man is called "child" because he was divorced from reality, because of his unrealistic expectations. (2) That Lazarus was "comforted here" means he was given a special place of honor in eternity. Whatever he had to endure to make a point to the angelic creatures, which is a great part of evidence testing, was nothing compared to the honors he received in the eternal state. (3) The rich man had the same opportunities as Lazarus to believe in Jesus Christ and have eternal life, yet he rejected Jesus Christ. None of the rich man's wealth, power, or prosperity could buy him eternal life. As he used his power and wealth for his own pleasures, it became a trap which obscured the importance of the Gospel. (4) On the other hand, Lazarus believed in Jesus Christ. Even though he went through suffering for blessing, he had all the fantastic doctrine and problem solving devices to handle it magnificently. We do not know exactly how long Lazarus suffered in that terrible state. But however long it was, he never got out of step; he used the problem solving devices. i. Verse 26, "And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who wish to come over from here to you cannot, and none of us may cross over there." (1) The chasm is invisible but real. No one can break through it. There is a barrier between Paradise and Torments, the place of agony. The barrier is impassable. (2) There is no hope in eternity for those who reject Jesus Christ in time. There is no such thing as purgatory. There is no "half-way house" to heaven. The place of your eternal state is determined by your attitude toward Jesus Christ in time. (3) 1 Jn 5:11-13, "And this is the deposition: that God has given to us [believers] eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has this eternal life; He who does not have the Son does not have this eternal life. These things I have written to you who believe in the person of the Son of God, in order that you may know that you have eternal life." j. Verses 27-29 is the second dialogue and the second call for help from the rich man. Verses 27-28, "Then he said, `Now I beg you, Father Abraham, that you would send him to my father's house -- for I have five brothers -- that he may warn them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'" (1) Before, the rich man pleaded for mercy; now he's begging! Lazarus never pleaded for mercy, nor did he beg. The rich man should have taken notice of Lazarus, enduring all that suffering and not complaining. By contrast, he had given relatives thousands and thousands of dollars, and they still bitched! (2) Note again the use of the vocative "Father." Abraham is the father of the new racial species of Israel, and the rich man is a Jew. (3) The rich man calls his mansion "the house of my father." Lazarus, tossed at the gate of that mansion, was the last call for salvation. The five brothers saw Lazarus lying there, too. In effect, Lazarus was the evangelist at their gate. His pulpit was that gate. Everyone saw how he suffered and how he didn't complain. They must have known he possessed something far greater than they had. Yet they all walked by Lazarus daily without giving heed to that final message. (4) All five brothers are unbelievers. The rich man didn't want his brothers to also die and end up in Torments with him. The funeral message to the friends and loved ones of the unbeliever is: "The deceased is now suffering in Torments because he did not believe in Jesus Christ. Yet he loves you so much that he wouldn't want you to join him there, and I will tell you how to avoid it. Hell is no place for loved ones and old friends to have a pleasant reunion. Hell is a place of agony and suffering, only intensified at the end of human history by the transfer to the Lake of Fire. "In other words, if you have friends or loved ones who have died as unbelievers, their desire for you is to stay out of that place. They're probably begging someone like Abraham to send someone back from the dead to tell you the story of salvation." (5) So terrible is the perpetual agony of the unbeliever beyond the grave that he desires that the Gospel be presented to loved ones left behind so that they might believe in Christ and have eternal life and avoid the place of Torments. (6) The present active subjunctive of DIAMARTUROMAI means to warn, to testify, to witness, to declare emphatically. The tendential present tense indicates an action proposed but not actually taking place. The rich man proposes the action. The subjunctive mood is used in a final clause to indicate the purpose of the action of the main verb. (7) The same wealthy estate which distracted the rich man now distracts his five brothers who had inherited the family fortune. No longer is there a Lazarus lying at their gate. Wealth often causes the rich to ignore or avoid the reality of the eternal state after death. k. Verse 29, "But Abraham replied, `They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.'" (1) Moses and the Prophets is the Jewish word for the Old Testament; Torah is a synonym. Moses and the Prophets refers to the Old Testament Scriptures which clearly reveal the Gospel. Isa 53 is one of the greatest Gospel messages in all the Word of God. (2) People can be saved by faith in Christ simply by reading the Scripture. (3) If these five brothers reject the Biblical testimony regarding Jesus Christ, they will not accept the testimony of one who returns from the dead. The testimony in the Bible is much more powerful than the testimony of someone coming back from the dead! That's how powerful the Word of God is! The idea of returning Lazarus from the dead to testify to the five brothers is useless. (4) Remember that another Lazarus had been resuscitated from the dead by Jesus, and many Jews who had attended his funeral came back to see him alive; yet many still didn't accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Jn 11:45-46, "Therefore, many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary saw what had transpired and believed in Him. But some of them went away to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done." (5) Jn 12:37, "But though He performed many miracles before them, yet they were not believing in Him." The testimony of the Word of God is far more powerful than miracles. (a) One reason why we do not have miracles today is because something far more powerful has been given to us, i.e., the New Testament Scriptures. Never before the Church Age was the New Testament Canon completed and given. It is much more powerful than miracles. (b) If people will not accept the Gospel message found in the Bible, they will not accept the testimony of someone brought back from the dead by a miracle. (c) A miracle is the easiest thing for God to perform because it does not require the volition of mankind, but only the sovereignty and omnipotence of God. (d) In the Tribulation, two Jews, Moses and Elijah, will be brought back from the dead to witness in Jerusalem. Yet their message will be rejected. When they are martyred, there will be great rejoicing in Jerusalem. l. In the third dialogue, verses 30-31, there is another call for help. Verse 30, "But he replied, `No, Father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent!'" The future active indicative of METANOEO means to change your thinking or mind about Christ. Upon hearing the Gospel and before anyone believes, he must first change his mind about Christ. m. Verse 31, "But he replied to him, `If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets [the Word of God], neither will they be persuaded if someone is resuscitated from the dead.'" This means that negative volition gets locked in and nothing will change it. This also means that the Word of God is infinitely more powerful than any miracle. G. Tartarus. 1. Introduction. a. Tartarus is the residence of certain fallen angels who became involved in an invasion of the earth. This special category of fallen angels are called BENI HA ELOHIM in the Hebrew, translated "sons of God." They are demons who are not operational at the present time. b. Tartarus is mentioned in 2 Pet 2:4 as the place where these fallen angels reside. "For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned [Gen 6:2] but incarcerated them in Tartarus with chains of thick darkness, He delivered them over to judgment, being constantly guarded." (1) The aorist active participle of TARTAROO means to be imprisoned or incarcerated in Tartarus. (2) "When they sinned" is a temporal participle referring to a time in history, not to prehistoric angelic times. c. Without mentioning Tartarus by name, a similar passage is found in Jude 6. "And the angels [BENI HA ELOHIM of Gen 6:2] who did not keep their own domain, but who deserted their proper abode, He has incarcerated them in everlasting chains of thick darkness for the judgment of the great day." (1) Now they can see nothing. In Gen 6, they saw the beautiful women of the earth and lusted for them, and so made their invasion on earth. (2) The fact of their invasion is documented by a phenomenal amount of extant literature from Homer to the fourth century B.C. (3) Everything that happened in Gen 6 occurred over a period of 500 years. Unfortunately, it is called mythology, which it is not. (4) These "chains of thick darkness" are the same as in 2 Pet 2:4. (5) The "judgment of the great day" occurs when all fallen angels are cast into the Lake of Fire, as anticipated by Matt 25:41. d. Who are these fallen angels and what did they do? The answer is found in Gen 6. But as introduction, we note the Satanic attacks on the line of Christ in the Old Testament. (1) When Cain murdered Abel in Gen 4, that was a Satanic attack on Adam's seed. It was an attack on the first promise given to Adam after he sinned, that God the Father would provide a Savior from Adam's seed, who would come through the woman as the childbearer. Rom 5:12ff. (a) Satan and fallen angels understood that the Savior would come in the line of Adam as true humanity through the woman. Therefore, Satan knew he had to cut off that line from Adam to Christ. (b) So in that first generation, Satan inspired Cain to murder Abel, a believer. But then the line continued on through Seth, so that Satan realized that murder wouldn't work to cut off the line. (2) Therefore, in an attempt to destroy all true humanity, fallen angels invaded earth and copulated with females, producing half-angel half-human beings, documented in Gen 6:1-6. Had all true humanity been destroyed in this way, Jesus Christ could have never come into the world. (a) In fact, only one family of eight people were still true humanity out of millions of people living on earth. Those eight people were Noah and his wife, plus his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their three wives. (b) The tracing of that family of Noah from Gen 4 - 11 is one of the most important factors in our so-great salvation. For Jesus Christ could not come unless true humanity remained on the earth. (c) So the angelic infiltration of Gen 6:1-6 was the greatest attack ever made on the virgin birth and incarnation of Jesus Christ. (d) Noah's sons all made great decisions, in all marrying ladies who were still true humanity. (e) Therefore, the Flood destroyed that entire super race of half-angels, half-men. (f) Since there is no longer any possibility of angelic infiltration into the human race, the greatest objective of Satan from the flood to the point of the virgin birth was to kill the Jews, especially those in the Messianic line. (3) The line of Christ went from Shem to Abram, a Chaldean from the third dynasty of Ur. Upon hearing God's promises to Abraham regarding the Savior as his descendent, Satan made attacks on Abraham's seed. (a) The first attack occurred when Sarah found herself in the harem of an Egyptian king in Gen 12:10-20. (b) The second attack occurred when Pharaoh, Thutmose III, ordered the entire male line of Israel to be killed in Ex 1:10, 15-16. (c) Thutmose III's son, Amenhotep IV attempted to destroy all Israel in Ex 14:13-19. (d) After the line went from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Messianic line was passed on through Judah. (4) The Davidic Covenant promised David that his Son would be the Messiah. Now Satanic attacks focused on David's line. (a) Jehoshaphat arranged a marriage between his son, Jehoram, and Princess Athaliah, the daughter of Jezebel, the queen of the Northern Kingdom. Here was a classic case of man's plans trying to unite the kingdom. Jezebel was a Phoenician who married the king, so that his kingdom would also include all of Phoenicia. This story starts in 2 Chr 18:1. It was strictly a sex marriage, and the sex was related to the phallic cult and human sacrifice. In the process of all this, Jehoram killed his brother, 2 Chr 21:4. (b) Then the Arabs invaded and killed all the sons of Jehoram except one, called Ahaziah or Jehoahaz, 2 Chron 21:16-17, 22:1. (c) Then Athaliah, the mother of Jehoahaz killed everyone in the royal seed, and the only survivor was Joash, 2 Chron 23:3. At this point, the entire line of Christ was reduced to one person. But the line of Christ has been preserved. (d) Hezekiah was childless when attacked by Sennacherib, the King of Assyria, Isa 36:1, 38:1, 39:7. But God preserved Hezekiah against death in the battle, again preserving the line of Christ. Later Hezekiah had a son. (5) There was Hamon's plot to annihilate the Jews, as found in Esther. (6) There was the final attack on the virgin Mary when she was pregnant. The dilemma of Joseph when he discovered Mary's pregnancy is found in Matt 18:1-20. If he was a legalist, he would have followed Deut 24:1 and had Mary stoned. But Joseph had a marvelous, honorable attitude, for he was an aristocrat, descended from Solomon (Matt 1). The Coniah curse (you will never have a son that will be the Messiah) was fulfilled in the virgin birth, in that Joseph was not the real father of the Messiah. (7) The edict of Herod killed all children in Bethlehem, Matt 2:13-18. Due to a great signal corps, Herod learned that the wise men left the land by a different route and would not report back to him. So knowing when the virgin birth occurred, he took two years to develop all his plans, tracing genealogies, etc., so that he ordered every child in Bethlehem two years old and younger to be slaughtered. But God told Joseph in a dream to go to Egypt before that happened, so that Jesus Christ was spared. e. These are a few of the remarkable stories of how God's grace provided for us a Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord. f. Prior to the incarnation, Satan attacked the line of Jesus Christ in an attempt to frustrate the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union. During the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union, Satan made every attempt to frustrate our Lord getting to the cross. (1) That's why you read "they picked up stones to stone Him; but He passed through the crowd unnoticed." (2) The very treatment our Lord received in His seven trials was an attempt to kill Him before He could get to the cross. (3) Even on the cross, Satan was not through. He inspired people to say, "If you are the Christ, come down from the cross. Save Yourself and us." (4) We'll never know this side of heaven what it took for our Lord to make it to the cross as a perfect human being, and to receive the imputation and judgment of our sins. g. Since the cross, resurrection, ascension, and session of Jesus Christ, Satan has only one way to win, and that is by frustrating the fulfillment of the four unconditional covenants made to Israel, i.e., the Abrahamic, Palestinian, Davidic, and New Covenants. Yet these will all be fulfilled in the Millennium. But all these covenants have in common the necessity of Jews being alive, and therefore all anti-Semitism is Satanically-inspired. h. The Tribulation will demonstrate all the ways in which Satan tries to destroy the Jews, Rev 6-19. But of course the Jew will be preserved by the grace of God. Anti-Semitism is Satanic in nature. Its purpose is to frustrate the plan of God which centers in Israel. Anti-Semitism reaches its peak in Rev 12, in the middle of the Tribulation. i. One of the greatest attacks on the line of Christ and one of the most subtle forms of anti-Semitism occurred in Gen 6 before the Jew even existed. The result of this angelic attack was the creation of a third compartment in Sheol or Hades called Tartarus. 2. Definition and Description. a. There are two words we must understand: fables and myths. (1) A fable is a story, like the fox and the grapes, in which the characters and plot neither pretend reality nor demand credence. Fables are fabricated as a vehicle of moral or didactic instruction. (2) Myths are stories of anonymous origin, prevalent among primitive people. By the people to whom they were first addressed, they are accepted as true. Myths concern supernatural beings and events, or natural beings and events influenced by supernatural agencies. Many of the so-called myths of ancient Greece are related to two Greek nouns. (a) TARTAROS was a part of the Greek underworld called Hades. It was a place of sunless abyss below Hades in which Zeus imprisoned the Titans. (b) Those who dwelt in Tartarus were called TARTARITES. This word was used in reference to the Titan wars, which are a distorted picture of Gen 6 and the events that precede Gen 6. b. Today, there are two categories of fallen angels. (1) There are demons with angelic bodies who are not permitted on the earth. They are all incarcerated in Tartarus. (2) There are demons without bodies, or disembodied spirits, who are permitted to function under the command of Satan on planet earth. c. In Gen 6, the demons with bodies were visible to human beings. Furthermore, they were very beautiful and attractive, having male bodies. d. The demons with bodies were involved in an antediluvian attack on the human race which resulted in their incarceration in Tartarus. The motivation for their attack was to destroy the possibility of the incarnation beginning with the virgin birth. e. The operational demons of the postdiluvian civilization are disembodied spirits. They do not seek sex with females, as did their predecessors, but they seek the invasion of the human body. f. Only unbelievers can be demon possessed. The demon invasion of the soul through satanic and false doctrine has two categories of victims: unbelievers can also be demon possessed, and believers in Jesus Christ who cannot be demon possessed because each member of the Trinity indwells the body of every Church Age believer. g. The word antediluvian refers to the period of time before the Flood. The antediluvian civilization began with the creation of mankind and terminated with the Flood. h. Only eight believers survived the Flood (Noah and his family), because they were the last members of the true human race left on the earth. They were the only ones who had survived the infiltration of fallen angels. i. Civilizations, like dispensations are a category of human history, but a different category. (1) Each civilization begins with believers only and terminates with a cataclysmic judgment. (2) Each civilization has its own climate, environment, and its own characteristics within species. During the antediluvian civilization, the earth was not yet tilted on its axis; there was no bacteria. Therefore, there was perfect climate. (3) Mankind has a different lifespan in each civilization. In the antediluvian civilization, people lived 800-900 years. (4) Animal life in each civilization has differences within the species. However, there is no transmutation of species. The only species that no longer exists was the half-human half-angelic creatures, destroyed completely by the Flood. j. There are six dispensations but only three civilizations in human history. (1) The antediluvian civilization goes from the creation of man to the Flood. During this civilization, there was an angelic sexual invasion of the human race, Gen 6. This can be classified as a genetic attack on the human race designed by Satan to frustrate the incarnation and the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union. In fact, it was Satan's greatest attack to hinder the cross. (2) The postdiluvian civilization began with the recession of the universal Flood, and it continues until the Second Advent of Christ. (a) The demons involved in the sexual attack in the antediluvian civilization are now incarcerated in the compartment of Hades called Tartarus. The only demons operational today are disembodied spirits, so that any such sexual attacks can never occur again. (b) There are two demons attacks from disembodied spirits. (i) In demon possession, the demon invades the body of an unbeliever only. If an unbeliever believes in Jesus Christ, the demon is removed immediately. (ii) Demon influence is the demon invasion of the human soul through satanic thought or satanic theology. Anyone residing in the cosmic system, believer or unbeliever, comes under demon influence. (c) Just before the termination of the postdiluvian civilization, there are three great demon army military attacks on mankind during the Tribulation, Rev 9, 17. (i) The first demon army to attack the human race is led by a prince of demons called Abaddon, Rev 9:1- 12. This first demon army is stationed at present in the Abyss, the fourth compartment of Sheol or Hades. (ii) The second great demon assault army is led by four demon generals, Rev 9:13-21. (iii) The third demon assault army is led by Satan himself. His purpose is to destroy all Jews. Anti- Semitism is always Satanic in its origin and function. It is possible that the last two demon armies are also stationed at present in the Abyss, but they launch their assault at different points in the Tribulation. (3) The millennial civilization begins with the Second Advent of Christ and terminates with the Gog and Magog Revolution, led by Satan himself, and with the final judgment of human history. k. It should be noted that the antediluvian angelic attack and the Tribulational angelic attacks involve invasions by visible demons. However, during the postdiluvian civilization, all demon attacks are invisible, except in the Tribulation. l. While invisible believers cannot enter into sexual activity with human beings, demon possession and demon influence is the basis for the phallic cult practiced by human beings. The phallic cult includes not only human sacrifice but extensive sexual activities related to drugs and demon possession. The ethnic demonology of Greece, Rome, Phoenicia, the Canaanites, and the Germanic as well as other Indo-European mythologies always include the phallic cult and human sacrifice, as well as great violence. m. A study of Gen 4-6 gives a clear picture of what life was like on earth before the Flood. The violence then was far greater than at any time since. There are many stories, classified as myths (and are not), which document this violence. The life of Hercules is a good illustration. 3. Genesis 6:1-6. a. Gen 6:1, "Now it came to pass that when homo sapiens began to become numerous on the surface of the earth, that daughters were born to them." (1) This is a description of a tremendous population explosion on planet earth. The Hebrew word HA ADAM refers to mankind as a category of creation, i.e., the human race. (2) With any population explosion, there is always an excess of females. These daughters were very beautiful. The ratio of women to men in this population was excessive. (3) The increase of the population meant there were more sin natures. More sin natures means more evil, more lawlessness, and more violence on the earth. Because more sin natures without a system of establishment government means that people are open to making any decisions they want. Yet true freedom means the right to make certain decisions within the constraints of the laws of divine establishment. But without such constraints, there are too many options for the sin nature. This resulted in a tremendous amount of homicide, rape, terrorism, and violence on the earth. (4) There was no establishment, but there was culture. Probably the greatest musical and writing culture of all time existed in the midst of a population with the greatest intelligence of all time. (5) So great was the evil on the earth that by the tenth generation from Adam, only one family remained in the status of regeneration, and that one family applied doctrine in a special way to avoid any sexual relationship with half-human, half-angelic creatures. Eight were in Noah's family, and the ninth believer was Noah's grandfather Methuselah. The warning of the coming of the Flood was Methuselah's departure from this life. (6) The concentration of evil on the earth was so great, yet it did not destroy the human race! A concentration of evil never destroys the population of the earth, though millions of people may be raped, murdered, tortured, and victimized in every way. The population of the earth goes right on. Unrestrained criminality cannot and will not wipe out the human race. (7) By the tenth generation from Adam there was no reference to the Sethites, or Cainites as separate families and tribes, because the two lines had amalgamated. This is illustrated by the marriage of Naamah to Ham. The Cainite line was filled with disillusion from their study of science, culture, urban society, and had rejected the happiness God had designed for man by rejecting Christ as Savior. Their society pursued intellectual matters and hedonistic pleasure. The antediluvian population was generally unregenerate, reversionistic, and involved in the cosmic system. b. Gen 6:2, "Now the sons of God [demon pantheon on Mount Olympus] saw the women of mankind, that they were beautiful, so they seized [raped] for themselves women from all they had selected [whomever they chose]." (1) The "sons of God" is clearly a reference to angelic creatures. For the Hebrew BENI HA ELOHIM is used for angelic creatures only. (2) When the word beautiful is used in the Scripture, it means these women were extremely beautiful. (3) The Hebrew verb LAQACH means to seize violently, to take by sheer strength, to overpower and seize these women against their will to have sex with them. (4) The Hebrew phrase BENI HA ELOHIM is used four times in the Old Testament. All four times it refers to angelic creatures only. Note that in verse 1, HA ADAM is the phrase used to refer to mankind. (5) So the "sons of God" refer to the demon pantheon on Mount Olympus and the Titans like Iobates. The duplication of the Greek pantheon was made by the Phoenicians, Canaanites, Romans and others. (6) The "sons of God" refer to demons only, as also found in Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7, and Dan 3:25. c. The myths concerning the Titan wars present the mythological account of Tartarus; its basis is true. (1) Uranus and Gaea had three categories of children. (a) The Titans are the personification of the convulsions of the physical world; e.g., volcanoes and earthquakes. (b) Cyclops is the name of the second category of children. The name of the first cyclops is the Terror of Rolling Thunder. The second cyclops is called Lightning Flash; the third is called Thunderbolts. (c) The third category are called the Hundred-Handed Monsters, also composed of three beings. (2) So the couple had nine children total. Uranus the father feared the Hundred-Handed Monsters, so he put them in Tartarus. Their mother Gaea was indignant, and called on her older children, the Titans, for help. (3) But only one of the Titans would help; he was called CHRONOS, meaning time or chronology. Chronos attacked his father and became the ruler of heaven and earth. Chronos married his sister Rhea, and they had six children, three boys and three girls. The girls were named Vesta, Series, and Juno. The boys were called Pluto (Hades), Neptune, and Jupiter (Zeus). (4) Chronos had learned from his parents that he would be dethroned by one of his own children. So he swallowed each child when it was born. But when he got to the sixth one, his mother gave him a stone in swaddling clothes to eat and concealed Jupiter (Zeus in Greek) in the Island of Crete. (5) Assisted by his grandmother Gaea, Jupiter constrained Chronos to disgorge his cannibal repast, and first came up the memorable stone, which was then placed for safe keeping at Delphi. Then followed the five children. (6) Then came the war of the Titans. Jupiter and his brothers and sisters fought against Chronos. In the war that followed, Iobates and all the Titans except Oceanus fought on the side of Chronos. Jupiter and his brothers and sisters fought on the other side and won the war. The war was won by Jupiter when he went to Tartarus and released the Hundred-Handed Monsters. (7) As a result of winning the war, Jupiter and his brothers and sisters made Mount Olympus their capital. From then on, the story of Greek mythology is about the empire of Zeus (Jupiter) who became the god-ruler of the world to the Greeks. Zeus gave to his brother Neptune (Poisendon) the kingdom of the sea. He gave to his other brother Pluto (Hades) the underworld. (8) The Titans who were defeated were sent to Tartarus. Atlas, the son of the Titan Iobates, was doomed to carry the heavens on his shoulders. Iobates had three famous children: Pandora, Prometheus, and Atlas. (9) In the empire of Zeus from Mount Olympus, there was the beginning of a series of incidents found in two forms: myths and Gen 6:1-13. The Biblical story is completely and totally accurate. The myths that came out of this are simply distortions of the truth. The background for them is truth. (10) When the war between the Titans and Zeus was over and the Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus, this is a picture of how God dealt with BENI HA ELOHIM. The children of Zeus included Athena or Minerva, who sprang from his brain full- grown and fully armed. By his wife Juno he had Aries, Vulcan, and Hebe. By Latona he had Apollo (Phoebus) and Diana (Artemis). By Diona he had Venus (Aphrodite). By Mais he had Mercury (Hermes). (11) The males represented by BENI HA ELOHIM, translated "sons of God," actually refer to demons like Zeus (Jupiter). These demons had bodies, which they used to seduce and impregnate females of the human race during the antediluvian period of history. (12) BENI HA ELOHIM included Zeus, Apollos, Neptune, and Pluto, which are actually demon names. The sons of the gods were Titans like Chronos, Iobates, Oceanus, Tethys, Hyperion, Thammuz, Rhea, etc. Every name found in Greek mythology is either a demon name or a "hero" name. (13) The sexual attack to destroy true humanity on the earth and prevent the First Advent of the humanity of Christ is illustrated by one demon alone, Zeus (Jupiter), who had several notable sexual encounters with female members of the human race which started the genetic problem. Let us note this one example of the genetic attack on the human race. (a) Zeus is one of the BENI HA ELOHIM. He seduced a woman named Semele, who had a son half-angelic, half- human, named Bacchus (Latin) or Dionysus (Greek). (b) Zeus seduced the woman Alchimine. By her he had a half-human, half-angelic son called Hercules or Herucles. (c) By a third woman, Danae, he had a half- human, half-angelic son called Perseus. The original Persians of the ancient world claimed their ancestry from Perseus. (d) By a fourth woman, Lyda, he had four children who were half-human, half-angelic: Castor, Clytemnestra, Pollux, and Helen. It is claimed that only Castor and Pollux were his children; Clytemnestra and Helen were children by Lyda's human husband. (e) By a fifth woman, Europa, he had three sons: Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon. (f) By a sixth woman, Electra, he had Dardanus, from whom the Trojans claim their origin. (g) By a seventh woman, Niobe, he had Pelagius and Argus. (h) By an eighth woman, Io, he had Epephus. (i) By a ninth woman, Antiope, he had Anthion and Zeuthus who built the walls of Thebes. (j) By a tenth woman, Aegena, he had a son named Aeetes, the ancestor of both Aeschylus and Ajax. d. Gen 6:3, "Then Jehovah [God the Father] said, `My Spirit [Holy Spirit] will not always plead the cause of God in man's soul forever, for in his going astray, he is flesh [mortal]. Therefore, his days will be one hundred and twenty years.'" (1) This verse refers to the antediluvian ministry of the Holy Spirit. One of the greatest periods of evangelism in all of history resulted in millions of people hearing the Gospel, and yet there were only nine converts before the civilization was destroyed! (2) The common grace ministry of the Holy Spirit is emphasized here. Remember that being born spiritually dead, we are totally depraved, totally separated from God, and totally helpless to do anything about it. Furthermore, we are spiritually brain dead; unable to understand the Gospel. But God the Holy Spirit makes the Gospel perspicuous under the doctrine of common grace. (3) The Holy Spirit pleads the cause of God in man's soul, because the soul of man is spiritually brain dead. The cause of God is salvation. It is impossible for us to understand the Gospel on our own; that's why the Holy Spirit pleads the cause of God, i.e., makes the Gospel perspicuous. (4) From the time of Gen 6:3 to the time of the Flood, there would be an elapse of 120 years. At that point, God the Holy Spirit would no longer plead the cause of God in salvation, because the flood would wipe them out. (5) Only the nine human beings mentioned above believed in Jesus Christ. The half-human, half-angelic creatures heard the Gospel as well, and they could have believed in Christ and saved their human side, but none of them ever did. There were millions of them. (6) Time is the only chance you have for eternal life. You can only make a decision in time to believe in Jesus Christ. (7) Evangelism would continue 120 years more in the antediluvian civilization before the Flood came and destroyed the last opportunity for the ministry of God the Holy Spirit in common and efficacious grace. (8) The grace policy of God never executes judgment on mankind before every grace opportunity has been given to believe. Grace precedes judgment. Therefore, from the time of the angelic infiltration and the genetic attack on true humanity, there would be 120 years of Gospel preaching. (9) In 120 years, the entire human race would be corrupted by half-human, half-demonic people. The half-demonic side rejected the Gospel, even though it was probably given clearer, better, and more forcefully in that period of time than in any period of time since. (10) By the grace of God, the true humanity of Christ would be born as a descendant of Shem, one of the eight survivors of the Flood. d. Gen 6:4, "The Nephalim [fallen ones, half-human half-demon creatures] were on the earth in those days, and also afterward when the sons of God [demons] had sex with females of the human race, and had children by them, these children were the heroes who, from ancient history, were famous men." (1) Notice that in this passage, three categories of creatures are mentioned: HA ADAM is true humanity, BENI HA ELOHIM are angels with bodies, and HA NEPHALIM are the progeny of the first two combined, i.e., half-human, half-angelic creatures. (2) HA NEPHALIM means "the fallen ones." They are the subject of all the mythology of Greece, Rome, Canaan, and Germany. (3) Num 13:33, "There we also saw giants [Nephalim], the sons of Anach [part of the Nephalim], and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and we were in their sight." They were giants, not the Nephalim of Gen 6. (4) Half-human and half-demonic creatures had superb strength and super intellect. (5) These are the Greek heroes of antediluvian times. They include Orpheus, Perseus, Theseus, Minos, Hercules, Jason, Pelius, Castor, and Pollux. They are in contrast to the later heroes of the Trojan War, like Ulysses, Aeschylus, and Ajax, who were humans in postdiluvian times. (6) So the Nephalim included people of great power and intellect, like Dionysus or Bacchus, Anthion, Aesculapius the great physician, Prometheus, Pelops, Apollo. (7) As a result of this demon attack, the fallen angels involved were confined to Tartarus, the third compartment of Sheol or Hades. (8) The demons who function in the postdiluvian civilization under the command of Satan no longer have sexual capabilities; they are disembodied spirits. (9) So note the distinction between fallen angels. (a) In the antediluvian civilization, the demons who invaded the earth had angelic bodies and sexual capabilities. With their bodies, these demons were able to have sex with human females, resulting in the Satanic attempt to destroy true humanity on the earth. It almost succeeded except for the grace of God in the cataclysmic universal flood. (b) In the postdiluvian civilization, all demons are disembodied spirits, and therefore limited to the following functions: demon possession, which is the demon invasion of the human body and taking it over, and demon influence, which is the infiltration of Satanic or false doctrine into the human soul as per 1 Tim 4:1-2. (10) Jude 6 tells what happened to the first category of demons who infiltrated the human race. "And the angels which kept not their status quo but abandoned their proper place of residence [in the second heavens], He has guarded them in eternal chains under thick darkness for the judgment of the great day." Tartarus is described as "chains of thick darkness" in all Greek literature. (11) These demons are mentioned again in 2 Pet 2:4, "For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned [Gen 6:2], but incarcerated them in pits of darkness [in Tartarus], reserved for judgment." f. Gen 6:5 is the divine evaluation of the Nephalim period. "Then the Lord observed that the evil of homo sapiens was great on the earth, and that every motive of the thoughts of his heart [right lobe] was only evil continually." (1) In the period between the angelic infiltration and the Flood, a period of 120 years according to Gen 6:3, there were many unusual characteristics. (a) It was a period of the greatest music in history; evil people produced the most fantastic music in history, yet also the greatest violence. (b) It was a period of the greatest scientific achievement in history, yet at the same time a period of great lawlessness. It was the greatest academic civilization in history. (c) Along with culture of art and music, there was also great immorality. Along with fantastic luxury, there was wanton cruelty (similar to the Athenians later). (2) Though they did a lot of thinking, their thinking was related to evil. (3) There were three evil results of this genetic attack. (a) Case history #1: the sexual attack. (i) Bacchus was the demon god who promoted the phallic cult. He started the first sorority in history, and the women were called Maenads (which later became a word for sexual insanity). (ii) The sorority emphasized emotion taking over the soul and suppressing thinking, therefore blacking out reason. Hence, it included a demon penetration of the soul. (iii) The function of the sorority was to seek total freedom to give women more choices than they had ever had in their homes under their parents and husbands. In other words, this was to free them from authority. The function of the sorority was to establish a total freedom and escape from human limitations by entering into sexual orgies with demons. Hence, the demon penetration of the mind or soul was followed by the demon penetration of the female body. (iv) The bacchus cult began with a lot of good music, dancing, working everyone up, and drugs. Both a sexual orgy and violence resulted. The women abandoned themselves to the demons. The Maenads (mad ones) not only abandoned themselves to demons in a lustful frenzy, but they became extremely violent. They often killed one another. They lost all reason. So that along with sexual lust, there was tremendous killer lust. (v) King Pentheus of Thebes (Greece) became suspicious of three women in his household: his wife, his mother, and his sister. One night after pretending to be asleep, he followed them as they slipped out of the house and attended a meeting of the Dionysian sorority. There he saw these women become involved in an orgy. (vi) King Pentheus couldn't stand it any longer, so he went in to rebuke these three women. They all literally clawed him to pieces with their hands, screaming and shouting. (b) Case history #2: the intellectual. (i) This is the story of Apollo and the Oracle of Delphi. Apollo was the demon god of light who was very much involved with the kingdom of darkness and Satan himself. Apollo was one of the first champions of the angel of light principle from demons. He was the champion of lucidity. He was called the god of the sun. Apollo is his Latin name; Phoebus is his Greek name. (ii) On Mount Parnassus, Apollo killed a gigantic python. It was alleged to have been fifty feet long, and if so, it weighed about 350 pounds. In Apollo's honor, the Pythian Games were held. (iii) The demon-possessed priestess who served the demon god Apollo at the Oracle of Delphi prophesied and controlled the lives of many famous people. (iv) Apollo represents the doctrine of demons found in 1 Tim 4:1-2, as well as demon thinking in cosmic two. Apollo represents the intellectual departure from God, in contrast to Bacchus (or Dionysus) which represents the emotional, orgastic departure from God's will. (c) Case history #3: the sensational; the deceit of miracle healing. (i) Mythologically, this pattern is related to Aesculapius, the demon god of healing. Aesculapius was the progeny of Apollos and a human female called Coronas (Arseno). (ii) To understand how demon healing works, we must note two great demon-princes who serve their king, Satan. 1) Abaddon or Apollyon is found in Rev 9. He is the demon in charge of overt warfare. He commands the Abyss, from which he will bring forth the first great demon army in the Tribulation. 2) Beelzebub is the prince in charge of covert warfare against the human race. He has charge of operation mole, which is Satan's plan to give demons and Satan's human servants credibility in the Christian community. Satan's human deceivers include sorcerers who perform feats of necromancy, exorcists, so-called "divine healers," and people involved in signs from Satan, including the actual reproduction of the gift of tongues. Beelzebub is the demon in charge of the eggastromuthos demons who, when they possess the body of an unbeliever, actually reproduce the gift of tongues as it occurred on the Day of Pentecost and for forty years thereafter. (iii) Beelzebub, as the demon in charge of undercover operations, sponsors activities to give credibility to Satan's human servants. Satan's human servants are easily identified as people who allege to perform miracles of healing. No one has been healed by a miracle by a person since 96 A.D. (iv) God occasionally will directly heal a person in response to prayer. But the great power in the post- Canon period of the Church Age is the power of the Word of God. Jesus Christ only healed to give a hearing to His message. (v) Beelzebub is the head of a great demon organization which practices miracles of healing. 1) Matt 12:24, "When the Pharisees heard it, they said about Jesus, `He casts out demons only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons.'" When Beelzebub orders demons who are causing illness out of a human body, there is instant healing of that body. There are three categories of illness: physiologically-induced illness, mentally-induced [psychosomatic] illness, and demon-induced illness. 2) Mk 3:22, "The scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, `He is possessed by Beelzebub, and he casts out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.'" 3) Lk 11:15, "But some of them said, `He casts out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of demons.'" (vi) So certain forms of demon possession cause illness, so that when the victim goes to a so- called divine healer (who is working for Satan), Beelzebub orders the demons to withdraw which means there is an instant and real cure. Therefore, people think that divine healer has great power and must be from God. This is how even believers are led astray. This system provides honor and credibility to servants of Satan who practice the healing art. (4) The saturation of evil was illustrated by violence, murder, rape, and human sacrifice. (a) Lykaon, the King of Arcadia, sacrificed his son and then sat down and ate his corpse. He was demon- possessed. This is patterned after Chronos, who ate his children when they were born. (b) King Pentheus of Thebes was torn to pieces by the sorority of Dionysus, which included his wife, mother, and sister. (c) Atrius, the King of Mycenae, seduced the wife of his brother, Thyestes, whom he banished from the kingdom. When Thyestes was pardoned by his brother and allowed to return, Atrius invited him to a banquet in his palace. As he sat down, he was served two of his sons who were murdered and cooked for his convenience. (d) When Hercules returned home after his famous twelve labors, he murdered his wife and children. (e) Adonis was loved by both Aphrodite (Venus) and Persephone, the Queen of Hades. Zeus settled the rivalry by decreeing that Adonis should spend one-half a year with Venus above earth, and one-half year with Persephone in Hades. This story was used to describe seasons. For each year, Adonis must die and spend time with Persephone. Therefore, human sacrifice was practiced to send him down. To be sure he comes back up, more people were sacrificed. (f) Pember, Earth's Earliest Ages, p. 135, "And hence, there sprang up a thick crop of frauds and assignations of open quarrels and violence, till the whole earth was filled with corruption and bloodshed..." High culture never prevents violence. (g) If the flood occurred in 2245 B.C., then the angelic infiltration would have been about 2365 B.C. g. Gen 6:6, "Therefore, the Lord Himself repented that He made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His right lobe." (1) The niphal reflexive of NACHAM means to have a change of mind. It is the exact equivalent of the Greek METANOEO, and has the same meaning. It is impossible for God to sin, and therefore He does not "repent from sin." (2) This is an anthropopathism, which ascribes to God human feelings, passions, thoughts which God does not actually possess; e.g., hatred, anger, scorn, benevolence, compassion, longsuffering, and repentance. But in order to explain a divine policy, such a feeling or thought is ascribed to God. Therefore, to describe a change of divine policy, "repent" is used. Many times in history God has had to judge segments of the human race. (3) A second anthropopathism is that God was "grieved." (4) God's "right lobe" is an anthropomorphism, which ascribes to God a part of human anatomy which God does not possess, in order to express a divine function. (5) God would give 120 years to this half-human race, under the principle that grace precedes judgment. At that time, there would be a total destruction of the human race apart from eight persons. h. The divine decision regarding the antediluvian civilization follows in Gen 6:7. "Then the Lord decreed, `I will blot out mankind whom I have created from the surface of the earth, from man to animals to reptiles to birds of the sky, for I have changed My mind that I made them.'" (1) Apparently, the antediluvian reptiles and animals were much larger than the ones today. We know something about the antediluvian animals from the investigation of an ice pack in Siberia. So all animals and reptiles and birds were to be destroyed, except for those preserved in the ark. (2) The saturation of evil was so great that the human race had reached a point of total self-destruction. This was a part of the satanic plot to destroy true humanity on the earth so that Jesus Christ could not come in the flesh. Yet only as perfect true humanity could Jesus Christ come and be judged for our sins. (3) Therefore, to protect the remnant of believers, God had to destroy the antediluvian civilization. This divine decision was totally compatible with God's grace policy, which is extended to us today. The only way that God could keep His divine promise that there would be a Savior, and that "whosoever believes in Him will never perish but have eternal life," was by destroying the corrupted part of the human race so that only true humanity would be preserved beyond the great catastrophe of a universal flood. (4) Noah and his family were the last human beings who had not been corrupted by the angelic infiltration that produced the Nephalim. There must be a line of true humanity which extends from Noah to the true humanity of Jesus Christ. This explains the necessity to destroy the antediluvian population, which by now was a super race of half-angelic, half human beings. i. Gen 6:8, "Then Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." (1) "Eyes" are an anthropomorphism, ascribing to God human anatomy which He does not possess, used to express in human language a concept we can understand. (2) Noah and his family were both genuine human race and regenerate human race. They had personally believed in Jesus Christ as He was revealed in the great evangelistic push as of that dispensation. (3) That Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord refers to his salvation. j. Gen 6:9, "The following is the family history of Noah, a justified person [a believer], who was uncontaminated in his genealogy [still true humanity]. Furthermore, Noah walked with God [a mature believer]." (1) Being justified means Noah had personally believed in Jesus Christ. Therefore, he was justified by faith. (2) Therefore, since Noah was both justified and uncontaminated in his genealogy, he was the exception to Gen 6:7, when the Lord said, "I will blot out mankind whom I have created from the surface of the earth." All mankind was to be blotted out because mankind had become Nephalim, i.e., half-human and half-angelic. Had that continued, there would have been no possibility of the Lord Jesus Christ becoming true humanity and being judged for our sins. Then there would have been no way God could keep His Word to Adam and the woman. (3) The reason why the family history or genealogy of Noah is so important is because it is true humanity all the way from Adam and the woman to Noah. That Noah walked with God indicates he was a mature believer as well. k. Gen 6:10, "And Noah had three sons, namely Shem, Ham, and Japheth." (1) Every member of the human race is descended from either Shem, Ham, or Japheth, or the many combinations that have developed since then. (2) Abraham was in the line of Shem, and at age 99 he began the new racial species of the Jew. The Jewish line continued only through Isaac and Jacob, both believers. Jacob's twelve sons are the basis for the entire Jewish race. Our Lord came from the line of Judah. l. Gen 6:11, "Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God; furthermore, the earth was saturated with violence." m. Gen 6:12, "Consequently, God looked at the earth and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth." (1) The effectiveness of the genetic attack on the earth by demons resulted in true humanity being almost extinct on planet earth. (2) The source of salvation must come from the true humanity of Jesus Christ. 1 Pet 2:24, "He carried our sins in His own body on the cross." As God, He could have nothing to do with sin. He had to become true humanity. Hence, there was the necessity for destroying the hybrid race of the half-human, half-angelic creatures. (3) The demons (BENI HA ELOHIM, sons of God) were removed to Tartarus, while the corrupted humanity was removed to Torments in Hades. (4) God protects the believer, fulfilling His will in time of extreme catastrophe. Whenever God has to judge the world to protect the human race from self-destruction, He always protects the believer from this extreme catastrophe, which in this case was a universal flood which destroyed all Nephalim and all animal life on the earth except what was in the ark. But no matter how great the catastrophe, it is the mature believer who always survives. The pivot of mature believers always survives catastrophe. n. Gen 6:13, "Then God said to Noah, `The end of all flesh has come before Me [idiom: I'm thinking about the destruction of the antediluvian race), for the earth has become saturated with violence. Behold, I am about to destroy them with planet earth.'" (1) It's interesting to note that one of the greatest cultures of all time occurred during the antediluvian civilization. The music, literature, and drama was far greater than anything produced since. Yet the greatest violence also existed. Culture and violence always go together, for it occurred again during the fifth century B.C. Athens, during the Renaissance, and today in the United States. (2) So when a population gets to this point of saturated evil and violence, God intervenes with judgment. There will never again be a universal judgment of the earth, like the Flood. The earth will only be destroyed once more in its entirety, and that will occur at the end of the Millennium. At that time, God will cause a nuclear explosion that will destroy the earth and universe entirely. (3) Under the principle that Jesus Christ controls history, there must be, from time to time, great judgments, so that certain segments of the population which are self-destructive can be wiped out. (4) Jesus said the same thing when He said, "He who bears the sword will perish by the sword." This does not refer to the soldier in the military or police officer in law enforcement, but to the criminal who is self-destructive in the human race. This is why capital punishment is no necessary. If we don't destroy the criminal element through capital punishment, then God will do so in a terrible catastrophe. (5) How did God "destroy them with planet earth?" Gen 7:11, "He opened up the fountains of the deep." Remember the water that flooded the entire earth came from below the surface of the earth. The rain that came from above contributed a very small portion to the flood, only about 2%. (6) This verse stresses the importance of God's grace in judgment. It is seen in the work of our Lord on the cross. It is also seen in our Lord's removal of evil empires from time to time to avoid the self-destruction of the human race. H. Our Lord's Victorious Proclamation. 1. In 1 Pet 3:18-22, we have the only real winner in history, the One who did more to win than anyone else, and the One whose victory is more significant than anyone in human history. a. 1 Pet 3:18, "Because Christ also died once for our sins, the righteous One as a substitute for the unrighteous ones, that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive by means of the Spirit." (1) The trichotomous humanity of Christ remained impeccable during the entire time He was on the cross, though He underwent the greatest temptations anyone ever faced. He was the "lamb without spot and without blemish." He continued residing inside the divine dynasphere during three hours of the most intense suffering to ever exist in human history. (2) There are two reasons why our Lord remained the "righteous One." First, He was sustained by the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit inside the prototype divine dynasphere, Heb 9:14. Secondly, He used the problem solving devices, especially +H or sharing the happiness of God, Heb 12:2. Both of these sustaining factors are now available to you as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. (3) The Greek preposition HUPER plus the genitive of advantage from ADIKOS, "as a substitute for the unrighteous ones," refers to us all. The Greek noun ADIKOS includes both moral and immoral degeneracy, everything that makes up our failures when we're under the control of the old sin nature. (4) If you have personally believed in Jesus Christ, you have been brought to God. Jesus Christ is the only one who can bring us to God, and who can give us eternal life. (5) The entire satanic plot was an attempt to keep Jesus Christ from being "put to death in the flesh." (6) The omnipotence of the Holy Spirit had custodianship of our Lord's human soul after His physical death. God the Holy Spirit was the means by which our Lord was "made alive by means of the Spirit." (7) The rest of this passage explains what happened to our Lord's soul between the phrases "having been put to death in the flesh" and "but made alive by means of the Spirit." Under the custodianship of God the Holy Spirit, His soul not only went to Paradise, but He also visited Tartarus. So our Lord's human soul was in Hades for three days. While there, He went to Tartarus. b. 1 Pet 3:19, "by means of whom [God the Holy Spirit], He [human soul of Jesus Christ] went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison." The "spirits in prison" are the BENI HA ELOHIM of Gen 6:1ff. Those fallen angels who were judged and incarcerated in Tartarus when the universal flood occurred on the earth, Jude 6; 2 Pet 2:4. c. 1 Pet 3:20, "who [imprisoned demons] once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, while the ark was being constructed, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were brought to safety through water." (1) The patience of God waited 120 years. That period received that most intensive Gospel proclamation in all of human history. Every one of the Nephalim had a chance to believe in Christ, and every one of them said no. In the vacuum of their souls, they continued to worship the gods of Mount Olympus, who were not gods but demons. (2) God kept waiting under the principle that grace always precedes judgment. (3) The water that drowned the unbelieving world was also used to deliver the eight souls who were believers and true humanity. They are called "eight souls" because the soul is saved, not the body. We receive an interim body, and then a resurrection body. d. 1 Pet 3:21, "which also is an antitype [copy, representation] of the baptism [of the Holy Spirit] which now saves us -- not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but a pledge of a good conscience toward God -- through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead," (1) At the moment of our salvation, the baptism of the Spirit made us members of the royal family of God. Each member of Noah's family in the ark is analogous to the believer who is union with the person of Jesus Christ. Union with Christ delivers each member of the royal family of God. (2) Those eight souls were an antitype 10thor copy of what happens to us in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. For they were delivered from the catastrophe of the Flood by being inside the ark, just as we are delivered from the Lake of Fire by being in union with Christ, due to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Just as they were safe in the Ark, so we are safe in union with Christ. (3) The parenthetical phrase is to make sure you understand this does not refer to water baptism. (4) Your conscience was developed at the moment you believed in Jesus Christ as Savior, when God the Holy Spirit entered you into union with the person of Jesus Christ, making you royal family of God and a new spiritual species. So the pledge of good conscience toward God begins with becoming a new spiritual species and a member of the royal family of God. e. 1 Pet 3:22, "who [Jesus Christ] is at the right hand of God [the Father], having ascended into heaven after angels and authorities and powers had been subordinated to Him." (1) When Jesus Christ ascended, He was seated at the right hand of God the Father and received His third royal warrant. When we believe in Jesus Christ, we are put into union with Him as He is seated at the Father's right hand. This means we are positionally in heaven at the right hand of the Father right now; this is the doctrine of positional sanctification. (2) Since Jesus Christ ascended, He is now higher than all angels in a human body! This is unprecedented in all of history! This means that positionally, you are also higher than all angelic creatures. Furthermore, in the future when you receive your resurrection body, you will be physically higher and superior to the angels, the original creation of God. 2. When our Lord Jesus Christ went to the fallen angels of Gen 6 in Tartarus He announced to them a victorious proclamation, that they had not succeeded in their great attempt to prevent Him from coming in the flesh as true humanity. a. The Holy Spirit transferred our Lord's human soul from Paradise to Tartarus to make His proclamation. b. He announced that He had come into the world as true humanity. Then our Lord gave those demons an entire dissertation on the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union, and how He had been judged for the sins of the world. He told them how their plot had failed, for true humanity had remained on the earth with Noah and his family. 3. We only have part of what our Lord said to those fallen angels recorded in Heb 2:9-17. a. Heb 2:9, "We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than angels [in His humanity], now crowned with glory and honor because He suffered death, that by the grace of God He might taste [spiritual] death for everyone." True humanity is lower than angels. In a resurrection body we will be higher than angels. b. Heb 2:10, "For in bringing many sons into glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the Author of their salvation perfect through suffering." c. Heb 2:11, "For both He who sanctifies [Jesus Christ through agency of the baptism of the Spirit] and those who are being sanctified [royal family], are all from one [idiom: all of the same family], for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren," d. Heb 2:12, "saying [Ps 22:22], `I will proclaim Your name to Your family [royal family of God]; in the middle of the congregation I will sing Your praise.'" In antiphonal worship, Jesus Christ is praised as the strategic victor in the angelic conflict. e. Heb 2:13, "And again [Isa 8:17], `I [personification of all Church Age believers] will put my trust in Him.' And again [Isa 8:18], `Behold, I [victorious Christ] and the children [royal family] whom God [F] has given to Me.'" Not only did Jesus Christ succeed in coming in the flesh, in spite of that angelic attack, but at the same time a royal family was formed. God the Father has given to our Lord a royal family as an award for His third royal patent. f. Heb 2:14, "Since therefore the children share common blood and flesh [true humanity], He also Himself, in the same manner [virgin birth], shared their humanity, in order that through death [substitutionary spiritual death] He might destroy [neutralize, render powerless] him [Satan] who has the power of death, that is, the devil;" In spite of the demon attack of Gen 6:1-11, true humanity continues to reside on the earth in the postdiluvian civilization. g. Heb 2:15, "and might deliver those who, through fear of death, were subject to slavery all of their lives." When we celebrate the Lord's table, we celebrate the highest freedom ever attained in this life, i.e., spiritual freedom. Fear, such as fear of death, makes the human race a slave. h. Heb 2:16, "For obviously, He [humanity of Christ] did not assume the nature of angels, but He did take on the seed of Abraham [new racial species of Jew]." i. Heb 2:17, "For this reason, He had to be made like His brethren [royal family] in every way, that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people." This is the victorious proclamation in part. I. The Abyss. 1. This fourth compartment of Hades is the jail for a certain postdiluvian demons who have been incarcerated there because they disobeyed the rules for the angelic conflict in human history. 2. ABUSSOS means abyss, and is mistranslated "the deep" in the KJV, Lk 8:31; Rom 10:7 and in Rev 9:1-2, 11, 7:17, 11:7, and 20:1-3 where it is called "the bottomless pit." Rom 10:7 tells us it is a part of Sheol; cf. Amos 9:2. 3. Our Lord had a dialogue with a demon-possessed man of Lk 8:30-31. After He cast the demons out, they begged Him not to order them into the Abyss. "And Jesus asked him, `What is your name?' And he replied, `Legion,' for many had entered him. And they begged Him not to command them to depart into the Abyss." a. The fact that they called themselves "Legion" means they were organized into a military force. b. The demons knew they had violated certain principles and could be tossed into the Abyss. A demon army is being formed there of all fallen angels who violate the rules of the angelic conflict. c. Demons who violate certain rules of the angelic conflict during human history are banished into the Abyss. Apparently at least 1000 demons indwelt this man, contrary to the rules of the angelic conflict. 4. The Church is the focal point of the invisible warfare today; therefore we are required to become invisible heroes. However, the Abyss is related to visible warfare in the Tribulation. 5. The Abyss is the present barracks for the first demon assault army under the command of Abaddon (Hebrew) or Apollyon (Greek). This first demon assault army will invade the earth during the Tribulation, Rev 9:1-12. They are released from their prison to become part of the administration of punishment to unbelievers. At this time, the invisible angelic conflict will become visible. Hence, there will be visible heroes among believers; e.g., Moses and Elijah and the 144,000 Jewish evangelists. These events indicate a tremendous and radical change in God's plan after the Rapture of the Church occurs. 6. A second demon assault army is said to be stationed underneath the Euphrates River. It will be sent into action at the sounding of the sixth trumpet, Rev 9:13-21. This demon assault army will actually kill one-third of the people of the earth who are involved in the cosmic system. 7. The third demon assault army is commanded by Satan himself. It now resides in heaven. It will attack upon the sounding of the seventh trumpet, Rev 11:15-12:17. This army will be involved in warfare in heaven. It will be defeated by the angelic order of battle led by Michael the archangel, Rev 12:7-8. As a result of this defeat by Michael and the elect angels, the third demon assault army will attack planet earth, Rev 12:9. This attack is specifically directed against the Jews. It is Satan's final attempt to wipe out every Jew on the earth. Anti- semitism is one of the greatest systems of evil from Satan. 8. There is a special demon-king, Apollyon, now residing in the Abyss who will indwell and empower the dictator of the revived Roman Empire in the Tribulation, Rev 17. Rev 17:8, "The beast that you saw [revived Roman Empire] was [Roman Empire in time of John, 96 A.D.] and is not [fall of Roman Empire in 476 A.D.] and will come out of the Abyss and go into destruction." 9. The Abyss will be the millennial jail of Satan where he will serve 1000 years of prison sentence. Rev 20:1-3, "And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the Abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he seized the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for one thousand years. And he cast him into the Abyss, and he both shut and sealed it over him so that he should not deceive the nations any longer until the thousand years were completed." 10. When the two witnesses, Moses and Elijah, finish their ministry in the Tribulation, they are killed by Abaddon, the king of all demons in the Abyss, Rev 9:11 cf 11:7. 11. In the Hebrew, TOPHIT GEHENNAH refers to the lake of fire, not Hades.
there is no heaven or hell
I had dreams about going to hell when I first became a christian and they were God's way of warning me so I think I have a clear view it can mean different things a) a place where your internal organs are set on fire b) a place where sulferic acid is being injected into every inch of your body c) a dark void where you are falling endlessly d) a place where your bones are crushed e) hearing 10 000 voices screeching whaling gnashing their teeth and not having any peace All I can say is it's very obscure and there is no sense in it whatsoever, but until you fully die I believe there are intermediate places where you can go... grey areas, that are not as bad as hell.
I don't know, but if it does exist it's probably similar to my workplace.
Having to hear Dr.Laura.
Something to be avoided at great cost!
A scare story to make sure everyone does as they are told :)
living with my wife for the last 8 yrs
Watch the world news for six minutes.
I think hell will be a giant party, and a place where equality, regardless of sexual orientation, reigns. The fire will be rainbow, and everything will be teh awesome. I mean, if the devil really hates God, why not embody everything God hates.
Crescent City California! It is both Hell, and the crotch of the universe!
depends on your religion
what a "true Christian" lives here on wasn't a picnic for Christ or the Apostles, etc..metaphoracally speaking. hell can be seen as the grave, a place of mental darkness and torment. the pits of hell to be tormented FOREVER is where satan, his demons, false prophets, the beast will be thrown when Jesus returns..unbelieving,wicked humans will be thrown in too, but I don't think it is an eternal torment, just a final destruction..
A place which you won't want to go nor live in. A place where darkness revolves and orbits every moment. A place where freedom and nicety do not exists. And of course it is a place that can't be compared as being on AB.
Seeing a very sick child
It is described in the bible, I encourage you to look it up head to and type in hell and it will give you verses. My pastor said to think of it this way, Imagine turning on the stove and putting you're hand on it and leaving it there. The bible says hell is beyond our imagination as humans, so multiply the pain of putting you're hand on a stove by 1,000,000 and its still not as bad. Also he said this which is interesting. Hell and heaven are eternal. So the lives we live now are so irrelevant compared to eternity think if someone told you, the way you live the next 24 hours will determine how you spend the next 1 million years. You would try to live right, and even that dosen't compare because a million is finite and eternity is infinite. Sorry for going off this far.
my life.
From a Christian perspective, simply put, hell is separation from God and consequently all that is good.
HELL A word used in the King James Version (as well as in the Catholic Douay Version and most older translations) to translate the Hebrew she’ohl′ and the Greek hai′des. In the King James Version the word “hell” is rendered from she’ohl′ 31 times and from hai′des 10 times. This version is not consistent, however, since she’ohl′ is also translated 31 times “grave” and 3 times “pit.” In the Douay Version she’ohl′ is rendered “hell” 64 times, “pit” once, and “death” once. In 1885, with the publication of the complete English Revised Version, the original word she’ohl′ was in many places transliterated into the English text of the Hebrew Scriptures, though, in most occurrences, “grave” and “pit” were used, and “hell” is found some 14 times. This was a point on which the American committee disagreed with the British revisers, and so, when producing the American Standard Version (1901) they transliterated she’ohl′ in all 65 of its appearances. Both versions transliterated hai′des in the Christian Greek Scriptures in all ten of its occurrences, though the Greek word Ge′en·na (English, “Gehenna”) is rendered “hell” throughout, as is true of many other modern translations. Concerning this use of “hell” to translate these original words from the Hebrew and Greek, Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (1981, Vol. 2, p. 187) says: “HADES . . . It corresponds to ‘Sheol’ in the O.T. [Old Testament]. In the A.V. of the O.T. [Old Testament] and N.T. [New Testament], it has been unhappily rendered ‘Hell.’” Collier’s Encyclopedia (1986, Vol. 12, p. 28) says concerning “Hell”: “First it stands for the Hebrew Sheol of the Old Testament and the Greek Hades of the Septuagint and New Testament. Since Sheol in Old Testament times referred simply to the abode of the dead and suggested no moral distinctions, the word ‘hell,’ as understood today, is not a happy translation.” It is, in fact, because of the way that the word “hell” is understood today that it is such an unsatisfactory translation of these original Bible words. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, unabridged, under “Hell” says: “fr[om] . . . helan to conceal.” The word “hell” thus originally conveyed no thought of heat or torment but simply of a ‘covered over or concealed place.’ In the old English dialect the expression “helling potatoes” meant, not to roast them, but simply to place the potatoes in the ground or in a cellar. The meaning given today to the word “hell” is that portrayed in Dante’s Divine Comedy and Milton’s Paradise Lost, which meaning is completely foreign to the original definition of the word. The idea of a “hell” of fiery torment, however, dates back long before Dante or Milton. The Grolier Universal Encyclopedia (1971, Vol. 9, p. 205) under “Hell” says: “Hindus and Buddhists regard hell as a place of spiritual cleansing and final restoration. Islamic tradition considers it as a place of everlasting punishment.” The idea of suffering after death is found among the pagan religious teachings of ancient peoples in Babylon and Egypt. Babylonian and Assyrian beliefs depicted the “nether world . . . as a place full of horrors, . . . presided over by gods and demons of great strength and fierceness.” Although ancient Egyptian religious texts do not teach that the burning of any individual victim would go on forever, they do portray the “Other World” as featuring “pits of fire” for “the damned.”—The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, by Morris Jastrow, Jr., 1898, p. 581; The Book of the Dead, with introduction by E. Wallis Budge, 1960, pp. 135, 144, 149, 151, 153, 161, 200. “Hellfire” has been a basic teaching in Christendom for many centuries. It is understandable why The Encyclopedia Americana (1956, Vol. XIV, p. 81) said: “Much confusion and misunderstanding has been caused through the early translators of the Bible persistently rendering the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hades and Gehenna by the word hell. The simple transliteration of these words by the translators of the revised editions of the Bible has not sufficed to appreciably clear up this confusion and misconception.” Nevertheless, such transliteration and consistent rendering does enable the Bible student to make an accurate comparison of the texts in which these original words appear and, with open mind, thereby to arrive at a correct understanding of their true significance.—
Hell is a made up place that people use to scare others into believing in certain gods.
"Does hell exist?" No! Hell is a contrivance of mankind for the purpose of controlling people. "will we be punished by God?" No! God is outside of the universe and time and doesn't meddle in the affairs of the universe. "Doesn't evil and suffering prove that God doesn't exist?" No! It only shows that we have no true concept of God, God's plan or man's relationship to God and God's plan. In contrast to believing in the Bible, i believe: 1. That God is that Creative/Causative Force that exists before the beginning of the universe/time and continues to exist outside of the universe and time. 2. That "Force" created/caused the spiritual/soul entities to come into being. 3. The spiritual/soul entities continued the "Creation" with the "Big Bang". And, through evolution and possibly subtle manipulations, have caused the current state of affairs. 4. The spirits/souls choose to inhabit the various physical bodies that they have created in order to experience physical reality. 5. When bodies die the spirit/soul continues to exist and often times reincarnates into another body in order to continue its growth. 6. The purpose of it all is for the spirits/souls (entities) to gain knowledge and experience and to ultimately rejoin or evolve back into the Oneness of God. The Bible is a book of history and guidance for peoples of certain times. The Old Testament was meant for the societies and peoples of ancient times. The New Testament was meant to change much of the Old Testament law and to guide the society and people of two thousand years ago. The Bible worked during the time periods it was meant to cover. Its guidance protected the people and gave value and purpose to their lives. The problem is that the Bible was meant for past eras and was successful therein. It, however, did not keep up with the times and technologies during the advancement of mankind. There may still be some lessons that can be learned from studying the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. But, the lessons must be tempered with the knowledge that exists in the current time period. Man and his technology has evolved considerably since Biblical times. The Bible has not evolved accordingly. It is therefore the province of man to interpret the whole Bible and attempt to allow its relevant parts to fit into the lifestyles of the current era. As long as they do not infringe on the rights of others, men are free to follow the teachings of the Bible for themselves. Your rights and beliefs end where mine begin. The Bible is a "crutch" which is necessary for some but not for all. It is a book written by men with the purpose of helping to guide other men through some of the pitfalls that life has to offer. It is also meant to give hope and purpose to those who may have no other way of finding same. Just as with other fictional works, it is not meant to be taken literally but parabolically. Parts of its historical accounts may be factual while other parts are symbolic. And, yet other parts are simply devices wherein to protect the health and well-being of people of that era. It takes many religions to give guidance to those who are in need of direction. Some use the Bible as their basis while others use other Books. They all serve a needed purpose. They all benefit the society of man. Just because the Bible (or some other Book) is right for you does not mean or make it right for everyone else. The human race is a diverse species. It has many different cultures and Beliefs. Grant to each their right to choose that which fits them. The Bible is a book of history and guidance for peoples of certain times. The Old Testament was meant for the societies and peoples of ancient times. The New Testament was meant to change much of the Old Testament law and to guide the society and people of two thousand years ago. The Bible worked during the time periods it was meant to cover. Its guidance protected the people and gave value and purpose to their lives. The problem is that the Bible was meant for past eras and was successful therein. It, however, did not keep up with the times and technologies during the advancement of mankind. There may still be some lessons that can be learned from studying the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. But, the lessons must be tempered with the knowledge that exists in the current time period. Man and his technology has evolved considerably since Biblical times. The Bible has not evolved accordingly. It is therefore the province of man to interpret the whole Bible and attempt to allow its relevant parts to fit into the lifestyles of the current era. As long as they do not infringe on the rights of others, men are free to follow the teachings of the Bible for themselves. Your rights and beliefs end where mine begin. The Bible is a "crutch" which is necessary for some but not for all. It is a book written by men with the purpose of helping to guide other men through some of the pitfalls that life has to offer. It is also meant to give hope and purpose to those who may have no other way of finding same. Just as with other fictional works, it is not meant to be taken literally but parabolically. Parts of its historical accounts may be factual while other parts are symbolic. And, yet other parts are simply devices wherein to protect the health and well-being of people of that era. It takes many religions to give guidance to those who are in need of direction. Some use the Bible as their basis while others use other Books. They all serve a needed purpose. They all benefit the society of man. Just because the Bible (or some other Book) is right for you does not mean or make it right for everyone else. The human race is a diverse species. It has many different cultures and Beliefs. Grant to each their right to choose that which fits them. i choose i chose to be born, – to live or die, Even the sex, that would be i; i chose the race, from which to appear, Also my wealth, my health and my fear. i chose my trials and stumbling blocks, And the legs i would use, in all of those walks; i chose my sadness, my joy and my love, i chose to serve and not be above. i chose this life – with all of its dues, And with each dawn, again i choose; The experiences for me that wait ahead, To be alive, or be claimed dead. And of the future lives i've yet, It is my choice that i begat; All the things, however pleasin', That shall befall me in those seasons. From my chosen path i stray, Yet my God ne'er turns away; For i have learned -- and understand, That where God is -- is where i am!
hummm I use to think at one time in my life when I was much younger that this is hell, and if we make it through this 'life' w/o taking our life then we will go to a better place....I once told someone this and they were so mad at me. NOTE: I was young when I thought this!!
Hell is life without The GOD, Almighty. don't ask me which god. cuz i believe there is only one god, and religion was drafted by Satan to ward off people from following the real almighty.
a myth/lie
Hell the impossibility of reason.
Being stuck on a desert island with paris hilton
hell is seperation from god not a literal place of fire but everlasting seperation from god
Sitting on the toilet and then seeing that there is only one thin sheet of TP left!
Hell is the English form of the German word Horla. The Catholic church adopted the word hell to describe the Hebrew word Ghahena, which means fiery pit. It was a burning dump outside Jerusalem where sinners,namely people who they felt could not be redeemed were placed to be burned and was considered a permanent separation from god forever. Also it is interesting to note that the German myth about a fiery river called Horla had to be crossed where all your sins would be washed away in order to get to the banks of the other side where the creation god awaited to reward you for making it. If your sins were to great however, the fiery river Horla would sweep you away and you would be burned out of existence.
An imaginary place used to terrify and control people.
Made up.
According to some religous scriptures hell is defined as follows: Fuel of men and women. The fire of hell is 70 times hotter than this world. There are seven doors to hell. There is no death. An eternal abode. Punishments are frightening unimaginable. Reference: Holy Bible, Holy Quran:
the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels. The reason you go there is because you reject the light John3:19 But when Christ returns and makes all things new, his very presence will illuninate the holy city, and there will be no more darkness. But what about all those people that hate the light and love darkness because of their own evil deeds? They go to the place of eternal darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
A fictional place, created by those who wanted to have one more tool for getting their kids to eat ALL of their oatmeal.
watching a football game on TV having to listen to more than 1 minute of 'country' music listening to kids prattle on about their day.....who the eff cares??! getting lost last at night in a strange city with no one around to ask directions of.. running out of your favorite dessert just when you thought there was still some in the fridge..... sorry, had to get those off my chest....... but 'hell' is probably someplace where you'd be all alone at all times? and just miserable........
sometimes whats going on can be hell
It corresponds to whipping horses and spanking children. It is a fictional place of eternal punishment used to scare people in a huge con game, so that they allow churches to totally control them and give these churches 10% of their money. The superior man has no need for immature Rewards & Punishments to motivate him, but such men are all too rare,
Total protonic reversal.
Archie Bunker
Nobody got the movie reference, huh? Dang.
a place with fire that people go to when they die
When you mistakenly think you are the center of the universe
To me it is a nonbeliever and dies without Jesus then the Holy Spirit leaves that person. For the believer to die with Jesus the Holy Spirit stays with that one.
Cry me a River
People without Christ have not got the Holy Spirit to leave them. Only born again believers have the Comforter, and that forever. -
Cry me a River
People without Christ have not got the Holy Spirit to leave them. Only born again believers have the Comforter, and that forever. -
Rick Myres
The Holy Spirit is with everybody that are alive but if they reject Jesus unto death that is when the Holy Spirit leaves them. It is the Holy Spirit that give us faith but rejecting it is rejecting Jesus.
Hell is fire.
Hell is fire, hence hellfire.
Your worst nightmare
If you learn it from Christendom, they will tell you it is a fiery place without reference to support their claims. If you learn it from the Bible, along with the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, hell is the common grave by Sheol and Hades.
It's a town outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan.,_Michigan
Opinions are plentiful. The truth is found in God's word the Bible. The original words translated to 'hell' in the Bible (Hebrew: she'ol; Greek: hades) both refer to where all mankind goes upon death: the common grave. There was another word, (Greek) ge'en-na which many say refers to a hellfire. However, this was the city garbage dump where fires were kept going to burn the refuse to nothing. It is used in the Bible to reference complete destruction with no hope of a resurrection. Also, crucial to the idea of eternal torment, is the idea of the soul being immortal. This idea is also not found in the Bible. Psalms 146:4 clearly states that when a man dies, "his spirit goes out, he returns to the ground; on that very day his thoughts perish." Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 say, although the living "are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all." The hope for mankind that has died is that of the resurrection. If life continued as many say, of what benefit is the resurrection Jesus taught and demonstrated? The truth is clear when you look into God's word with an open mind to see what he says. To learn more, go to
When we die, we all go to hell. However, hell is not a place of torment as taught by most religions. Jesus Christ himself was in hell, therefore it could not be a fiery place of torment. The Bible tells us that Hell, or Hades or Sheol, is in fact the common grave of mankind. When we read the Book of Revelation, it says in chapter 20 v 14 & 15, that death and the grave were hurled into the Lake of Fire this means the 2nd death. Therefore Hell cannot be a fiery hell.
If you look up the word Hell in the dictionary it give you the Greek word Hades. Look up Hades and it gives you the word Sheol. Look up Sheol and this is the definition that you get, “the abode of the dead in early Hebrew thought”. Notice it said the DEAD, and not the EVIL... When we all die we go to Sheol, or the grave. Throughout time Satan has perpetuated the lie that man dies and goes to a fiery hell, this is not true. This is a thought that had never came into Gods Heart(read Jer 7:31). The wages of sin is death. Once you die you have atoned for your sins. Would it be loving of God to punish you even though you paid for your sins, NOT AT ALL!!! Jehovah is a loving God and would do nothing of the sort. For more information on this subject please visit jworg
A place of torture
The Story of Heaven and Hell as Told by an Ancient Samurai___________________________________ Early one morning, a little monk by the name of Jamyang was sitting deep in meditation when spotted something on the distant horizon – It was a solitary figure marching towards the monastery._______________ The monk squinted his eyes trying to focus on the growing figure. As the figure marched closer and closer it appeared to be a warrior of some sort, a samurai possibly – he has two long swords hanging low and armour that was flapping stiffly in the wind.____________________________ This was a very long way for a samurai to travel. Interesting.__________________________________ The monk watched as the mysterious figure drew closer. From what he could see, it appeared to be a ronin— a rogue with no master. He was a very large, brutish looking man with a long stride and a scowl on his face that was visible even from this distance. The monk waited calmly.___________ After some time the warrior eventually arrived, stopping just a few feet in front of the old monk and kicking up dust, his hands resting on the butts of his weapons. “Monk,” he hissed, “I have come to learn what you know about heaven and hell. Tell me everything.”_____________________ Jamyang did not reply. He waited until the ronin was about to speak again and said: “I will tell you nothing. You are a samurai with no master. You come uninvited, fail to introduce yourself and demand knowledge that you have not earned.”__________________ The ronin’s face filling with anger. He opened his mouth to speak.__________________________ “Plus,” Jamyang said, “you smell like a thousand rancid cows. No one as putrid as you deserves any knowledge, let alone knowledge of the sacred.”_________________ At this the warrior’s expression contorted with pain and he cried out, pulling his swords from their scabbards and raising them above his head, readying himself to issue the death-blow to this small, smug monk.________________________ “That is hell,” Jamyang whispered.___________ The ronin froze, the swords trembling in the desert air. Slowly, realization dawned on him, his face beginning to drain of its colour.____________ There could be no clearer explanation. This wise old monk had risked his life to show him, through his own emotions, exactly what hell was. Overcome with gratitude he fell to his knees, tears welling in his eyes.__________________________ Jamyang said softly, “and that is heaven.”___________ ~ A Spirit Science Rendition of a Traditional Zen Tale
Some Bible translations use the word “hell” for the Hebrew word “Sheol” and the matching Greek word “Hades,” both of which refer to the common grave of mankind. (Psalm 16:10; Acts 2:27) Many people believe in a fiery hell, as shown in the religious artwork accompanying this article. However, the Bible teaches otherwise. Those in hell are unconscious and so cannot feel pain. “There is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol.”—Ecclesiastes 9:10. Good people go to hell. The faithful men Jacob and Job expected to go there.—Genesis 37:35; Job 14:13. Death, not torment in a fiery hell, is the penalty for sin. “He who has died has been acquitted from his sin.”—Romans 6:7. Eternal torment would violate God’s justice. (Deuteronomy 32:4) When the first man, Adam, sinned, God told him that his punishment would simply be to pass out of existence: “Dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:19) God would have been lying if he were actually sending Adam to a fiery hell. God does not even contemplate eternal torment. The idea that he would punish people in hellfire is contrary to the Bible’s teaching that “God is love.”—1 John 4:8; Jeremiah 7:31. For more information on this subject please visit jworg.
Hell is the grave.. we all go there.. (sheoll). The hell that pagan groups like trinitarians talk of (burning torture place that their evil god tortures unbelievers eternally) is mythology, and not found in the bible.
An abstract concept.
Hell is the inevitable and logical conclusion to a life that ends and has no 'taste' for God or the things of God. Let me quote Newman —it is fearful, but it is right to say it;—that if we wished to imagine a punishment for an unholy, reprobate soul, we perhaps could not fancy a greater than to summon it to heaven. Heaven would be hell to an irreligious man. We know how unhappy we are apt to feel at present, when alone in the midst of strangers, or of men of different tastes and habits from ourselves. How miserable, for example, would it be to have to live in a foreign land, among a people whose faces we never saw before, and whose language we could not learn. And this is but a faint illustration of the loneliness of a man of earthly dispositions and tastes, thrust into the society of saints and angels. How forlorn would he wander through the courts of heaven! He would find no one like himself; he would see in every direction the marks {8} of God's holiness, and these would make him shudder. He would feel himself always in His presence. He could no longer turn his thoughts another way, as he does now, when conscience reproaches him. He would know that the Eternal Eye was ever upon him; and that Eye of holiness, which is joy and life to holy creatures, would seem to him an Eye of wrath and punishment. God cannot change His nature. Holy He must ever be. But while He is holy, NO UNHOLY SOUL CAN BE HAPPY IN HEAVEN.
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