• I doubt it your corporations have been attacking them my entire life unless you actually get rid of the corpos that think they own us all no . Hence why I say Americans must love wars ,Has any of the wars you've been involved in made anyones life in any Arab country any better? Or does it make the Arabs hate us more?
    • β˜…Stevo
      Dont get me wrong Aussies must love wars also we send a token amount of troops everytime the US tells us too. Who gains out of all these wars, Young Americans do most of the dying the American people dont see any gains just rich a holes benefiting
  • No, when you have countries in the Middle East shouting Death to America and Israel, conflict is necessary to fight terrorism. Islamics hate Western culture. It's in the Quran to hate Jews, Christians and non-believers in Allah. Surat Al-Ma'idah 5:51 "0 those who believe, do not take Jews or Christians as friends (for) they are friends among themselves. And whoever has friendship with them, he is one of them."
  • No, war makes money for all western countries, there's too much to be gained from the middle east, destabilising government's, allows them to continue their presence there.
  • As soon as they forsake Islamic terrorism, America will stop fighting against it. 2/22/25

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