• I'm not scared of any of it. I have lived thru nearly 80 years of American history. This will be no different, IMHO. 2/16/25
  • 2/16/2025, Donald Trump who is a ticking time bomb πŸ’£ is already scary enough. lol
  • Criminals are being released early, while others are arrested for Facebook posts and media comments, pensioners are having their winter fuel allowance cut, avoidance of investigation into Southport rape gangs, and international child trafficking, farmers protesting, British people protesting, I reckon food shortages pushing up prices for rich elite stocks and shares, further closures of small businesses, more people losing their homes, more homelessness, and probably another disease scare, with other false flag operations. And they will probably invent another tax, when we are taxed over and over Other than that "fine and dandy!"
  • Trump is killing this country by legislating law by executive order instead of going through congress. The people were gaslighted into thinking Trump is what this country wanted. I saw it coming. I haven't lived for 86 years with my head in the sand.
    • β˜…Stevo
      Nancy Polski brand BS
  • We wouldn't want any of these corpo wars to end would we untill these parasites have total control of all the wealth in the world. Ive survied this far I think the worst is past. What do you think Trump is going to do that is more dishonest than anything Biden did?

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