• There are many things wrong about Trump. He is a psychopath, a rapist and a pathological liar. He made over 30,000 false and misleading claims. It seems the majority of Americans have not learned their lesson after the things he did wrong in his previous term before Biden. Trump should be in prison and he got away with his crimes (falsifying business records). I understand you are dissatisfied.
    • ★Stevo
      How was Biden any better the USA is doing so well today isn't it?
    • DancesWithWolves
      Let's impeach him from office
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I would like to hear that happen Danceswithwolves
    • dalcocono
      Mr. Chris Cuomo on impeachment;
  • As I dont like the pathetic Joe Biden or any muppet woke democrat so far he appears to be doing all right.
    • dalcocono
      They like him in the Bahamas too!
  • 2/2/2025, he's been too concerned with massive deportations of illegal immigrants, changing the Gulf of Mexico name to the Gulf of America, the trade wars with America's neighbors and China, but nothing said about *reducing inflation* by which poor and middle-class Americans will be heavily impacted by the sky-rocketing prices 👆 at the grocery stores, gas prices, car dealerships, auto repair shops and so on. To his supporters, they don't care what happens. "I love the poorly educated." - Donald Trump
  • He is the opposite side of the coin, that's it, he doesn't run the country, those who fund him do, and as Cathy O'brien said, presidents are picked years before they are elected. So they can have you jumping from one leg to the other, blaming the opposing government, but the aim is the same, to control the masses, and keep them focused on eachother not them. "It's one big club and you ain't in it." It must be amusing for them though, we no longer know what a woman is? Enjoy..
  • He is doing what he said he would do. Those who support him will be satisfied, and those who don't support him will be dissatisfied. 2/2/25
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      No he's not. Let's be honest, most voters who chose him did so because of: 1. He promised to lower grocery and gas prices (eggs in particular) on day one. I just today paid $11 for eggs. That's a record. People don't stop to think that this inflation started under his first presidency. But the wallet is where people are hurting most, and that was an empty promise all along, as if the PotUS controls prices. Well, he convinced the average numbnuts that he could do it and here we are.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      He also made huge claims about how he would broker peace between Russia and Ukraine and end the war before he even was sworn in, which was also bullshit all along. He shut down a bunch of federal agencies, which led to the first midair airline collision in many years... congrats? Mass deportations- I can't find stats, but they seem to be going as planned. Most of the rest is either largely inconsequential or will be stuck in court.
    • dalcocono
      Inflation was the gift of the Biden admin. Not the Trump admin. After the bird flu decimated the poultry houses in the country, over 33 million birds were destroyed. It will take a few months for new hatched layers to star producing again. Nobody can rush that process. He was and is so much better for the economy than Biden or que mala. Whether he gets te egg price down quickly or not. I buy my eggs from my neighbor for 3 bucks a dozen. Maybe find somebody with a healthy flock and extra eggs.

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