• If you're using leslied as a verb it shouldn't need a captial not being a muso I cant say Ive ever heard anyone use that term. I regularly upset people with bad spelling and grammar so I shouldn't of answered this question the reason I have answered is this is what googles first result google gave me to the term phlanged and Leslied as far as what "to leslie" meant google was no help .
  • I use Dear, or Hi, only To, on an envelope if hand written and someone familiar.
  • Verbs do not carry any additional capitalization rules, so, only at the beginning of a sentence or in a title. Why? What is the context? Rotating speaker?
  • Is it named after a person? If it is, it should be a capital L.
    • bostjan the adequate πŸ₯‰
      Verbs named after proper names do not get capitalized. For example, one boycotts a company; one does not "Boycott" a company.
  • The answer is a part of your question because you say β€œit is named after a person”. The first letter of every person’s name is capitalised no matter where their name appears in a sentence or verb. Also, the first letter of a word at the start of a sentence or verb such as β€œTo” is capitalised. If you are writing a letter, it is β€œTo Leslie” so pay attention to where the capital letters are in my answer.

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