they shouldn't be street cops as they arent up to arresting criminals.If a criminal decides hes going to punch his way out does he hit the weakest for the best chance of escape?
Like everything else in our society, it's a matter of supply and demand and finances. It takes quite a bit of money to train a police officer, and an experienced police officer - even an obese one - is often very much worth their pay despite their physical limitations. * SO: it depends on the particular police department. If a particular department can afford to "retire" or "desk" unfit but experienced officers and replace them with fit officers...well, great, they can set relatively high physical standards for their active-duty officers, and more power to them. But if a department is not able to afford that (and I expect that is the typical case), then good for them for recognizing the continued value of their unfit but experienced officers.
You mean "Donut chasers?"
Well, most of them do have unions with contracts behind them. It is not unreasonable though, to expect a certain level of fitness among them though. 11/28/24
11/30/2024, yes, but behind a desk. Obese cops can't always get a full breath or full volume into their lungs, which can create breathing problems. While older cops are vulnerable, especially in today's society, were cops have become targets by many people who dislike the police.
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