• Traffic warden,
  • Parking Officer
  • Oh, good lord...anything that serves vices, with **perhaps** the exception of the relatively few truly artistic efforts (which, frankly, I wouldn't be able to recognize). Porn star. Pole dancer. Lap dancer. Drug cartel employee. Drug dealer. Prostitute. Pimp. Any casino architect or owner, or employee except for the cleaning staff. * And I'm inclined to also include state lottery employees.
    • 11stevo73
      if there were no prosituties would there be more rape?
      I can't imagine why the one would lead to the other. I think it's been well-established that rape is a crime of violence, not a crime of passion (or lust, if you prefer). The typical fellow who wants to "get his end off" is not going to resort to rape just because he can't find a hooker. The typical rapist who opts for a prostitute is going to rape the prostitute. * If anything, I think the availability of prostitutes probably results in MORE rape than would be the case otherwise.
    • 11stevo73
      You never sent in time in a remote location have you as in months 500 miles from any where have you.
      Well...I don't know what that means, so: I guess not.

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