• I would like to know as well.
    • dalcocono
      They both left, then came back again for a minute. now they're gone again.
  • 9/26/2024, they are taking time off from this site. I'm asking a lot of questions to keep the Answerbag homepage activity going. At least until I reach 4,000 questions, then I'm stopping, and I will focus on answering more questions instead. Taking time off from this site is something I have not done. What I know from other users, they will leave Answerbag for a week, months, possibly a year or so. This is something many AB'ers do. That's why you see them for a moment, and they disappear. Some come back, others do not.
    • Creamcrackered
      Cheers Jenny for the update
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
  • There are thousands of regular users who gave up on this site, maybe tens of thousands. Sometimes they come back. Sometimes not.

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