Sure, just go give a cop a wedgie and off you go.
Not in Australia that is seen as freeloading off the taxpayer recently a homless drug addict asked a judge for 2 years jail to get him off drugs the magistrate gave him a bond plus a fine and sent him on his way,
bostjan the adequate 🥉I like that. In the USA, we send everyone to jail. Stealing- jail. Driving too fast- jail. Mouth off to a judge- jail. Mouth off to a cop- jail. People get arrested for obstructing when there was no investigation or for resisting arrest when there is no other charge. Then when the people get out of jail, they have nowhere to go, because no one will hire them with a record, and, since the judge stipulates that the need to get a job or else go back to jail- jail. I have maybe a radical idea that we jail people who are convicted of violence, and fine everyone who commits property crime and then garnish their income if they don't pay voluntarily. Take the public money spent on all of the people in jail for drugs or idiocy and spend it on reopening the sanitariums. Get the homeless people off the streets and tell them they either go live with family or go to the sanitarium to clean up. It sounds like backsliding to a lot of people, but prior to the sanitariums all closing, we had a lot less petty crime and way less homelessness. Also, since cops here arrest everyone for everything and the laws don't allow them to do that, but they have "qualified immunity," and also because Americans love lawsuits, a lot of the public fund goes toward paying victims of excessive policing. Hundreds of thousands per lawsuit and dozens of lawsuits per year per city. That also needs to stop.
★Stevoin the case Im talking about the drug addict is still stealing and doing drugs we didn't help him.
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