• Well...obviously, not all believe in the one same religion, or in no religion. * According to the only reputable source I know, which addresses only US scientists, and which is dated (2009)...Physicists and Astronomers - 29% believe in god (which god is not mentioned); 14% believe in "a higher power" (but not a particular god); 46% don't believe in either; 11% are undecided or refused to answer *** As far as I know, no worldwide survey of this sort has been taken, and also none that identifies particular religion, but reasonably we should expect that most religions are believed in by at least a few astronomers. That is: that there are Buddhist astronomers, Christian astronomers, Muslim astronomers, Hindu astronomers, Jewish astronomers, Shinto astronomers, etc. etc.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing! Well obviously, as many questions as I ask, I like to correct typo and grammatical errors by editing, due to, the autocorrect issue on mobile devices. In an hour or less, saying this at 12:40 pm, 9/14/2024, my question will be perfected. :D
  • As a group? All of them.

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