• Catholic parents usually choose a saint's name for at least one of the child's names at birth A Catholic child will choose a saint's name at confirmation often too. "John" is also a saint's name. I've never heard of this custom before. Can you expound on it a bit more please? 8/2/24
  • Asura Chamberlain lol. the name change was believed to ward off death,
    • dalcocono
      What does that name mean? There certainly isn't anything online that would attach any Catholic significance to it.
    • ★Stevo
      Prior to 1980 their was a clear definition that translated to death, the baby was down syndrome.I spelt it wrong Azaria. what was the meryl streep movie
    • dalcocono
      Ah then, I found her. I actually remember when this event happened. Her father was a seventh day adventist minister though, according to the story online. Not a Catholic.

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