Catholic parents usually choose a saint's name for at least one of the child's names at birth A Catholic child will choose a saint's name at confirmation often too. "John" is also a saint's name. I've never heard of this custom before. Can you expound on it a bit more please? 8/2/24
Asura Chamberlain lol. the name change was believed to ward off death,
dalcoconoWhat does that name mean? There certainly isn't anything online that would attach any Catholic significance to it.
11stevo73Prior to 1980 their was a clear definition that translated to death, the baby was down syndrome.I spelt it wrong Azaria. what was the meryl streep movie
dalcoconoAh then, I found her. I actually remember when this event happened. Her father was a seventh day adventist minister though, according to the story online. Not a Catholic.
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