• The Photos certainly look very manly to me! Men should not be allowed to compete in women's sports. Edit; I saw some of her childhood pictures in another news story today. She certainly looked like a cute little girl back when she was a kid. 8/1/24
  • The very name says it all: 'I-MAN-e'. It is an alternate transcription of "Iman." In Arabic, it's a unisex given name, and an adjective that indicates something is not sex-specific.
    • β˜…Stevo
      What do you wieght would you get in the ring with it? Or be the bouncer telling it we you have to leave the boss doen't want you here?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I don't understand your questions. What I can tell you based on the subject, men’s upper body strength is on average between 40-60% higher than women's.

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