• Leave him be, I'm pretty sure he is not the only dangerous driver on the road. He'll have his license taken away soon enough, usually when an elderly person is forced to give up driving because they become dangerous due to poor decision making or judgement, their health deterioates quickly, because the loss of freedom sorely limits their lives. So be aware of the consequences of your decision over a person, its usually family or the person themselves who makes the final decision on packing up driving, and it is a dent to their self esteem.
  • Is it possable he wanted to give you a death ride if yes ole mate still has it in him, It's certainly possible you have that affect on people they have to get you out of their car as quickly as they can. Otherwise a traffic cop will deal with it soon enough, dont worry about things you have no control over unless you really want to rat him out which will force him to take a test. how far and often does he drive if he has children its their problem ring them? tell everyone you now to aviod him if they see him on the road of course.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Thanks for advice. Wait until he kills someone.
    • β˜…Stevo
      I hope he runs you over.
    • β˜…Stevo
      there must be traffic cops where you live? revenue collecting c*nts here cant speed you wil be fined lots. Much easier for a cop to fine people on the road than catch criminals. Dont get on your high horse of course i dont really want hiim to run you over. I expect you dont ride in shit boxes?

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