• As far as I’m concerned, there is no age limit on video games. If a 100yo person wants to play a game, as long as they’re capable of pressing buttons, why shouldn’t they? More & more games are being created every day, especially for the older generation. I’ve seen a “Walden” game for the PS5 & not just that; there are now games for gardening, cooking, clothes designing, home design, cleaning, lawn-cutting, treasure-hunting (with a metal detector), fishing simulator games, art/craft games, Scrabble, Monopoly, Doctor/vet games & more. These are games that cater to both young & old, so I honestly don’t believe anyone should be gatekeeping video games or deciding for others that they’re “too old” for it. If they want to, I say just let them. 🤷‍♀️🎮🙂

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