There's nothing recognizable in it to me - lyrics are "la la la," chord changes are very generic, no weird soundfonts in it or anything else identifiable. I honestly don't believe any human would be able to identify it for you. Maybe try a service, like AHA, Shazam, MusicMatch, or whatever you please. If that cannot crack the case for you, then I'd be afraid that you may never know- it could likely be just something some random person like me made on their PC and forgot about.
Light ReaperTrue, but this was definitely online...
Light Reaper
Thank you, but, the link only displays the song as the intro for another song... -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I know, that's called "clickbait." LOL -
Light Reaper
so... do you actually know the song? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Perhaps. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
This one? It sounds quite a bit different to me, and the lyrics are definitely not the same. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
bostjan64, congratulations, you found the song.
Duelling Banjos
Light Reaper
...not what i'm not looking for but thanks...
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