  • There's nothing recognizable in it to me - lyrics are "la la la," chord changes are very generic, no weird soundfonts in it or anything else identifiable. I honestly don't believe any human would be able to identify it for you. Maybe try a service, like AHA, Shazam, MusicMatch, or whatever you please. If that cannot crack the case for you, then I'd be afraid that you may never know- it could likely be just something some random person like me made on their PC and forgot about.
    • Light Reaper
      True, but this was definitely online...
    • Light Reaper
      Thank you, but, the link only displays the song as the intro for another song...
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I know, that's called "clickbait." LOL
    • Light Reaper
      so... do you actually know the song?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      This one? It sounds quite a bit different to me, and the lyrics are definitely not the same.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      bostjan64, congratulations, you found the song.
  • Duelling Banjos
    • Light Reaper
      ...not what i'm not looking for but thanks...

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