There's no such thing. Aviation uses lots of different types of fuel. Please be more specific.
Jet A-1 -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
At 1 atmosphere, it burns at a little over 1000 °C. -
if Steel melts at around 1370 degrees C (2500°F).where did the pile of molten metal at 9/11 ground zero come from? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I see. That's a very interesting question, and I don't know the answer. However, it might be relevant points to note that a) things do not form a pile when fully melted, and b) structural steel only forms a firm structure within its rated temperature range, which has a limit far below 1000 °C. I'll leave it as an exercise for whomever reads this to differentiate possibility versus plausibility, but I will say that, so far, I have not heard an explanation for the WTC collapse any more compelling than the "standard model" of what happened, physically, to the buildings. -
agree at 1000 c it has no stregth but its not molten .to get a steal beam that hot How much fuel you think it would take? You dont get that many cuts with the gas axe with a small set of bottles on 4 inch "H" beams
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