I think an Apple MacBook laptop is one of the best. Iβve had my laptop for 7 years and itβs still going well.
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Shadow Of The Mind
If you have a CD collection, you can add music to the music app on the laptop through a SuperDrive which you pay for separately. You can watch DVDs on the Mac on the SuperDrive. This particular laptop is good for entertainment purposes but you can download Microsoft packages like Word or Excel for instance. It all depends on your needs when it comes to buying a laptop.
This is not a one size fits all question. It depends on your computer needs. I buy the cheapest one. I don't need the data for business, I don't need speed or excellent graphics or controllers for gaming because I don't play games that need it. I look for screen size, just enough so I can see it without my glasses if I have to, a keyboard is important to me. I get frustrated trying to key on a phone. Laptops are better for portability. And for theft, btw. I'd have to move the 'anchor' the monitor and the keyboard if I wanted to move to the other room. And a thief wouldn't want it. lol Laptops and phones can go to the store with you. I often put my lists on my phone. I have to have it anyway to let my ride know when I'm done. You may want to call a few places that only sell electronics and ask them. I don't even know the newest latest bells and whistles to look for. They know the questions to ask you so they can tell you the computer best suited for you. Then you can compare prices online and get the best deal. Don't buy the first one you see. Shop around. You can talk to people from Best Buy, Radio Shack, or any computer stores near you. You can also call a computer repair shop or two. They will know which ones break most and what goes wrong with them and how much it costs to fix. This may help you make your decision.
Linda Joy
Another thing to consider is the fact that one tablespoon of liquid can render the entire laptop useless. It happened to me. I also ruined an old monitor (that had the speakers to the computer in it) while watering a plant above it. And my son and I, wore out a supposedly 'indestructible' keyboard just using it. -
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