It would be hard to say the source of that particular nursery rhyme. The traditional nursery rhymes came about as a form of "protest" at times when governments were oppressive, it wasn't safe to speak out about injustices. Over time, the rhymes morphed to be used for different social or political situations. This is the reason that so many nursery rhymes have a dark side.
Linda JoyI didn't realize they were so dark until I bought a book of Nursery rhymes to read to my unborn child and decided to stop when I came to one that said some birds pecked a mans eyes out!!
A "weasel" is Cockney rhyming slang, "weasel & stoat": coat. To "pop" something was to pawn it, so "pop goes the weasel" was to pawn one's coat to get some money until payday. Another possible explaination is that a weasel was a machine used by weavers to measure yarn that made a "pop" sound when the required amount was run off.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Rhyming slang is just chicken jalfrezi. -
Professor Yaffle
I don't know. And I don't like that I'm starting to sound like Pearl! lol
bostjan the adequate 🥉
nnaybe! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Does she still post here? She's one of only 4 or 5 left from the old site who was still active. I hope she is doing well.
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