Perhaps you were holding a match made in heaven.
Shadow Of The Mind
Not at all. It was the cult of people who were holding lit matches. Also I am aware there is no such thing as heaven because that’s a made up place in the subconscious mind that religious people create
Dreams are usually about how you feel, rather than what is happening, as they tap into basic emotion, in this instance "fear." So what do you think the dream was trying to tell you about yourself? Dreams use to be considered one of the senses.
Shadow Of The Mind
I don’t know what the dream says about myself. All I remember about the dream was that I was being chased by a cult of people. I ended up at a wall when they closed in on me holding lit matches. I jumped over the wall and ran as much as I could. I entered a house, went up the stairs and entered a bedroom. I opened the window and threw the bed mattress on the ground below. I jumped out the window to land on the mattress and that’s when the dream ended. I remember feeling fear in the dream but unaware of what it says about me. -
You are either scared of an outside situation, which you feel is out of your control, although the fact that you managed to get away shows you are in control in some ways, for example if someone is being harassed then they can dream of the fear of running away from people that are after them, because there are people after them, dreams can also be an accumulation of things you've watched on television, did the dream reflect a programme or film you watched in the day? Otherwise dreams can also reflects an anxiety within you, even if this was from childhood, which you haven't managed to deal with, but the dream your having is fear based, which is where anxiety stems from. I have always played a rescuing role in my life, as unconsciously assigned to me in my childhood, hence I am often rescuing people in my dream life, (I'm bloody exhausted when I wake up sometimes) however I can become aware that I'm dreaming and am then able to manipulate the dream by flying or moving objects, and these sorts of dreams I don't mind. I dreamt once that I was at the local park, and a bear came out after myself and my nephew, I pushed my nephew up the climbing frame to save him, and the bear grabbed me and dragged me down. He then said to me that I need to stop putting people before me, and we sat and ate a picnic together, bizarre dream, but sometimes fronting the thing you are fearful of in a dream, tells you something about yourself. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I might be scared of an outside situation but I’m not sure what it could be. I know it wasn’t something I saw on television and from a movie also. Perhaps I am worried about certain things but not too much. That’s interesting how you deal with your dreams. I understand that dreams reflect something about us so I think you could be right about anxiety but I don’t suffer from it. It comes and goes now and again. I felt fear in the dream. The dream might have meant that I am afraid of people in the outside world as there are dangerous people out there in reality. Sometimes the news on television can be depressing and that has a negative impact on me when you hear of people getting killed by others and it could be the war going on in the Ukraine which is horrifying. -
I think everyone suffers anxiety at some point, you're right it can come and go given your circumstances, but rarely in life do our dominos stay in line before life throws something else at us. Sometimes it's best to switch off the news for a while Shadow, and limit your exposure, I think DancesWithWolves and I had a simlar chat a while back when the Covid was on, I had to do that, because it just played on my mind, I now do the same with what's going on in Ukraine, you have to choose what you let in your head, depending on how much it affects you. Taking myself out to the garden and pottering around there takes me away from that, or listening to some good music. -
Shadow Of The Mind
Sometimes it can depend on the strength of mind if something affects me or not. I write my own poems, listen to music and bring my dog for walks. That maybe helpful but sometimes when my mother watches the news on television every day, I try not to look at the screen but when I am having dinner at the kitchen table I can hear what is going on in the news. News is usually depressing and a very odd time there can be good news.
Are you in secure with a guilty conscience why would anyone want to burn you?
Shadow Of The Mind
I don’t feel guilty about anything at the moment even before the nightmare -
Linda Joy
See your shrink about getting meds for anxiety. -
exercise burn off more energy you'll sleep better. get a dog. -
Shadow Of The Mind
Bugger off Linda Joy. I don’t see a shrink -
Shadow Of The Mind
11stevo73, I have a pet dog for 6 years so far
Someone will hold you to your promise or your actions.
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