• A burrito or taco de harina is a type of food found in the cuisine of Mexico and the American-style Tex-Mex cuisine. It consists of a flour tortilla usually filled with meat such as beef, chicken, or pork. The meat is usually the only filling, and the burrito is rolled fairly thin. In the United States, however, fillings generally include other ingredients such as rice, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, guacamole, cheese, and sour cream, and the result is considerably larger. The flour tortilla is sometimes lightly grilled or steamed, to soften it and make it more pliable. A taco is a traditional Mexican dish comprised of a rolled, folded, pliable maize tortilla filled with an edible substance. According to the Real Academia Española, the word taco originally meant (and still means) a plug (rolled paper used to plug a hole) or paper or cloth patch for musket balls.[1] Care should be taken when using the word taco outside of Mexico, as the RAE lists 27 possible meanings for the word. A taco is normally served flat on a tortilla that has been warmed up on a comal; since the tortilla is still soft, it can be folded over or pinched together into a U-shape for convenient consumption. In the variant known as the taco dorado (fried taco), flauta (Flute in English, because of the shape), or taquito, the tortilla is filled with pre-cooked chicken or barbacoa, rolled into a cylinder and deep-fried until crisp. The Chimichanga, or chivichanga, is a deep-fried burrito that originated in Sonora, Mexico. Flour tortillas are folded into rectangular packages and filled with a wide range of ingredients, most commonly beans, rice, cheese and shredded meat. They are then deep-fried and usually served without a sauce, but may be accompanied with salsa, guacamole, sour cream or cheese.
  • chimichanga is a fried burrito and a taquito is something else altogether, and smaller than the other two
  • burrito consists of a flour tortilla usually filled with meat such as beef, chicken, or pork. chimichanga is a deep-fried burrito. A taquito consists of a small rolled-up tortilla and some sort of filling, usually beef or chicken. images are as per the description.
  • A taquito is a deep fried tortilla with some sort of meat inside, wrapped tightly, and very skinny and deep fried. A chimichanga is a deep fried burrito. A burrito is usually beans and a meat either pork, chicken or beef, and cheese. A soft taco (I know it's not up there, but this prompts "well then what is a soft taco?") is like a burrito but it also has things like lettuce, tomato, onion, and any other vegetables you feel like putting on your taco. Basically, like a hard taco but with a soft tortilla.
  • oookay. Well... A Taquito is usually kinda like a flauta. Its make with a corn tortilla and USUALLY shredded beef or chicken. And it's fried. You can eat it w/lettuce, cabbage, guacamole, salsa or anything else you want. A Burrito is made with a large flour tortilla and can have anything in it, pretty much... ex. beans, rice, carne asada, chicken, shredded beef or chicken, carnitas... :) And you can add beans, rice, guacamole, salsa... and lots of other stuff. A Chimichanga is a deep-fried burrito and its usually topped with some lettuce, salsa, and a dollop of sour cream or Mexican crema.

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