DWW - What do you have against Hillary?
I support Hillary
then a gallon of gas will cost half a million dollars.
LMBO could
If you want Socialism, there are a couple of Socialist countries that function on the Hillary/Marxist style of government: People's Republic of China, Republic of Cuba, Lao People's Democratic Republic, and Socialist Republic of Vietnam. I'm sure you can find one to your liking.
Yes I hear you -
Army Veteran
You hear me, but you won't go. That's because you don't want the negative side of what you're asking for - you want the John Lennon brand of Socialism that he sings about in "Imagine". The problem is, it doesn't exist. If you want a clearer picture of what you want, listen to "Fightin' Side of Me" by Merle Haggard. This describes you and all of the other Liberals. And this country doesn't need any "takers" - it needs people who will contribute as well. You support Hillary - and by extension, Biden. Biden has given this country absolutely nothing beneficial in the year he's been in office - he's on a path to turn this country into one of the countries I listed above. Liberals aren't welcome.
So...if I expect to live - say - one more year, I get 8 mil that year? I'm all for it!
Thanks for sharing your info
No. There's still a population waiting for sexual favors from Madonna for voting 'Hillary' in 2016. Liberal promises that can't be kept.
LMBO don't know what to think -
Army Veteran
I don't want Satan's bride anywhere near me - nor Hillary, for that matter.
Well, you do seem to be a fan of Mrs. Clinton.
Answer the question -
Alrighty then, Probably not. She has been accuratly labeled "the queen of corruption in American politics" and has been involved in several scandals and investigations over the years. I would assume her "campaign promises" were just lies.
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