Science β†’ Biology β†’ Microbiology β†’ Viruses
  • No one heard about this ?
  • Nope, just read about it now, they are saying the PCR tests might not detect it. I've given up on the whole thing to be honest DWW, sick to the back teeth of it all. Thanks for the heads up though.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for your comment :)
  • Who didn't see this coming from a mile away? You idiots who are buying into this "variant" lunacy need your heads examined. I've been saying from day 1 that one variant will always bring another variant because the Libtard Democrats don't WANT anyone off of the mandates. One "variant" will always bring another "variant" so that everyone is under a constant "mandate" of some kind. This is how they control you - by forcing mandates to make you bend to their will. You people are a bunch of idiots - how long are you going to turn your heads and look the other way? Remember what I've always said about "denial" - it doesn't substitute for intelligence and you people are proving that every day. We're living in one big cartoon.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for your comment :)
  • its been around for months. Its not as bad as delta apparently , the whole covid19 is bullshit from the IMF to control the world they have allready stolen most of the peoples wealth. Open you eyes or did you let them sterilise your children? There will be a lot of angry people when they realise they have been poisoned.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for your comment :)
  • "Personal attacks are not necessary, or allowed. Everyone has their own opinion. Be respectful even if you disagree." My previous neighbor that has breast cancer, got the delta variant last year, has had 3 vaccinations, and just told me that she now has omicron! I didn't ask if she had been diligent about mask wearing.

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