• He is a robotic replacement with a voice of a transformer.
    • ThePonderer
      Which one?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Which one do you think?
    • ThePonderer
      Well... there are literally over 100 of them. That is why the question is "what does his voice sound like"?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      And the voice of a transformer is as close as it gets, being that he is a "robotic replacement." What part do you not understand about my answer, he sounds like a transformer or he doesn't sound like a transformer?
    • ThePonderer
      Ok. So you believe that Death's Head I has the same voice of Grimlock (A transformer)
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Death's Head voice is certainly not of a human or is it?
  • That depends a lot on WHAT he is. For example: mortal human with super-powers, or a mortal alien, expect a creepy OR deep-gravelly voice. For example: a ghost or other sort of "spirit creature" - no voice or a whispery /quavery voice. Etc. So: as much as the name, the type of being should also dictate not-seen-in-print characteristics such as voice quality.

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