• Polar bears would wear bikinis before that happened. lol 😆
    • DancesWithWolves
      Yes, I see
  • Bernie would have a better chance running for Cuban president.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Yes I see
  • I think he has a good chance of being named Vice-President in the near future. The current administration is experiencing a shake-up because of corruption and anti-American policies. Biden, Harris, and even Pelosi are dropping in the polls faster than the proverbial rock. Pelosi is poised to lose her Speaker of the House position come mid-election. This will eliminate her from that chain of succession to the White House. Harris is trying to take Biden out using the 25th amendment, and Biden has turned on Harris with no communication at all. This is what happened in the Nixon/Agnew administration - by coercing Agnew to resign, Nixon felt his position was safe from impeachment. But he had a surprise coming - Gerald Ford. Ford was named Vice-President and the threat of impeachment forced Nixon to resign - Ford stepped in as President as if he were actually elected to the office. I believe the Left will borrow this play and bring in Bernie Sanders as Vice-President as soon as they can get rid of Harris. Bernie is a puppet just like every other Democrat who has held the position - and I think it will be his pay-off for taking a dive in the last two elections. He is everything they could want.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Hey Far-Right Radical
    • Army Veteran
      Call me what you want, I just remember my history. What's going on now is reminiscent of what happened in the 1970s. Logically, the outcome has a good chance of being the same. I chose Bernie as my horse in the derby because he is already a popular Socialist.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      @1465 : This may be too long for some people to read but I will try to be concise. The question was whether Bernie Sanders should or would be vice president. Below is your statemetne and after the "A" is my answer: I think he has a good chance of being named Vice-President in the near future. The current administration is experiencing a shake-up because of corruption and anti-American policies.____A) There is not shake up in the Biden Administration and the only anti-american policies are in your own head. 2) Biden, Harris, and even Pelosi are dropping in the polls faster than the proverbial rock. Pelosi is poised to lose her Speaker of the House position come mid-election.___A) This may be true Pelosi has been trying to leave for awhile. She's 81 years old but its not because of corruption. Its because she is old. 4) This will eliminate her from that chain of succession to the White House. Harris is trying to take Biden out using the 25th amendment, ___A) Harris is not trying to take Biden out because of the 25th ammendment. You are making this up. 5) and Biden has turned on Harris with no communication at all. ___No he hasn't. You are making this up. 6) This is what happened in the Nixon/Agnew administration - by coercing Agnew to resign, Nixon felt his position was safe from impeachment. But he had a surprise coming - Gerald Ford. Ford was named Vice-President and the threat of impeachment forced Nixon to resign ___A) That's not what happened. Agnew resigned because he got taking kick backs from his staff. 7) Ford stepped in as President as if he were actually elected to the office. I believe the Left will borrow this play and bring in Bernie Sanders as Vice-President as soon as they can get rid of Harris. Bernie is a puppet just like every other Democrat who has held the position - and I think it will be his pay-off for taking a dive in the last two elections. I don't understand any of this He is everything they could want.___A) The reason Kamela Harris was brought in was because she could bring in Black and female voters. Bernie can't do that. I would like Bernie to be VP but I don't think the moderates and conservatives will stand for it.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment

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