The original list price for the Jackson JS 23 Natural was only $266. They were absolutely great guitars for the money, though. Right after they were discontinued, I saw one sell for $60. They fetch quite a bit more than that now, though - typically $300-400 in good condition in the used market. $600 would be reasonable for one that is pristine. I don't have one of those, but I have it's big brother, that I bought for $200 new. Jackson's imported guitars sell for prices that seem illegal - they are every bit as good as a Squier or low-mid-tier Ibanez, but cost less than half as much. Their US-made guitars, on the other hand, are selling right now for ridiculously high prices, and their US custom shop isn't even that great, from a QC perspective. They've infamously shipped guitars to customers with the wrong number of frets or with other glaring mistakes that you never hear of from renowned custom shops. Oh well. Great find, if you ask me. I hope you get many years of enjoyment out of it. Otherwise, throw it up for sale on a music resale site like reverb and make a ~200% profit on it.
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Thanks for the info.
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