• Speaking as an American, we don't care what the British are doing or what pot you're stirring.
    • Urban Spaceman
      We don't stir the pot, despite being constantly accused of it. We want to stop it being stirred because we like the status quo to remain untampered with. That is how British people are.
  • I don't care where anyone is from if they're stirring the pot I'll call it like I see it. Actually I've learned a lot more about British things because of some of the British people who post on this site. Some are very kind and good people. One in particular comes here to cause trouble, but I would never assume all British people are like her. I've met too many kind and good Britts to let one bad apple ruin the whole bunch. America is a small country, and a young one, but there is no denying we are the most influential country in the world. Just google it. Still everyone is entitled to their opinion. Even if they are wrong.
    • Urban Spaceman
      If you mean who I suspect you mean, she doesn't come here to cause trouble but you caused trouble with her. Unless you mean someone else, of course.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Urban Spacedork, you are beating a dead horse, since Linda Joy is not going to respond to you. She is inactive. I haven't seen her in a couple of months, saying this on 3/24/2025.
  • I haven't had a problem with British people. My best friend on social media is British. I also know an AB member by the name of Creamcrackered who is British. Both are kind and generous. It's Americans who are always stirring the pot. You can tell how vulgar and ungrateful they are by their answers. This is why Canadians hate us, you can't trust Mexico, Central and South America as our neighbors, and the Brits are not far away from hating us too if they continue to get belittled. As Americans, we are supposed to care for our neighbors, especially Great Britain who are the US's closest ally.
  • I'm guessing it's because the Americans think the world revolves around them, but we know it doesn't.
    • Archie Bunker
      The world has revolved around us since 1776.
    • Moodswings
      You might think so, but you're wrong.
    • Linda Joy
      We're the most influential country in the world! Just google it! I didn't make this stuff up!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Moodswings, the US is the most influential country in the way that all races contribute to the country. That is how America has survived. Soon, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and many other countries worldwide will not agree with the US being the world's superpower in the near future. Without Great Britain and our allies, it will be the US against the world. Then if we're still here to talk about it, chances are slim and none if we do have a voice.
    • Archie Bunker
      @Mood - since even the people here that complain about the US never seem to leave while we still have the highest immigration rate, I'd say we're doing pretty good. You're not still bitter over getting beaten up by us pesky colonists, are ya?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Moodswings, deport 1 immigrant and that immigrant will come back to the country with 10 more immigrants. Deport those 10 immigrants and they will come back to the country with 100 more immigrants. When I was stationed in South Korea in the mid-Millennium, I saw more races than I ever imagined seeing in the US Army. Gotta love the diversity of the US.
  • What makes you think Britts are so special? Why Archie and I were accused of stirring the pot just the other day! And as far as I know neither of us are Britts. So... Do you have any other lame theories you'd like to throw out there to make you look thuper thmart? Or just to stir the pot if you like....
    • Archie Bunker
      Maybe they're still pissed about that Tea Party thing over in Boston.
    • Linda Joy
      Yeah, the American rebellion. If I'm not mistaken the guy they were calling a pervert may have been a Britt too! lol Maybe we should ship them a sense of humor...
    • Urban Spaceman
      The word is Brits, not Britts. I don't care what you personally think of us, but at least have the decency to get the spelling right.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Urban Spaceman, I don't think Linda Joy who is an American from Alabama cares it's Brits or Britts.
    • Urban Spaceman
      Jenny, I don't think Linda Joy cares about anything other than herself.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Urban Spaceman, you can bash Linda Joy as far as I care. When she asked if anyone missed her: Not me.
    • Urban Spaceman
      I don't think anybody misses Linda Joy. She's one of the most unpopular people on here.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Urban Spaceman, think again. Here you go, there are users who miss her:
    • Urban Spaceman
      People who miss her are either trolls or they haven't encountered her dark, sinister side.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I don't miss her one bit. A list of the users in the link who do miss her are: dalcocono, Creamcrackered, DancesWithWolves, bostjan and Black Mystique. These users are not trolls, and they have been on Answerbag for a few years to know who Linda Joy is.
  • You need to learn your history to know that Winston Churchill begged Franklin D. Roosevelt for America's help in WW2. Nazi Germany bombed London and other strategic cities across Great Britain. The UK would not exist if America didn't come to its rescue. So stop your hatred towards Americans.
    • Urban Spaceman
      I don't hate Americans at all. I don't hate any nationality whatsoever. Don't assume things by misunderstanding my post. I form the impression that Americans hate us, or if they don't hate us they are not very favourably disposed towards us. They have a go at us far more than we have ago at them, especially on this site.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Assumptions and misunderstandings? Nope, everyone answered your question in the same manner as I did. It's a actually a fact that the world revolves around America. The US is the world police. Your question is a good example of wanting to make British people better than American people. I was not born in America to show favoritism. I call it as I see it - fair in how both the US and England have good relations.
    • Urban Spaceman
      Once again, let us turn to FACTS for the truth. This time we'll consider geography. I don't see how anyone can argue with that. Let us consider the latitude and longitude of places. Chester, the city where I was born, is 53 degrees North and 3 degrees West. FACT. I think we all know that 53 degrees North is 53 degrees North of the Equator, but what about 3 degrees West? 3 degrees West of what? Why, the Greenwich Meridian, of course. And where is Greenwich? Where is the Greenwich Meridian based? Why, London, of course. End of geography lesson. I think I've provided you with enough FACTS to be going on with.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Your comments are irrelevant. No American on Answerbag cares about your UK cities that have a problem with immigration. Here you go, FACTS: What a disgrace.
    • Urban Spaceman
      My totally RELEVANT facts were there to explain how the world revolves around the UK, not the US. I didn't say we had a problem with immigration, you said that.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The world doesn't revolve around the UK - it revolves around the US, which is the world police and the protector of the UK. It wasn't the UK that saved the US from Nazi Germany. As for immigration, I also brought it up as an example of, England is not the same great country it was during the British Empire. Ya need to fix your immigration if England wants to be a great country again. Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak and far less Keir Starmer were/are unable to fix the immigration crisis. I have a British best friend who tells me England has become a joke with Keir Starmer.
  • What I can agree with: British people are definitely passionate on British things compared to Americans in which many do not know their history: British people are also more polite, they have better manners, are happier and are far more enthusiastic.
  • Another humiliating YouTube video:
  • 3/24/2025, some users like Archie Bunker and Linda Joy have not been seen in a while. I'm getting notified of your comments. If you need someone to chat with, feel free to let me know who or what is bothering you.

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