What is it ?
Linda Legion
It's a book by Adolf Hitler. Mein Kampf means "My Struggle" in German. -
Beaker Five-O
Is it any good ? -
Linda Legion
It's certainly shocking JJ. It's in two parts. The first half is racially, unashamedly anti-Semitic, but you'd expect that anyway. The second half is political philosophy. Most people find it rambling and ultra-distasteful and whilst I can see what they mean, I found volume two riveting ubercontroversial and a page turner. It taught me much about politics. On the back the editor said it was evil and I can see where they were coming from. It gets inside your head. It's radical, fundamentalist and extremist. Be very careful if you do ever do read it though. -
Beaker Five-O
Why ? -
Linda Legion
I don't know what your political persuasion is, but it must be read with an open mind else you start to believe all the propaganda. Adolf is very persuasive. His right-wing rhetoric starts to convince you. If we're talking about the first part, it's dangerous because it's rabidly anti-Semitic and I'm assuming you wouldn't like to live in a world run by the white supremacists or the KKK would you? Please don't let me put you off, it's a riveting read. The swastika spreads its tentacles and reels you in. -
Linda Legion
It's not even so much about white supremacists or the KKK, it's about the erosion of liberty. If Nazi Germany had won the second world war we wouldn't even be allowed to have this conversation Miss JJ. -
Archie Bunker
I'm not sure why people equate socialism with the right-wing. When you look put the different governments on paper, you'll see the total government on the left and no government on the right. Monarchy on the left, anarchy on the right. Right wing wants smaller government and left wing wants larger government. Socialism is larger government control. That would be on the left. Common mistake.
I have. I've also read the Communist Manifesto. And Common Sense. Atlas Shrugged. The Federalist. What is to be Done? The Little Red Book. Long Walk to Freedom. I try to gain some knowledge from every viewpoint.
Linda Legion
Good for you Archibald, I wish more people did the same. What did you think about the Communist Manifesto? I've read it twice, but I found it very tedious. -
Linda Legion
Why aren't more people answering my question apart from Miss JJ and Archie. I thought it would be a ripper. Come on people, it's only a hypothetical question, you're not going to be sent to the nearest gullag just because you state an opinion. We still have freedom of speech, which is ironic given the subject matter. -
Archie Bunker
It was....interesting, I guess. I think you're right, it was a tedious read, but informative to the point where it helps one understand the ideas and values behind communism/socialism.
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