I think its starting to calm down a bit. It used to be all over the Net and constantly on question and answer sites. My personal opinion is that I'm not a pedophile and I don't want to feel as if I'm snuggled up to a 10-year old hairless boy. And men who want their women completely deforested and waxed like a little girl are seriously psychologically sketchy to me. I remember when we had hiippies who wanted to "be natural man" and there were women with hairy armpits, legs, and lady parts everywhere. Why we do it is trying to be different. We are limited in our or no hair. Same as with nails short medium long oval square round or claws. One or the other will be popular then it will change and recycle because options are limited and sooner or later old will be new again. Some young person trending today is going to have a grandchild who says, "You did what?!"
Linda Joy
I have a Q & A group on Facebook and I just watched a man trying to wax his nose hairs! -
Linda Joy
I don't want to feel like I'm snuggled up next to 10 year old boy either! Hair is a defining characteristic between prepubescents and adults. Don't get me wrong I think bald is sexy on a man's head. But I like a little body hair. -
Linda Joy
What do you think about men who want to remove all their body hair? What does that say about the man? -
Online if I read he is into personal hair removal I automatically think 15 - 25 years old either a gym rat and or trying to pick up a teenager. Im with you bald is sexy, i.e., Patrick Stewart and Vin Diesel. I like hair on a guy not where you cant tell whete the armpit hair stops and the back hair begins but I'm with you, some chest hair separates the men from the boys. -
I don't know,but I'm an American that refuses to shave! I wash,though... -
Sorry. Once again I meant this as an answer. :) -
Yea for not shaving and yea for washing!
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