4 years ago, but I'm gettin' ready to do it again.
September last year. it took 3 months getting the place renovated and it still has notbeen finished. I moved three times in the previous year.
30 minutes ago to take a shower. (Is this the right move?)
Does typing and using the mouse count? If they do, just a second ago ; )
december 1994
2 1/2 years ago...
OCtober into the most unrealistic living quarters imaginable (an attic). It humid and hot as crap during the summer and freezing cold in the winter. I dont have any vertical walls, they are all slanted and its full of my landlords junk he calls furniture but its the cheapest place I could find and it will do until next may.
3 weeks ago! I moved to be closer to work
A month and 3 weeks ago.
Almost 2+1/2 years ago.
About 3 years ago, when I moved in with my boyfriend into our current apartment.
3 years ago we moved from central coast California to here in upstate New York. We are in the midst of building the house. It took two trips across country to move all our stuff. We bought an ex-Uhaul truck (a 27 footer) off of eBay for just about what one trip with a rental would have cost. Then we sold the truck quickly, again on eBay, for almost what we paid for it. Never had to register it, transferred it or nothing because the registration was still good on it.
December 1998 when my husband and I bought our house.
Feb.2007 After I lost Jimmy.
8 months ago and due another soon, i have probably moved at least 30 times in 16 years!
October 1984. But U expanded the house twice, bought the house next door, then expanded twice again. The house I now live in is a lot bigger than the one I bought.
October 1984. But I expanded the house twice, bought the house next door, then expanded twice again. The house I now live in is a lot bigger than the one I bought.
About 4 hours ago, i reached for my Tea... :D
1989, and I hope I only move 1 more time in this lifetime. And, that would be when I win the lottery! I absolutely HATE moving!
If you mean moving households, I, personally, never have. I live in the same home my mother brought me home from the hospital to, after birthing me. I have always lived there. If you can count me 'moving' someone else, about a month ago, I moved Arisztid out of my home and into his own apartment. Before that, I spent almost a month moving him INTO my home.
last year, and that was from NEW YORK TO NORWAY. and iam moving again a week from today to a new city. up in the mountains.
April 20, 1990
April 1994
December 31 2006
In June.
about a month and a half ago.. to Hawaii.
About four hours ago. Got up from my computer to take a squirt:)
I moved to go to the kitchen and get another beer about a half hour ago... As far as a house, it was about 2 years ago when I bought my very first home :)
9/1/05 which was the day I closed on my house I just bought.
my family moved to our present location two years ago
a couple months back.
Just a minute ago to get a drink. Okay seriously I moved with my father 9 years ago into my grandparents house. We are a happy family now.
Right after I was born.
About 7 years ago.
I got my big butt off the couch about a half hour ago to come over to the computer;)
In June 2007 when I moved from Germany back to the States.
5 years ago
3 months ago and about to move again.
from Utah back to good ol' Texas in late June. Glad to be home!!!
I just got up to get an ice cream cone.
The last time HE gave me foreplay.
It will be 4 years ago, this January.
about 5 minutes a go made a hot chocolate and had a smoke. :)
a year and half past
Moved houses? About 12 years ago....moving...the other form, I'm doing it right now.
9 years ago.
I have moved 49 times in my life. I dont usually like to put down roots too deep. But now I have lived in the same area for 12 years and moved to different apartments and the last one was almost 2 years ago.
We bought our home in 1974, and that is the last time I moved. Now it is all OURS!! HERS and mine!
Six years ago I moved to America, and just 2 weeks ago I moved to live on universities campus. I hate it; missing home :(
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