This does not surprise me at all, what with the number of totally STUPID people in this world.sad but true.....and yes, it's a good idea!!!
As good as knowing "contains peanuts"...... on a box of peanuts. Here are more:
When I was growing up, we didn't need to see a disclaimer before watching Wile E Coyote shoot himself out of a cannon to catch the Roadrunner. We weren't complete idiots.
Linda Joy
Wile E Coyote: "But that defies the law of gravity!" Roadrunner: "Sure but I never studied law." -
Hardcore Conservative
On my Dunkin Donuts coffee "Caution: This beverage is extremely hot." No shit. I always wondered what was in the hot coffee I ordered. -
Linda Joy
Lol you know it's because of that idiot that sued McDonald's for spilling her coffee in her lap! I read a caution on a blow-dryer one time that said not to sleep with it on. I just shook my head knowing at sometime some idiot actually did that! -
Hardcore Conservative
Isn't this world crazy? The one thing that fries my ass is when I'm filling up my lawnmower. The damn gas cans have those stupid safety nozzles on them now that always break and it takes forever. It seems like a little thing, but that's the one that I hate the most. I drive around to garage sales looking for old school gas cans because some retard set himself on fire because he can't work a can and a spout. -
Linda Joy
I didn't even know! It's been 9 years since I had a lawnmower and it was electric. -
Hardcore Conservative
It's all about personal responsibility. Nobody is responsible for their actions anymore. It's always someone else's fault.
thats funny they wrote that on there
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