Yes, for the rest of this life. They would be healed in the resurrection.
Yes, but people are nether married or given in marriage in the next reality. Everyone will be free to mingle at will. -
Linda Joy
There are three degrees of Glory in the Celestial Kingdom families can be together forever. -
Linda Joy
But I'll probably never make it to the Celestial Kingdom.. Anyway. In any case my answer is the same. -
I'm not Mormon. -
Linda Joy
Then you'll go to what you perceive as heaven but just because you don't believe in the other kingdoms doesn't mean they don't exist. -
I know this is a touchy subject with you. I've seen you ask others to stay away from responding if they disagree about this. I have so far avoided the confrontation because I like you but will eventually have to express my viewpoint. -
Linda Joy
I'm not touchy about it. I have no problem with other people expressing their opinions. I just expect other people to allow me to believe what I choose to believe as well. I believe everyone has a right to worship according to the dictates of their own conscience and allow all men the same privilege. -
That's what this country is all about. Part of why we were in the military. To protect those freedoms. -
Linda Joy
I get upset when people follow me around and try and tell me I'm wrong and shouldn't believe the way I believe I don't tell other people that and I expect them to respect my beliefs even if they don't choose to share them. -
Linda Joy
Exactly! And I told that guy at least three times I didn't want his religion that I had my own before I finally threatened to report him -
As I've said before....nobody wants to feel they're having someone "push" their beliefs on them. It's enough to state what we believe and why then let others decide for themselves -
Linda Joy
Exactly !
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