Have you been here long enough to get a personal troll ?!!
Linda Joy
He already came and went I told you about it a long time ago when you were complaining nobody was answering your questions I told you that's how to get your questions back in the rotation is to get somebody mad at you they'll keep answering you with death threats and crap but it'll bump your question back around so other people can see it again. -
I do remember that.
i dont think so
It depends whether or not they are nasty or nice. I left one elsewhere and can't believe after 5 years he never gives up his childish jealous hate,
Same with me. I have been considered a troll before,but not intentional of me,it was! It is just that I believe in standing up for what I believe in,and most people don't seem to think it is right.
I might change my profile image to a troll. Lol
Linda Joy
Good to see you back, Rick! I was concerned about you! -
Rick Myres
I have been having a very uncomfortable feeling in my chest after waking up. Ain't them palpitations fun? Lol -
Linda Joy
You should get that checked out! I'm Going for an EKG next Wed. -
Rick Myres
I have had it checked out several times. The last time I went to the doctor office, he and a young cardiologist I mentioned palpitations and they both reminded me of two puppets sitting there when they both said while laughing "I think everybody has those".
Yes. Get down the rifle range immediately.
Tolls are a pain in the heiny.
i dont think so
i miss my groupies from old AB. I need my validation
Me too! :)
That's a symptom of having a flawed personality. Like when girlfriends and wives don't leave their wife beating partners for long and come back for more. Or when troublemakers come back to the scene of a crime.. I know you're being tongue in cheek though. But there are people who end up with stalkers and other real life issues because of online habits. It's never a good idea to stir up crazies, especially if they're American. As you're potentially dealing with a person who owns a gun, plenty of prejudice to spare and has poor mental health care system as well. A dangerous folk these days.
i dont think so
TADA!!! :P
i dont think so
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