• there are some revising tips e.g 1 Make a revision plan 2 Set realistic targets 3 Read your lecture handouts 4 Create a good study environment 5 Make your own revision notes 6 Do not make irrelevant case studies 7 Use past papers 8 Testing...testing...
  • gee, you seem to be making it SOOO complicated......if it was me, I'd sit down with my material & go thru it with a pen and notebook at hand...... What I didn't like, I'd note and then change; if not right then & there, make notes so I could do it later........ WHY do you need a target and revision 'plan'????? jeeze..just sit down with it and do it....... as you can tell, i never went to 'college' but have an interest in writing, which, sadly, I never pursued. anyway, I think you're making something kinda easy into something VERY difficult!! it doesn't take all the 'stuff' you mention in your question to do what you need to do!! 'use past papers' really gets me!! for what? if you wrote what you don't like, then revise it..... KEEP IT SIMPLE, OK? and besides, you'll be putting WAY less stress on yourself. and another thing......WHEN IT'S ALL DONE, let someone else read it..........two sets of eyeballs are always better than just one!! and better yet, GET SOMEONE TO READ IT WHO IS NOT FAMILIAR WITH THE TOPIC........OR SUBJECT.........see, the idea behind this is that, if you can make someone unfamiliar with your topic understand it, at least a little, THEN YOU'VE WRITTEN A GREAT PAPER..... sorry if I seem a little harsh, but I tend to get 'carried away' when I get started writing stuff!! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU & remember; LIGHTEN UP......... LOL :-D
  • Drink plenty of water and keep it small and regular. The secret is not to go all out a week before the exam. But to pace out the revision over weeks and months. Some people can do "cramming" but most people just need to understand their own lifestyle patterns and fit study time in it.
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