• 3-28-2017 Body odors happen when you don't eat the foods the body needs. B vitamin deficiencies are very common among American teens. Bed wetting is a symptom of magnesium deficiency, quite common among young people. Scurvy is almost an epidemic and most people don't even know what it is. Study some books about nutrition so you will know how to eat right. Get a bottle of B-100 and see if it helps. Vitamin B2 turns urine bright yellow, so when the color fades, it's time for another dose.
  • for a 14yo your description sounds very explicit. and actually that was not needed. but if you are really upset you may try swabbing your privates with cotton soaked in vinegar. about twice a week. will help.
  • I would see a doctor that is about the best you should do
  • This is infection and you should go to doctor.
  •,to%20the%20increased%20popularity%20of%20waxing%20pubic%20hair. It might be vaginitis, for half of women/girls the only symptom is the smell. Ask to see the nurse at your doctors, and they will give you a swab, and will be able to smell the area themselves, they see ladies bits all the time, as this is their job. In the meantime, wear only cotton underwear, do not douche, or over clean yourself because you'll continue to upset the bacterial balance, do not use perfume soaps, or use anything soap or perfume wise in the bath tub.

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