NEED HELP!!! I am thinking to transfer OUT OF university of Ottawa for I live in Toronto but am having a hard time deciding WHERE I should transfer too.... I'm in the biology program, finished 1.5 years in credits, and I am planning to focus in ecology in upper year courses. I'm thinking UTSG, UTM, Ryerson or stay in uOttawa? I do not want to be in the St.George campus of UofT. Thanks!
I am thinking to transfer OUT OF university of Ottawa for I live in Toronto but am having a hard time deciding WHERE I should transfer too.... I'm in the biology program, finished 1.5 years in credits, and I am planning to focus in ecology in upper year courses.
I'm thinking UTSG, UTM, Ryerson or stay in uOttawa? I do not want to be in the St.George campus of UofT.
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