I haven't and don't know of anyone who has. Think if you really did love the person-why would you want to forget someone that you cherished in your past?! It's like someone you loved that died-they're gone-but the love and feelings you had for them remain. It's bitter-sweet-with a touch of sadness-for what never fully came to be. The pleasant memories of life-especially when you're young, and everything new-are tucked away but there -and with you until you are no more.
You know you have answered your own question.
Well I have forgotten for months or even years at a time. I was a stupid, drug-addled kid then and what did I know about love except it was all new and exciting?
FIRST LOVES are not forgotten if they were real. That love will be a part of you untill you are no more. First is first-ususally when you are young and those feelings are awakened. Everything in the future, the dreams-of what life could be with a partner you're crazy about. Before the reality of life steps in and teaches other lessons.
I can remember every one of my "loves".
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