It is a work-in-progress.
we are dough
I am having a work-in-progress right now..... -
Black Mystique
@we are dough....are you harassing officegirl?? She's such a sweetheart on AB and provides meaningful Q&A.....I think you should play nice. -
Excellent answer Black Mystique. Jan. 15
Its gay what?
we are dough
Gordon, from Aberdeen....
The Russians are trying to confuse Texans.....
They've add most of the features I've been looking for since the relaunch. As for it being gay, yes it seems like a very happy place ;-)
Temperance Brennan
There are still a few features, I'd like, but if I could select the one feature I'd be satisfied enough after getting, paragraphs hands down.
Because it's still in Beta, essentially.
I'm confused on the category selection! I'm confused on many things actually.
Because they are still in the 1st grade mode. Jan. 15
It is not finished yet.
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