At this point in my life, yes. Or I will run out of gas.
Ice man
I hear you loud and clear. : )
If I feel like it, yes.
Ice man
It's good if you are able. : )
12-21-2016 I have no job, no family, no responsibilities, no problems. I nap any time I feel like it.
Ice man
You remind me of my 2 cats, that was their philosophy as well. : )
I can sleep in the afternoon but don't as I am usually busy here at work and shopping or attending concerts etc. weekends.
Ice man
Sounds like you're one very busy lady. I hope you get some time for yourself and to relax. ; ) -
Thank you - I try to make a more relaxed approach to my work and I relax evenings and with my husband weekends.
If only my boss would let me. If only our American culture adopted siestas, we'd have a better world.
Ice man
I know what you mean. Bosses have no sense of Ha Ha when it comes to siestas. : )
Hell no can't sleep now at night!! Damn dog snore to loud!1 hehe Dec. 21
Ice man
I had one like that too. We use to close the bedroom door and it still sounded like there was a chain saw cutting wood in the living room. : )
no,cant sleep days or i'll be up all night
Often! And sometimes it moves into my late morning agenda!
Ice man
It's good to have a flexible schedule. I gotta get use to it. -
Linda Joy
Wow, was this before chemo? I can't even use that excuse anymore, but sometimes I sleep for days! Remember when I used to be up for days? Good times!
What's the difference between a nap and sleeping?
sometimes i like an hour nap
Not as a rule.
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