Excellent~the administration seems to be lacking here it says new stuff coming next week but next week never comes WTF? Nov. 26
Sorry about that! We added some anti-spam code yesterday and unfortunately, it was flagging all answers as spam. The good news -- your answers weren't lost, just hidden. I've activated all of the posted answers and you should see them appear in the next hour. We try to test everything before a code push, but occasionally we miss something (in this case something big). Once again, apologies.
Ice man
Thanks for your answer Dan, it is much appreciated.
Another one like the other one only this one is under what does that mean
Ice man
It means that q's and a's were floating around and not going where they were supposed to. Dan is an administrator and gave us an answer (above) as to why there was a problem in the first place... -
Linda Joy
I meant the category it was posted under -
Ice man
Like I said .. things weren't posting where they were supposed to go. -
Linda Joy
Yeah, and they don't have a frustration category! I've looked! Lol
Take a deep breath, calm down, breathe out thru your nose, count to eleven, have two more crumpets, open another bottle of Mexican beer and think about nubile young ladies playing beach volleyball. Feeling any better ?
Ice man
Yes thank you, those Codeine tablets, that you gave me, are working great : ) -
we are dough 68
Ah, those weren't Codeine. Let me know if you start menstruating.
not sure why, i havent had any problems
Linda Joy
This is an old question.
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